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Chapter 3556 Dead Man

Originally, she thought he would explain it, but he actually pretended that nothing happened and asked her if she won or lost. Song Lanting’s face became colder than before.     And the group of other women, who accompanied the buddies, couldn’t wait to watch the excitement when they saw this.      Sitting next to Song Lanting was a bottom-tier female ...

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- my thoughts:
Sorry for the delay once again, life's been really hectic right now for me. With assignment deadlines and exams right around the corner, and me having to do most of my work on my phone while I wait for an OEM adaptor to be delivered to my house... I really feel burned out now. To all readers who've read this far, I apologize for this selfish request, but I'll be taking a month-long break to gather myself together before returning. Stay tuned~
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