Chapter 1034: Perfection Sword Art

The Heaven Stab Sword God was the vice-guildmaster of the Swordsmen Guild. His half-god equipment was one of the top ten god swords, the Soul Stab Sword.

The Soul Stab Sword might only be a high-grade half-god equipment, but it was the most terrifying among the high-grade half-god equipment. It was superior to the Storm Rain Saber God’s Storm Rain Saber.

Of course, in situations when half-god equipment’s power were comparable, it would be up to the user’s proficiency level.

The Heaven Stab Sword God’s proficiency was very high. His sword art had already reached the perfection-state of star domain-level. With a high sword art level, it would allow the half-god equipment to burst out with more power. It would also make the half-god equipment’s power more concentrated, without any wastage.

In the Half-God Domain, the Heaven Stab Sword God once battled a pinnacle half-god and he was only slightly inferior. Therefore, in the eyes of the four half-gods here, the Heaven Stab Sword God was equivalent to a pinnacle half-god.

“Heaven Stab Sword God, the others might be afraid of you, but I am not.” The Riot Battle God licked his lips and was eager to fight.

“Is that so?” The Heaven Stab Sword God thrust his sword at the Riot Battle God.


The sword was too fast and the Riot Battle God only had enough time to shift his body a little. The thrust immediately pierced through a hole on his shoulder.

If it was anyone else, they would have been pierced through in the center.

“Wild Riot World!” The Riot Battle God roared with anger and slammed his palm at the Heaven Stab Sword God. The layers of palm forces were wild and overbearing.

“Blood Stab Form!”

The Heaven Stab Sword God’s sword was unpredictable and extremely sharp, while the Heaven Stab Sword God didn’t make any unnecessary movement either. The Riot Battle God’s palm form was dispersed and his body was bursting with blood.

“World Shatter.”

The Riot Battle God’s body was emitting a black halo as he smashed towards the Heaven Stab Sword God.

“Bone Stab Form!”

The Heaven Stab Sword God and the Riot Battle God passed through each other.


The Riot Battle God’s body was immediately pierced through and there was a fountain of blood that burst out from his back.

“The Heaven Stab Sword God is indeed incredible.” The Storm Rain Saber God shook his head as he knew that the Riot Battle God wasn’t a match for the Heaven Stab Sword God.

“Riot Battle God, I will assist you.” 

Only allowed on

If it was in another situation, the Blood God would never help the Riot Battle God. But now that the Heaven Stab Sword God was on Li Fuchen12Li FuchenMain Protagonist’s side, he was definitely their mutual enemy now.

“Blood Sea Universe.”

A borderless blood sea started to envelop the Heaven Stab Sword God.

“Contesting with me in great dao universe?” The Heaven Stab Sword God sneered and released the Heaven Stab Sword Dao Universe.

Bang Boom!

The Blood God’s Blood Sea Universe was repeatedly pushed back. Shortly after, it was surrounded by the Heaven Stab Sword Dao Universe.

“Golden Radiance God Domain!”

At this moment, the Golden Radiance God had no choice but to make a move. He couldn’t just slip away like this.

With the Golden Radiance God Domain, the Blood Sea Universe was barely able to maintain its form and not collapse.

“Storm Rain Saber God, are you not going to make a move?” The Blood God looked at the Storm Rain Saber God.

The Storm Rain Saber God wrapped his arms and said in a cool manner, “Why should I be involved in your fight?”

The Storm Rain Saber God had given up on dealing with Li Fuchen.

“Many thanks, I shall treat you to a drink after this.” The Heaven Stab Sword God nodded towards the Storm Rain Saber God.

The Storm Rain Saber God was very strong and if he joined in, the Heaven Stab Sword God would be receiving some pressure.

“Alright, it’s a deal.” The Storm Rain Saber God grinned.

At their level, their collection of wine was brewed by themselves. It was unknown how much effort and precious resources were invested. The Storm Rain Saber God was definitely interested in the Heaven Stab Sword God’s wine.

When fighting against the trio, the Heaven Stab Sword God still had the superiority. Each move of his was perfect and flawless. The crucial thing was still the utmost power that could easily disperse most of the half-god energy from the trio.

As for the trio, they were only able to land their attacks occasionally.

“Heaven Stab Sword God, you are indeed strong.”

The Blood God was the first to retreat. In terms of defense, he didn’t have the low-grade half-god equipment, Golden Radiance Armor, like the Golden Radiance God. He wasn’t comparable to the Riot Battle God who could continue enduring the damage, as his half-god energy wasn’t as ample.

With the Blood God withdrawn, the Riot Battle God and the Golden Radiance God were no longer a match for the Heaven Stab Sword God.

The Golden Radiance God was doing a little better, since he had the low-grade half-god equipment, Golden Radiance Armor, and the high-grade half-god equipment, Spear of Golden Radiance. He was well-equipped in terms of offense and defense.

But the Riot Battle God was only superior in energy and defense. In the face of the Heaven Stab Sword God, he couldn’t even resist and was only on the receiving end of the attacks.

“Heaven Stab Sword God, I shall remember you!” The Riot Battle God yelled with anger and left reluctantly.

“I shall definitely defeat you the next time.” The Golden Radiance God had a dark expression. Before coming here, he had never expected the situation to develop like this. In his opinion, seizing Li Fuchen was supposed to be a simple task.

With a golden flash, the Golden Radiance God vanished without a trace.

“Impressed, truly impressed. Defeating three by yourself.” The Storm Rain Saber God gave an applause. 

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If it was him, he would barely be able to contest against two, let alone defeating three.

“Once your saber art is at the perfection-state of star domain-level, you will not be inferior to me.” The Heaven Stab Sword God smiled.

The Storm Rain Saber God let out a bitter smile, “How can it be that easy.”

Perfection-state of star domain-level was already the limit in this universe, any further would be the god’s realm.

The universe had plenty of half-gods, but there were at most a dozen or twenty individuals with perfection-state of star domain-level martial arts.

Of course, there were differences between those with perfection-state of star domain-level martial arts. If one was a swordsman, there would definitely be a flaw if one’s sword art was at perfection-state of star domain-level but the sword technique wasn’t at perfection-state of star domain-rank. Only by having both at the perfection-state of star domain, then it would be considered true perfection, achieving absolute lord.

Among all the half-gods in the universe, there were only a handful of absolute lords.

“This is a perfection sword art?”

As a swordsman with a sword art at the late-state of star domain-level, Li Fuchen saw more clearly than anyone. The Heaven Stab Sword God’s sword art was extremely fearsome and it had reached the level of turning rot into divinity, reverting divinity into origin. Each move was filled with nature, and simply flawless.

In simpler terms, the Heaven Stab Sword God’s sword art had already risen to the same level as the universe. When Li Fuchen was fighting, he would still need to borrow the sword dao source energy to fight. If he was in a place where there was no sword dao source energy, his strength would drop drastically.

But for the Heaven Stab Sword God, even if he didn’t have the help of sword dao source energy, he could still wield his strength freely. The only difference was the consumption rate. With the sword dao source energy, he could save his energy and battle with ease. After all, one’s energy capacity had a limit while the universe didn’t have a limit.

Apart from that, half-gods had energy that had transcended into half-god energy and it had a trace of danger to the universe. Therefore, the universe would naturally create a resistance to the half-gods. If the half-god’s proficiency level was high enough, the resistance would be reduced.

Once the sword art reached the perfection-state of star domain-level, it was hard for the universe to obstruct it. After all, the universe didn’t have a conscious mind, it only had a macro willpower. It couldn’t intentionally target a certain phenomenon or individual, unless one’s strength had severely threatened it.

The universe was massive and limitless, half-god energy might be a little danger to the universe, but the level of danger was the same as a small rock dropping off a mountain, almost insignificant.

Not even a god would be able to severely endanger the universe.

One could have a clue just by seeing the Battlefield of God.

The Heaven Stab Sword God’s sword art was definitely a huge inspiration for Li Fuchen.

Li Fuchen’s perception was heaven-defying and unparalleled. After witnessing a true perfection-state star domain-level sword art, Li Fuchen’s sword art proficiency instantly appeared with a slight ease.

“All sword daos will merge back into the same path, it is only different due to individual branding. It is just like an iron sword which has the same material, but when the blacksmith is different, the style of the sword will also be different.”

“In order for the sword art to breakthrough to the perfection-state of star domain-level, it isn’t just to simply improve the sword dao. The most important factor is to let the sword art become a part of my breathing, allowing the sword art to be in union with myself.”

LI Fuchen’s eyes were growing brighter and he couldn’t wait to enter a seclusion to comprehend his sword art.

“Primary Extreme Lord, you are too much. Your Swordsmen Guild’s vice-guildmaster is here to rescue you and you are not out here to welcome him.” The Storm Rain Saber God laughed as he said to Li Fuchen.

“This junior gives his greetings to Senior Heaven Stab Sword God.” Li Fuchen responded quickly by flying out of the Deep Blue Plane and cupping his fist.

The Heaven Stab Sword God sized up Li Fuchen and nodded, “Good, very good, you are much more outstanding than I imagine. You are actually able to retreat unscathed even with so many half-gods. It seems like the Taichi Sword Progenitor isn’t overstating. You might indeed be the True Child of Universe.”

Each Child of Universe carried great qi fate and as long as they didn’t perish, they would basically become half-gods.

Among the Children of Universe, it was rumored that there was one True Child of Universe and this Child of Universe would never perish. He or she would become a half-god, and it was just a matter of time.

Of course, it was unknown if this was true or false. After all, the Children of Universe didn’t have the title carved on their bodies.

Apart from that, an ordinary Child of Universe could perish and once they perished, another new Child of Universe would be born.

A True Child of Universe wouldn’t perish in the universe, but would still be killed in the Half-God Domain, especially within the Battlefield of God. Let alone a Child of Universe, even if you are the universe’s brother, you would still die, only a little more difficult as compared to others.

In the Heaven Stab Sword God’s opinion, if Li Fuchen was a True Child of Universe, as long as Li Fuchen didn’t go to the Half-God Domain, no one would be able to deal with him. As for the high-grade universe treasure in his hands, no one would be able to snatch it.

A horrific amount of qi fate was required to snatch a treasure from a True Child of Universe.

There were only cases of Children of Universe easily obtaining treasures, never cases of their treasure being taken easily.

If a True Child of Universe was robbed, then that person might not be a True Child of Universe.

The explanation might be contradictory, but it was just the case.

“You keep the high-grade universe treasure well. If there isn’t anything urgent, stay inside the Deep Blue Plane, unless you wish to enter the Half-God Domain.”

Originally, the Heaven Stab Sword God planned to trade with Li Fuchen for the high-grade universe treasure. But the moment he saw Li Fuchen, he had changed his mind.

“This child must not be offended.” The Heaven Stab Sword God thought in his mind. It was a kind of instinct as a person whose sword art had reached the perfection-state of star domain-level.

The Heaven Stab Sword God had always trusted his instinct.

“Junior shall remember your advice.” Li Fuchen nodded. After this incident, he would go into seclusion and wouldn’t leave the Deep Blue Plane until he became an absolute lord.

“This is a small gift. Treat it as a meeting gift from a senior.” The Heaven Stab Sword God tossed a broken saber to Li Fuchen.

“Senior, you must not.” Li Fuchen was stunned to receive a gift at the first meeting.

The Heaven Stab Sword God replied, “Just treat it as my investment on you. That’s right, I have high expectations of you. In the future, I might just need your assistance. This broken saber is a broken half-god equipment. It is unable to make someone into a half-god, but you can gather half-god energy for a short period of time. According to my assumption, when this saber was still intact, it should be a high-grade half-god equipment.” 

“A broken high-grade half-god equipment?” Li Fuchen raised his brows.

This was a great treasure and its value was definitely not lower than a mid-grade universe treasure. Among his people, Yan Qingwu would definitely be able to use it.

“Many thanks to senior.” Li Fuchen knew that if he didn’t accept this broken saber, he would be rejecting the friendship with the Heaven Stab Sword God and it was very foolish to do so.

“I hope the next time we meet, it will be in the Half-God Domain.”

The Half-God Domain was a place of unresting battles, while the Battlefield of God was where gods perished. The Heaven Stab Sword God was planning for the future, otherwise, he wouldn’t just give out this broken high-grade half-god equipment. After all, he didn’t have any ties with Li Fuchen.

“Definitely.” Li Fuchen was looking forward to visiting the Half-God Domain.

“Storm Rain Saber God, let’s go and have a drink.”

The Heaven Stab Sword God was in a good mood and went to look for a place to have a drink with the Storm Rain Saber God.

“Fate is truly mystical.” Looking at the broken saber in his hand, Li Fuchen was still in a trance.

— New chapter is coming soon —
- my thoughts:
Apologies everyone. I have been down for a long time. I will try my best to continue and finish this.
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