Chapter 27- 1 Vs 160,000


My brave man. It broke my heart to refuse him. I was surprised that he was so stubborn and refused to yield. Of course, it was more logical to defend and hold out,  even if we only had a week of supplies left. We had twenty thousand soldiers, and on average, most of them are barely trained. We couldn’t hope to compete against over one hundred thousand experienced soldiers of the southern suppression army and a conscription of sixty thousand slaves that suddenly appeared. On the other side, we’re keeping five thousand people there to hold the wall, but supplies are slim all around. I too want to defend the world source and the lands of my people, but all we can do is hold here. I didn’t dare try to stop my mate when he went into the armory. All he took was some average quality gear, a simple sword, a round shield, and a bow with three arrows. He then moved over  to the gate and left through a guard door. No one understand what he was planning on doing as we looked upon the formed battlelines of the humans, then he knotted the arrows as he walked.


Suddenly, a light enveloped his body.

‘World magic5magicstory mechanic transformation. Dragonnewt!’ (Emperor)

I became weak kneed after he activated a skill. My mate just changed species. Not as an illusion, but as a physical transformation. He then started walking forward again as he held the bow vertical as he drew it.

‘World magic. wake of freedom.’ (Emperor)

I didn’t understand what the skill meant as he loosed the arrows. At the top of their arc, they started flying straight toward their targets and a curse net seemed to ensnare every single slave in the opposing army. He then tossed away the bow as he started to run. Instantly, sixty thousand soldiers of the enemy were taken from the fight. What happened next was even more unbelievable.


‘World magic transformation. Pure blood dragon1dragonspecies!’

He shouted in everyone’s mind as he came into contact with the army. To the pikeman’s surprise, his body turned harder than steel armor as he quickly turned, catching a large group of enemies in his tail as he inhaled. As he started to face the army again, not a flame, but a beam of fire left his jaws burning across the army in front of him. He annihilated the front and mid lines instantly. There would have been even more damage to the center of the army if a great shield didn’t block there. After the attack, my mate saw that as well, but he ignored it as he rampaged across the field. At this time, I considered retreating, so I gripped the door he came out of.

“Come back, please.” (Empress)

I said quietly, but I yelled it loudly in my mind. I unwillingly distracted him as he looked my way as a harpoon entered his hind leg, causing him to open his jaws and silently scream. Even now, he was mute, but I could hear him scream. I closed my eyes apologetically as another harpoon entered his body, then another and another.


In his mental screams, I could hear a word.

‘Break!’ (Emperor)

His body then returned to normal, but it was really bloody and injured now. I could tell that the one with the shield was a hero. My mate could only strike his shield once before becoming their play toy.

‘Aim for it. They’ll awaken soon.’ (Emperor)

I heard him say that to me as he took a knee and dropped his sword and shield.

He then looked back at me.

“No, don’t. You can’t.” (Empress)

I started to say loudly, as I became frantic.

‘I love y…uhh.’ (Emperor)

As he was saying that, the hero stabbed my mate in the chest. At my mates last moments, I heard what he heard, saw, and felt.

“What the hell? He was a small fry, the game only gave me four exp for killing him.” (Hero)

I could feel my mate amusing smirk at that comment as his life faded.


I was full of rage and shame at my thoughts of desire as I drew my sword. I started to move forward without will or thought.

“World reaper eternal shockwave!” (Empress)

Notice! You created a new ability, ‘world reaper eternal shockwave’…

I pushed the skill notification thought from my mind as a blade shockwave doubled in size every sword length it traveled as it approached the enemy. That was my last conscious thought before I surcame to my blood rage. When I became aware again, I was looking over a vast battlefield of human bodies. Beastkin of all races and dragon kin of all levels were helping those that needed it. A new notice was in my vision.

Notice! Job changed from ‘slave rebel leader’ to ’empress’.


One month passed before I heard the voice of the world again. It was faint, but I wasn’t the only one that heard it. Around me were the leaders of each dragon house and all the powerful warriors of the war. Even now, we’re seized, but we are in a position of power and can hold the checkpoint indefinitely. All the slaves that me and my mate saved were now becoming regular people. Fields were tilled and planted in the rich soil. Towns were being built and cities were being made out of the human fortresses, including the capitol. I was feeling very tired and strained when I heard the voice call out to me. It was as my mate said. I felt shameful every time I thought about when I doubted him. How my first attack, world reaper eternal shockwave, left no trace of his body when it came in contact with the hero’s shield where my mate left the world curse mark. This triggered the trap curse of flame my mate left, disintegrating everything in the immediate area around the trap. I came to the pool as instructed as the light enveloped the area. It wasn’t long before a shadow of something could be seen raising from inside the pool. The moment I realized what it was, I rushed into the pool after stripping off all of my gear. I haven’t swam again since my mate taught me how when it was only us in that small dank cave. As soon as I got to the being in the pool, a dragonnewt that raised from the waters, I was crying in joy. Especially as his eyes opened.


He then put a gentle hand on the side of my head.

“I told you we should follow the worlds plan.” (Emperor)

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The voice was so familiar, but strange as well.

“My mate, I I…. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you.” (Empress)

His gentle warmth enveloped me with his smile as his lower half went into the water.

“It doesn’t matter now. I’m a hero that will always be reborn if my body remains.” (Emperor)

I confusedly looked at him after he said that.

“But I destroyed your body?” (Empress)

He shook his head, then he embraced me.

“You destroyed a shell the humans put on my soul. That wasn’t my original body on this plain. I have no natural body in this world. That is how heros can cheat death so easily.” (Emperor)

I was still confused as he held me in his arms.


Only allowed on

“The world gave me a mortal form. One that will not cheat death, but with the full benefits of life.” (Emperor)

He smiled at me very happily as I felt his touch under the water.

“I believe your desires were bigger and thicker. With my new body, I can also match the vigor that’s needed.” (Emperor)

Notice! Restraints cast upon you on the world has ended. Your mating season has begun. Due to world contribution, stamina and hunger levels will decrease at a 20% slower rate.

We looked deeply into each other’s eyes after that.

“I will never betray you.” (Emperor)

I was relieved. Deep down, I always worried. A small fragment of my being always resisted him, but now, I accepted him wholeheartedly. I opened myself up him with complete trust. He then took me with complete gentleness of an inexperienced man. It was like he was afraid to ever have to break that trust for any reason. Which is one of the reasons why I love him.



Hero’s rebirth, the cheat like ability of those summoned from another world. Naturally, this is an unnatural thing. Normally, you need the blessings of a god, a goddess, or the will of the world to do such a thing, but humans have found a way to bypass these restrictions. This of course is to transplant one’s otherworldly soul into another person’s body. Over time, the foreigners soul will be restored to have the former bodies abilities. However, the empress, and later on many of the empire, learned a soul severing ability that will no longer allow a soul to bypass these restrictions. In the eyes of humanity, this ability lead to the fall of heroes. While they were still powerful beings, without them being basically immortal, the burden of summoning and maintaining them became too high of a cost for their worth.

- my thoughts:
1 more chapter. Happy Independence Day everyone, I also will be releasing 3 bonus chapters of KS today so enjoy. Also note I will be slowing my release frequency down as I will not be releasing another novel for the time being.
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