Chapter 78

“Fifth Master, there are several police cars parked outside the school gate.” Zhao Li, who was driving, looked up at the gate of the kindergarten, but did not find Huang He. “Big He and Master Qi may be in the park.”

Cen Baihe nodded. With Qian Qian there, Tuan Tuan would definitely be fine. He could easily coax Tuan Tuan in less than a minute.

There were too many cars parked at the gate, so Cen Baihe had to get out of the car and walk over. When he arrived at the gate, he found that although there were many people outside, everyone who wanted to enter had to verify their identities. Several reporters who could not enter were holding their cameras, constantly taking photos.

Cen Baihe was a family member of one of the students, so the security guard let him in after verifying it.

There was an ambulance and a police car parked in the school. There were many reporters surrounding the ambulance. He was not interested in what they were doing. However, when he turned to go to the classroom, a police officer with an evidence bag passed by him and he glanced at the bag in his hand.

In the bag was a 40 to 50 centimeter-long knife with a silver blade and blood stains on it.

“I’m sorry, please wait a moment.” Cen Baihe stopped the police officer.

The policeman paused and turned to look at Cen Baihe, “Mr. Cen, can I help you?”

Cen Baihe looked at him, and then said in a casual tone, “What happened, why is there blood on it, and who got hurt?”

“This is the blood of one of the parents of the students, the children are alright,” the police officer said with a smile, “If there is nothing else, I will take the evidence into the car. I heard that the injured person is your friend. “

“Wait,” Cen Baihe motioned to Zhao Li to block the policeman’s way, “You seem to be in a hurry to get rid of me

“Mr. Cen, what do you mean by that?” The police officer took two steps back, but turned his head and found Zhao Li behind him, he clenched the evidence bag in his hand, “Mr. Cen, are you trying to obstruct the police? “

“No, I’m just curious about how you know my identity and who I’m friends with.” Cen Baihe was very worried about Qi Yan, but his instinct told him that this evidence bag was very important and could not be taken away. “These are things that even the head police may not be aware of, but you know it very well.”


The policeman’s expression changed slightly. He glanced at a few colleagues who were walking towards him, and said with a dry smile, “Because I like to gossip, so I know a little more than others.”

Cen Baihe smiled, but he didn’t believe a word of what he said. He never liked to use power to oppress people, but he would if there’s a need to, “Officer, before your chief comes, please don’t take the evidence away.”

If the injured person were Qian Qian, then the blood on the knife was his, and he didn’t feel comfortable seeing an unidentified person taking something that belonged to Qian Qian..

“You are so afraid that I will take the evidence away. Does the man who attacked the campus have anything to do with you?” The police officer sneered, “It is said that the Cen family has been kind and benevolent from generation to generation. It’s an honor to see Fifth Master Cen today.”

 “We don’t need you to praise how good our family is,” Cen Baihe was not provoked by the police officer’s words, “If I said that you can’t leave now, that means you can’t leave.”

When Zhao Li heard this, he couldn’t help but twitch the corners of his mouth. Fifth Master has spent so much time with Master Qi that he even speaks like him.

“Since you’re going to interfere with official business, then don’t blame me for being rude,” the police officer took out his pistol and pointed at Cen Baihe, “Fifth Master Cen, don’t ruin the hundreds of years of good reputation of the Cen family.”

Seeing the police officer holding up the gun at him, Cen Baihe’s eyes were slightly cold, and the corner of his mouth curved into a smile.

Seeing the smile on Cen Baihe’s face, the police officer felt a chill in his heart for no reason. He only knew that the Cen family was benevolent, but he didn’t know why no one in the capital dared to offend him. He rarely got angry, but when he did, he could shake the mountains and cause a tsunami.

“Crack!” Zhao Li, who was standing behind him, took this opportunity to grab his hand holding the gun. He only heard a crack, and a piercing pain came from his arm.

His arm was broken by Cen Baihe’s bodyguard.

Several policemen noticed the situation and rushed over. The policeman who ran at the front picked up the gun that fell on the ground, and found that the safety lock of the gun was off, so he hurriedly turned it on, and then put it away. This colleague was newly recruited from another place. Although they were not familiar with him, they couldn’t let other people hold him like that, “Sir, is there a misunderstanding?”

Cen Baihe glanced at the talking policeman, motioned Zhao Li to release him temporarily, and then handed him his business card, “I suspect that there is something wrong with this officer.”


The policeman took the business card and glanced at it, and his face changed suddenly. When he looked at the policeman again, his eyes showed suspicion, especially when he found out that he was still holding the suspect’s weapon, the color on his face changed, “Isn’t this in the evidence box, how did you take it out?”

They were not fools, and they all realized that something was wrong. The leading policeman wanted to take the evidence bag from this officer’s hand, but he kicked him and turned to run. Zhao Li, who had expected this, punched him in the abdomen, and he bent his body like a shrimp. Zhao Li took the opportunity to seize the evidence bag.

“Take him to the car and  handcuff him.” The leading police officer looked around and smiled at Cen Baihe and Zhao Li, “Thank you for your help.”

“The police are like family. You are welcome.”

The policeman laughed dryly. It felt so strange to hear Fifth Master Cen say that.

Just at this moment, two black cars drove in, with police lights on the roofs.

The car door opened, and several men in suits and leather shoes walked over. Cen Baihe knew the two of them. They were from the National Security Bureau. They also knew Cen Baihe, and after walking to them, they greeted Cen Baihe.

“Hello,, I’m Xiang Qiang from the National Security Bureau,” Xiang Qiang handed his work permit to the police, “May we take a look at the scene containing the victim’s blood?”

The leading policeman had a feeling that there was more to this matter, but he knew that he couldn’t ask more questions at this time, and immediately asked another police officer to bring them there.


Xiang Qiang asked three colleagues to remove the blood, and another colleague to retrieve the surveillance video of the incident to see if anyone took Qi Yan’s blood.

“This…” Xiang Qiang glanced at the evidence bag in the policeman’s hand, “Please come with me to see your captain, thanks.”

“Sure.” The police wouldn’t be so stupid as to obstruct people from the National Security Bureau, and immediatlely took them to the ambulance. Cen Baihe followed without hesitation. But when they saw the ambulance surrounded by reporters, they all stopped.

Xiang Qiang frowned, a little dissatisfied with this messy scene.

The police knew what he thought. In fact, he felt the same way. Journalists could bend the truth with their words. No matter what the police did, it would be deemed wrong. In the end, the police would receive a bad reputation. He used to be angry and wanted to quit since it didn’t matter what he did, people would still resent him for it. But when the people really needed his help, he couldn’t turn a blind eye or turn a deaf ear.

It was his choice to join the forces, so he had to take the responsibility.

After the doctor sutured Qi Yan’s wound, he wrapped a bandage on him. “The wound should not touch water, otherwise it may become inflamed.”

“Thank you.” Qi Yan watched the doctor dispose of the medical equipment, put the medical waste stained with his blood into a garbage bag, and said, “Can I have that?”

“This?” The doctor glanced at the medical waste on his hand in surprise. He had been a doctor for many years and had seen many patients with eccentricities, so even though he was a little surprised, he handed the bag to Qi Yan.

“A few days ago, a fortune-teller said that I would face a bloody disaster, and said that if I really saw blood, I couldn’t let it fall into the hands of others,” Qi Yan said helplessly, “I didn’t take it seriously, but it actually happened.”

When the nurse next to him heard it, she couldn’t help but chuckle, “You are so brave and even dared to fight the man with a knife, I didn’t expect you to believe this.”

“I’d rather believe it,” Qi Yan smiled at the young nurse, “You don’t think I encountered a bloodbath today?”

Cen Baihe climbed into the ambulance and saw Qi Yan and the female nurse chatting and laughing. His face sank and he said, “It seems like your injury is not serious.”

Otherwise, how can he flirt with the nurse?

“Baihe?!” Qi Yan moved farther away from the nurse, even though the ambulance was not very spacious, “Why are you here?”

“How would I know that you are injured if I don’t come?” Cen Baihe felt that he should be angry, but seeing Qi Yan’s pale face, the anger in his heart disappeared in an instant, “Are you seriously hurt?”

“I’m fine, it’s just a few stitches. If it was serious, I would definitely be in the hospital now,” Qi Yan raised his face and smiled at Cen Baihe, “Have you gone to see Tuan Tuan? I don’t know if she’s still afraid.”

“Don’t worry, my brother and sister-in-law have already gone to see her,” Cen Baihe squatted in front of Qi Yan, looked at his bandaged hand, and sighed, “Why are you so careless?”

“In that situation, if I was too careful, those children would have been the victims,” ​​Qi Yan saw Cen Baihe’s sullen face, and pulled his face with his uninjured hand, “Don’t be so serious, just smile.”

“I can’t smile when you’re so careless,” Cen Baihe looked at him with a strange face, “I really want to lock you in the room and beat you up.”

“Okay, father!” Qi Yan spit out the words in his heart.

“What did you just call me?!”

- my thoughts:
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