Chapter 2493 Sun Ying Was Despised By The Villagers

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Once Mrs. Li was angry, she could make Sun Ying lose everything, and she could also force Sun Dongqing to have nowhere to go. She could completely turn her face against Ye Zhifan, ruin the relationship between the husband and wife, have the ex-wife send a report letter to the Disciplinary Inspection Commission, making both husband and wife become each other’s greatest enemy.


Sun Ying actually thought that she could get away from that powerful Mrs. Li.


Pity, pity, really such a pity.

Ye Jian was confident that what was waiting for Sun Ying after she walked out of the court was definitely not freedom, but a dead, dark and thorny end that would make her want to die and that she would bleed at every step she took. 

Facing Sun Ying’s arrogance, Ye Jian smiled faintly and only took a glance at her.


Ye Jian did not hire a lawyer, so the entire process ended very quickly. In addition, Mrs. Li hired a lawyer for Sun Ying with sufficient preparations. Sun Ying, who was repatriated by the army, had already been punished and should be released by the court.


The presiding judge had already seen Sun Ying’s case, and indeed, as the defense lawyer said, the prisoner Sun Ying did not commit any substantive crimes; the crime was mainly slander.

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The lawyer that Mrs. Li hired also submitted a document, and that document happened to be the one that Ye Jian signed yesterday.

Everything went according to Mrs. Li’s plan. Sun Ying was “forgiven” by Ye Jian and would be released after she apologized.

Sun Dongqing cried with joy. Great, great, her baby girl was finally fine, everything was over! It was really over! Everything she had done was worth it; all of it was worth it.

“Great, great, you’re free at last, you’re free at last…” At this moment, Sun Dongqing was crying very excitedly.

She didn’t mind, and she didn’t have any objections if she had to be locked up for ten or eight years.

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She was overjoyed, but Ye Zhifan was the opposite. He stared angrily.


He had obviously made a deal with Ye Jian that she would prevent Sun Ying, his rebellious daughter, from leaving prison. Ye Jian did not keep her promise. She did not do what she promised him.

For a moment, Ye Zhifan was so angry that his eyes turned black, and he wanted to rush over to question Ye Jian loudly.


The classmates sitting in the auditorium and the villagers of Shuikou Village were stunned when they heard what Sun Ying had done to Ye Jian over the years.

“Why did she frame Ye Jian so much! And that time, she even said that she accidentally found Ye Jian writing a love letter to the math teacher? Oh my God, I actually believed her!”


“She also said that Ye Jian cheated in the exam; I believed it too! I also helped her to lecture Ye Jian.”

“She’s really too much! Sun Ying has actually been using us from beginning to end! Playing us like idiots!”

 “Judge, this sentence is unfair to Ye Jian!” A high school classmate stood up, pointed at Sun Ying, and said very angrily, “She made rumors and caused Ye Jian to suffer so many wrongs and was misunderstood by so many people. But look at her now, how is she feeling regretful now? She is obviously proud!”

“This is unfair; you can’t convict her of slander so easily! That crime is too light! Such a person is clearly a scum in society. She will not be grateful if you just let her go, and she will even think that she deserves the release!”

“Judge, this can’t be done. She did so many wrong things and almost caused Ye Jian to drop out of school. How can she be released with just an apology?” 

After one person protested, at least a dozen people joined it.

Hearing the protest, the pale-faced Sun Ying’s shoulders shrank, and her hands stubbornly gripped the fence in front of her, supporting her weak body.

- my thoughts:
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