Chapter 30: Enemies on a narrow road [1]

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“Mercenary registration requires one gold coin.” That young girl answered with a smiled.

Nodding his head, Long Yi paid the fee as he filled up the registration form given to him by the girl. When he was done, she gave him a mercenary card along with a mercenary medal to complete his registration process. A shield and two swords cross were engraved on that medal, and that medal was white in color. As the lowest level F-ranked mercenary, after successfully completing a certain number of missions, he could rise in rank. The medal of an E-ranked mercenary was red in color, D-ranked was green in color, C-ranked was yellow in color, B-ranked was purple in color, A-ranked was silver in color, and S-rank was golden in color. With the S-rank being the highest level a mercenary could have.

After completing the registration, Long Yi proceeded to the place where missions were issued. There were many different missions posted on the board, as Long Yi scanned through them. Long Yi looked through the F-ranked missions for a while, and discovered that all the missions were about killing several fire rabbits, delivering letters and so on. The other E-ranked and D-ranked missions were comparable to the F-ranked ones, posing no challenge at all to Long Yi.

As he was looking through the missions on the mission board, an A-ranked mission at the top of the board caught his eye. The mission requirement was to go to the Yuxu Mountain which was 800 li away from Light City to kill the B-class magical beast, “Earth Bear”. After which the mercenary was required to take out a white colored jade-like stone from its abdomen. Mission reward; 10,000 Amethyst coins. Seeing this, Long Yi was dumbfounded, and thought, “Is this talking about that Earth Bear?”

Long Yi pondered, “How did the person who issued this mission know that there is a white colored jade inside the abdomen of the Earth Bear? His aim was clearly to obtain that white-colored jade-like stone… 10,000 Amethyst coins, truly a good bait.” But Long Yi was naturally not that stupid to hand over that white colored jade to complete this mission. His intuition was telling him that there was more than meets the eye. As Long Yi had no wish to be embroiled in the troubles that followed.

At the moment Long Yi was pondering over the A-ranked mission, a clamor broke out in the hall. Long Yi turned his head and looked towards the hall as he saw a 7-chi tall giant man carrying a huge sword on his shoulders drawing the attention of everyone with his loud voice.

Long Yi naturally walked over to listen to what the giant man had to say. “For Huangmang plain’s Lost City mission, we are recruiting high ranked fighters and magicians. Our team is very powerful. We have two Advance Magicians, two Advance Fighters, one Swords Master, and one elf archer. Anyone that wants to join, come to me to sign up.”

As soon as this giant man opened his mouth, more than half of the originally lively crowd suddenly dispersed. The only person among them who looked like a magician spoke up, “Only a fool would take this A-ranked mission. Last time, Heavenly Thunder Mercenary Group accepted this mission, and were completely wiped out in Huangmang plain.”

Hearing what this magician had said, Long Yi immediately went up to him and asked, “Big brother, is the strength of Heavenly Thunder Mercenary Group which you have mentioned just a moment ago comparable to this person’s group?”

This magician looked at Long Yi from top to bottom, and saw the F-ranked mercenary medal on his chest. After seeing Long Yi appearance, he gained a general understanding of Long Yi’s question. “Did you just join the mercenary guild? If so, then no wonder you don’t know about Heavenly Thunder Mercenary Guild. This Heavenly Thunder Mercenary Group was a B-ranked mercenary group. They had one Master Magician, one Great Swords Master, and a dozen or so Advance magicians and Advance Fighters. Even then, they were completely wiped out in Huangmang plain. Now, you think about it, isn’t this stupid, and several other Advance Fighters courting death to accept this mission?”

After hearing this, Long Yi thought for a while. After that, he turned and looked at the giant man before asking with a smile, “Hello, may I ask if I can join?”

That giant man stared at Long Yi, Seeing how Long Yi was dressed up, he mistakenly believed that Long Yi was one of those sons of rich families coming over to seek amusement. Without bother to clarify the situation, that giant man snapped at Long Yi, “We are going for a mission, not for a tour.”

“I said I want to go with you for the mission. Look here, just a moment ago, I have already registered as a mercenary.” Long Yi said with a smile while pointing at his mercenary medal on his chest.

The giant man hesitated for a short while and asked, “Are you a magician or a fighter?”

“Fighter.” Long Yi took out a huge sword from his space ring, then just like the giant man he carried his huge sword on his shoulder.

After seeing Long Yi’s sword, the giant man could not help but become a little jealous of Long Yi. The mighty and magnificent design of this huge sword clearly showed that this it was hand-crafted by a first-rate dwarf blacksmith. Moreover, the blade of this huge sword was made up of steel forged after being refined a hundred times. The price of this sword could easily go up to 5 Amethyst coins which to many, was quite a fortune.

“Are you Advance Fighter?” The attention of that giant man didn’t leave the huge sword of Long Yi.

Without replying the giant man, Long Yi just swung his huge sword around and instantly, a light blue colored douqi flashed along the sword, which covered the entire length of the blade.

“You are a Swords Master? We naturally welcome you to join us. Haha.” That giant man was bubbling with excitement as he had never expected for this youth standing in front of him to be a Swords Master. Especially since that youth was barely 20 years old, he felt even more bewildered as he had trained extremely hard for 30 years before obtaining the qualifications of a Swords Master.

“My name is Ha Lei, what is your name?” The giant man candidly extended his big hand to Long Yi.

“Long Yi, I hope for a pleasant cooperation with you.” Long Yi replied as he also extended his hand to shake the hand of the giant.

“Please wait here for a moment, so we can find a magician. Then we can go and meet the rest of the team.” That giant man answered Long Yi.

Ha Lei’s recruiting started again as he started shouting the details of the mission all over the place.but when everyone heard that he was finding teammates for the Huang mang plain’s Lost city mission, they dispersed. Just before Long Yi and Ha Lei were about to go and meet the rest of their teammates for lunch, a soft voice sounded out from behind Long Yi, “I don’t know if you would allow me to join your team?”

Hearing this voice, Long Yi turned around and was dumbfounded. As it turns out, this voice belonged to the same woman who has some conflict with him in the inn the day before. As far as Long Yi could see, she was wearing the same black robe and had the same plain face as before.

“My name is Leng Youyou, Advance Spirit Magician.” Leng Youyou introduced herself to Ha Lei as if she didn’t see Long Yi before taking out a medal from the magician guild.

“You are Spirit Magician? good good, you are welcome to join. Finally, we are ready to start the mission.” Ha Lei happily said. He didn’t expect that he would have such good fortune today. Not only did he manage to find a Swords Master, he also managed to find an Advance Spirit Magician to join his team for the mission. One should know that Spirit Magicians were extremely rare, Their attacks were silent which made it extremely difficult to defend against. The worst thing about Spirit Magicians was that they could directly attack the soul of a person instead of the physical body, and if one’s soul suffered damage, they could become vegetables. This made Spirit Magicians extremely fearsome but yet powerful at the same time.
After she introduced herself, the eyes of Long Yi and her met. Sparks flew in all direction as tension built up between them.

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“So your name is Leng Youyou, it seems we are fated to meet each other.” Long Yi said with a smile.

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Leng Youyou snorted and replied him coldly, “Who has fate with you?”

“How is this not a fate! As the saying goes, it takes a hundred years to stay on a ship together. It takes a thousand years to sleep in the same bed. Seeing as we are here meeting each other now, it seems like we have already known each other for a hundred years in the previous life.” Long Yi laughed.

“Even if we knew each other, we were definitely enemies in our previous incarnation.” Leng Youyou stared at Long Yi icily before replying him.

“Well if there were any grievances between the two of you, just leave them alone for the time being. I’ll now bring you to meet the other teammates.” Said Ha Lei, before leading the two of them out of the mercenary guild.

Leng Youyou resolutely stared at Long Yi before walking behind Ha Lei. Long Yi gazed at the perky buttocks of Leng Youyou and couldn’t help but lightly laugh, “Although she doesn’t have a pretty face, she actually possess a real devilish figure, tsk.”

[1] Title is idiom: enemies run into each other frequently

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