
[Write a story or poem that starts with the word “hello” or other greeting.]


Was what he told me,

His smile I,

couldn’t tell was phony.


He said was I,

Successfully flattering me,

Not knowing it was a lie.

His goal,

To sell a membership,

This lonely one,

Understood as courtship.

There I went,

For quite a while,

Working out,

Putting in the extra mile.

It took me too long,

Pursuing him needlessly,

Unknown to me,

How he thought of me secretly.

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He never said it to my face,

But his friends did,

How according to them,

I looked worse than a squid.

I never blamed him,

For he was just too nice,

And I too oblivious,

To see that I was worth less than lice.

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Which apparently his friends thought I was,

Acting like a parasite,

Attached to him by a crush,

But never having the courage to bite.

Though not everything is based on looks,

It can help quite a bit if you’re pretty,

Not everything will be different,

But life just won’t be as gritty.

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