Chapter 2494 Criticize Behind Their Backs

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Big Mouth Yu was bold; she also joined in the protest and echoed, “We are not convinced. Sun Ying bullied Ye Jian from a young age. How can she be released after an apology? She should at least pay some money, you know, what reputation loss fee?”

“What money? Even if nothing happens to this kind of person, it will just be an embarrassment to have her in our village. We will be pointed and criticized by others behind our backs!”

Hearing those words, the pale-faced Sun Ying’s shoulders shrank, and her hands stubbornly gripped the fence in front of her, supporting her weak body.

Her eyes were full of horror. Her eyes jumped from her protesting classmates for a while, and then to Ye Jian, then she turned her gaze to the judge…No, no, she couldn’t sit. Still, she had to find a way to get out.

The solemn court suddenly became noisy.


Sun Dongqing was furious. The youngsters’ objection, the entire village’s protesting not allowing her daughter to return to the village. All of them wanted her daughter to suffer. She couldn’t bear it; she yelled, “What the heck do you think you all are? Who do you think you are to talk about my daughter, you….”

She still wanted to shout, but the presiding judge picked up the hammer and knocked three times, “Silent, silent!” and then he said to the bailiff, “Take her out.”

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The judge didn’t allow Sun Dongqing to stay in the court any longer.

Upon hearing this, Sun Dongqing, who had finally felt relieved, immediately struggled to resist the bailiff who was escorting her away, “No, I am not leaving, I want to hear the result! I am Sun Ying’s mother. I have the right to be here!”


“You are disturbing the court order! Bring her away!” The presiding judge hammered heavily, and the bailiff stopped being merciful. He directly dragged Sun Dongqing away from the scene like she was a dead pig.

Ye Zhifan, who was furious, smiled coldly when he saw this.

According to relevant laws and regulations, fined and detained, if a crime was constituted, criminal responsibility shall be pursued in accordance with the law, especially if the crime endangered the court security or disrupted the court order. Unfortunately, Sun Dongqing, that useless woman, did not break away from the bailiff. Otherwise, she would definitely make a good show.

Sun Dongqing was forcibly dragged away, and the entire court became quiet, followed by a temporary adjournment.

The presiding judge was talking to the jurors while Ye Jian was talking to her old classmates.

When everyone calmed down, the court was temporarily adjourned.

Ye Jian smiled at her old classmates, who were so angry when they discovered the truth, “Thank you for defending me. I can look past some things as long as the truth is exposed. I’m fine as long as I have everyone’s trust. It doesn’t matter if Sun Ying doesn’t regret it. The truth is out, and I’m not dissatisfied.”


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“She has indeed been punished in prison. We have to believe that the outcome of the trial is fair and just. I know everyone is very angry and wants to fight justice for me. However, my old classmates, the judge has already made it clear that Sun Ying’s crime is indeed slander….”

The old classmates were not only fighting for justice for Ye Jian but also for their sake. They were all angry that they were deceived.


With Ye Jian’s persuasion, the noises gradually softened.

“You’re really forgiving her just like this? Ye Jian, look at the things she did. They’re all horrible! Although it didn’t cause any physical damage, sometimes the damage to the mind and body is more painful and deeper than the visible damage.”

Zhang Na pursed her lips and said in a cold voice, “We can teach her a good lesson now. She should be taught well. Have you seen how she was earlier? She didn’t look like she admitted her mistakes at all. She was clearly… provoking you.”

Even if she was provocative, she was just like a grasshopper; she couldn’t jump for too long.

- my thoughts:
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