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Chapter 4794 The True Meaning Of Life

叶简早在后台便看到坐主席台的杨少将,加之还在后台教员笑着告诉她军部会有一个嘉奖给她,这会儿看到杨少将起身,叶简顿萌生想要逃离现场的冲动。 Ye Jian had seen Major General Yang sitting on the rostrum from backstage. The instructor told her that there would be a reward for her from the military. When Ye Jian saw Major General Yang standing up, she suddenly har the impulse to flee the scene.      主持人也是厉害,竟一眼看穿叶简心中所想,打趣道:“叶简,我怎么感觉你好像有点迫不及待想逃离这个礼台呢。” The host was also very smart. He could see through ...

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