Chapter 43: Elevator

Liu Shun had done every single bad thing, so when the news of his car accident got out, many people said he deserved it. Someone had posted on Weibo that an owner of a real estate development company and his wife were involved in an accident..

There were always people who were bored with their life, so when the news came out, someone quickly revealed who the owner was, what wicked things he had done, and who he had an affair with. This information had resulted in a lot of online discussion and many claimed that it was karma since the likelihood of getting into an accident on a straight road was low.

Some people felt sorry for Liu Shun’s ex-wife and children, and started to calculate how much inheritance Liu Shun’s children could get after his death. For many, it was better for him to die than to live.

It could be the strong will of others, or perhaps Liu Shun really deserved it, after he was rescued and was no longer in critical condition, he still died that night. The doctor’s examination showed that he was choked to death.

However, after Liu Shun was sent to the hospital, not only could he not eat, he didn’t even take a sip of water, so how could he have choked to death?

Liu Shun’s parents felt that someone must have harmed their son, so they called the police.

The forensic doctor dissected Liu Shun’s body and found no foul play. They came to a conclusion that this man might have been choked to death by his own saliva.

Liu Shun’s parents couldn’t accept it, so they kept going to the police station or the hospital. They even accused their son’s ex-wife of murdering him, and that their grandson shouldn’t be with a vicious woman like this, so they wanted to get custody of their grandson.

But all the immoral things that Liu Shun did had already been exposed by netizens, so no matter what they said, they wouldn’t get anyone’s sympathy. Netizens were infuriated when they learned that the old couple was going to fight for custody.

They didn’t speak up when their son abandoned his wife, or when their son committed crimes. Now that their son was dead, they finally realized that no one would take care of them when they were old, or give them offerings when they passed.

No matter how unreasonable they were, they were still powerless against the majority. In the end, Liu Shun’s parents couldn’t stand the gossip anymore and went back to their hometown in despair to arrange a funeral for their son. As for the beautiful daughter-in-law lying in the hospital, they didn’t even care about her.

Liu Shun’s death had not affected many people’s lives. The only value of his death was to bring entertainment to the netizens and make some women realize how much of a scumbag some men were. His assets were divided, and the people involved in the project that he invested in found new investors, as if he had never existed in this world.

Some people are better off dead than alive. Some people might even be happier.

Qi Yan looked at the notification on his phone. He clicked it, and it was about Liu Shun. The article was very engaging. Although they did not write anything explicitly negative, it was filled with implicit mockery.

Chinese people have always respected the deceased, and it is rare to be scolded after death. However, people were so disgusted by Liu Shun’s actions that he was not spared even at death.

Putting his phone away, Qi Yan turned on the computer and searched for news about Luluo Community. Sure enough, there was no updated news and nothing about him going to Luluo Community to change its Feng Shui.

Guessing that this might be a favor from Cen Baihe, Qi Yan thought that he had done the right thing by bringing him along.

“Bam! Bam”

Hearing that someone was knocking loudly at his door, Qi Yan stood up unhurriedly, opened the door, and saw an acquaintance standing outside the door.

“Qi Yan,” The tall and thin man was holding a cane with a grim expression on his face, “Did you do something to my brother-in-law and sister? Why did something happen to them as soon as you left?!”

However, he didn’t look threatening as he could barely stand properly, but the big men behind him looked murderous.

The lanky man looked at Qi Yan as if he was looking at an enemy who murdered his family, “Are you sent by that bitch?”

Qi Yan looked at the man with sympathy. After he was done yelling, he slowly said, “Was it not enough that you broke your leg?”

“W-what do you mean?” The man remembered what happened last time, and his face suddenly turned white, “Did you cast some spells to break my leg?! Then my brother-in-law’s accident also has something to do with you? Tell me!”

The thugs who were behind the man had weird expressions, and they looked at their boss like they were looking at a crazy man.

What spells?

“Sir, these are the people!” Aunty Wang rushed out of the elevator and pointed at the man and the few strong men behind him, “I know that they are not good people, but now they are even promoting feudal superstition. It’s abominable!”

She clearly heard the cripple yelling about magical spell.

In the eyes of the police, it looked like an innocent young man was being threatened by a group of thugs. When they heard the mention of spells, they suspected that these people were involved in some cult, so they handcuffed all of them.

“Why don’t you study hard at this young age, instead of thinking about demons and sorcery?” Aunty Wang looked at the group of young people with hatred.

“Sir, this is a misunderstanding,” The detained thugs quickly explained, “We just accompany our boss to visit this person, we don’t intend to break into a house nor promote any cult. Don’t accuse us!”

“What are you doing in front of Qi Yan’s house?” Aunty Wang’s sharp eyes swept across these people. When she turned her head to meet Qi Yan’s gaze, her expression softened suddenly, “Qi Yan, did they hurt you?”

Qi Yan shook his head, “Thank you Aunty Wang, I’m fine. They came suddenly and were going to break my door down, saying that I killed his brother-in-law with a spell. This is…” He stopped and smiled helplessly, as if he was facing a mentally ill person.

“Bullsh*t…” The man didn’t expect Qi Yan to be shameless enough to pretend to be bullied. However, the police did not give him a chance to finish his swearing.

Qi Yan blinked and thanked the police and Aunty Wang with a smile, looking very polite and friendly.

There was nothing the man could do. He never thought that Master Qi had two faces! As he was being taken away by the police, he glanced back at him and was shocked.

He was still standing there, looking at him blankly. His eyes were like a pair of marbles, cold and emotionless.

The man shuddered. He felt cold air penetrated his whole body from the soles of his feet, and he almost peed himself.

After sending off the police and the enthusiastic Aunty Wang, Qi Yan returned to the house and stared at his messy wardrobe.

Cen Baihe’s father’s birthday party was coming soon, but he didn’t know what clothes to wear. If it was someone else’s birthday party, he would just put on a simple shirt. But this was different. Cen Baihe was not only his savior, but also his good friend. He couldn’t dress too shabbily, and allow others to judge Cen Baihe’s taste in friends.

Qi Yan thought for a while, he had no choice but to leave the house to go do some shopping.

For him, buying clothes was a very simple matter. Bring some money, tell the shop’s assistant his size, and pick a color that doesn’t hurt his eyes.

After buying two sets of formal clothes, when Qi Yan was about to get on the elevator, his knees suddenly became weak. He looked at the elevator and felt a little uneasy.

“Sir, do you need anything?” Seeing that Qi Yan suddenly stopped moving, the security guard at the mall hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

“There seems…” Qi Yan frowned, “…to be something wrong with the elevator?”

The security guard looked at the elevator in confusion, thinking that he was afraid of the elevator, he said, “Sir, please rest assured, our mall is under the Cen’s consortium, and the elevator is inspected every day. We take our customers’ safety very seriously.”

When he said “Cen’s consortium”, the security guard’s tone was filled with pride. Everyone in the country knew about Cen’s consortium’s good reputation. The quality of their projects were always better than others.

This was actually owned by Cen Baihe?

Qi Yan looked at the crowd standing in the elevator. If something happened to the elevator, the impact on Cen’s family should be huge. But looking at the confident expression of the security guard, it seemed that they did check the elevator every day.

The security guard thought that this young man was worrying too much, but he couldn’t show it on his face. After all, the customer is always right

Then he saw that the young man called someone, and soon a colleague came over to close the elevator, and asked professionals to inspect it. The situation seemed serious.

Seeing this, the security guard couldn’t help but wonder how this person was able to make the manager pay so much attention to an elevator with just a phone call?

After a while, the face of the technician in charge of inspecting the elevator became dark. He said to the manager who came with him, “There is indeed something wrong with the elevator. If…”

If the elevator hadn’t been stopped in time for maintenance, there might have been a major incident today.

The manager turned pale with fright and hurriedly reported the matter. He wondered how this person knew that there was a problem with the elevator, and asked them to stop the elevator immediately to repair it?

“Boss,” Liang Feng hung up the phone, “There is news from the mall that there is indeed a problem with the elevator, and someone is repairing it now.”

Cen Baihe nodded silently.

“I suspect that someone did this…” Seeing that his boss didn’t show much expression, he continued, “If it weren’t for Master Qi, there would be a big problem.”

“Yeah.” Cen Baihe’s lips curled up slightly.

- my thoughts:
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