B2 — 19. A Courtly Show

PoV :   Empress Elinor (Wait … what’s up with Iris?!  How long?!)

Recap:  A week has passed since Iris has been … not MIA, per se, Elinor knows exactly where her Spider Queen is … she’s just been out of contact, and she can’t find a way to bridge the gap.  Iris infiltrated a base hidden in the clouds … Baxter’s home, which has gone through multiple worlds through the Crystal Gateways.

The issue … if Iris can’t return … Iris, then who could she send?  Iris is her absolute best unit, built for this job specifically, which means her daughters wouldn’t be able to handle the task.

Where does that leave our Undead Empress?  Agitated … working on her Death Energy Pool … looking for ANY unit that could help … which would require the highest rank, yet the ONLY available person that could rival Iris within her knowledge is Ke’Thra’Ma, and he’s still chilling … refusing to be under Elinor.

Worse, how she MUST head south to meet up with Klaus; she told him to be ready for her, and any plan he had concocted would revolve around her presence, which meant she was stuck, again … although, perhaps something can come out of this trip.  The Nalveans must have at least one dead person in their history that she could use to attempt a rescue … or just figure out what is going on with Iris, at the very least!

Now, let’s see what Klaus has in store for our Empress!

I want to thank my patrons for continuing to support me:

Jonathan Howard, Necroma Crowley, Alina Rin, VerethragnaD, Johannes Karlsson, and my other Patrons!

Elinor scanned the deck of her first boat, identifying the escort her Doom Guard arranged as Quin brought her onto the ship.  Her crew consisted of two Maids, two Assassins, her former father as defense, her mount, and the craft’s team of four.

Edmon and Violet were by her side, silently observing the four Clavex Seawayers while they prepared to take off.  No fodder stood aboard the vessel; it would give a wrong impression, and if it was needed, there were always Poor-Grade corpses that could be found.

The Toads were handling the ship’s final maintenance, but the new gem technology implanted into the aquatic vehicle required an adequate guide for their use.  Lecra’Moro, one of the Quen’Talrat elite soldiers, took that position, standing near the ship’s tail to give the Ri’bot helmsman instructions.

The silver-furred male was five and a half meters tall with an unusual characteristic; he had three arms, one on his upper back, and two normal legs with a bit of a shorter tail than the others she’d seen.

He was the only Assassin Class of the Quen’Talrat Elite Hunters she’d risen, branded with the Subclass of Silencer; his skills allowed the looming ape to reduce the effects of sound waves, including the rippling impact of his movements against the ground.

It was an amusing ability that made the massive gorilla even more intimidating; she could imagine a horror film with gigantic creatures appearing noiselessly behind the poor soul in a flash of lightning, but with the gear he wore, it was anything but fiction.

Elinor dismounted Quin’s hand, trying to find her balance on the ship; they were currently at the end of a makeshift dock, and she was unaccustomed to the rocking boat’s movements.

She made her way to the stern, eyeing the geared Quen’Talrat; he would inspire quite the image; of course, he and Quin would swim to the shoreline to stay hidden until Klaus could confirm the apes were a favorable addition to his plan.

Amra’Cora had discovered many armories that hadn’t been looted, but all of them were filled with weapons far too large and unusual for anyone to use except for the Quen’Talrat they were designed for.  Apparently, the added weaponry and armor increased the creature’s danger-levels by a significant margin and were imbued with different effects from the gem technology.

Quen’Talrat were already incredibly bulky with their astonishingly resilient fur acting as body armor, pyro abilities, and raw power, but the assassins of the race chose a much different tactic than their brethren.  Instead of utilizing the offensive and defensive feats of their innate fire coat for active combat, they transformed it into a power source for their gear.

The silver-furred gorilla was hidden behind a black cloth layer that generated little noise, and black jewels had been crafted into the items.  Once the assassin lit his flames underneath the fabric, the gems would activate, absorbing the light and turning him into a black mass.  Over time, that captured light could be used as a blinding attack.

Metal with the same type of unknown jewel technology was embedded into the hand wraps he used, allowing the built-in stealth material to reform into a few preset weapons depending on the ape’s powerful grip.  The only example she’d been given when the Elite Hunters were glazing over the topic was a savage-sounding dagger that was the size of a human longsword.  

The image of an eighteen-foot tall gorilla, dressed from head to foot with one-way transparent fire-absorbing silk, was undoubtedly an impressive sight.  It put into perspective how devastating Ke’Thra’Ma’s military might and mind had been, requiring eight nations, the Thélméthra, Jukal, in-fighting, and eventually, a massive dragon to crush what he’d built.

Ultimately, that power would be hers, but until she could resurrect more Quen’Talrat with more knowledge on the devices, she was at a wall.  The Ke built his people to be very specialized, creating an industrial war machine through millions of individual parts.

In any case, Lecra’Moro was far more deadly than his Heroic-Grade implied due to the tools he could use, and many more were locked behind vaults belonging to the other Quen’Talrat Bloods; Amra’Cora could only access some of her own Blood’s repositories.

They soon pushed off from shore, entering the great river that spanned miles across; Elinor went below deck with her escort, practicing her footing.  The Nalveans were creatures of the seas, and if she was invited onto a ship, she couldn’t embarrass herself.

It took an hour or two to really gain the proper dexterity, and she returned to the surface; their speed was far greater than she expected with the added technology.  They were making excellent time.

The wind had picked up, but her two maids had tied her hair into a braid to keep it managed.  Her little twelve-year-old maid listened to Lecra’Moro describe the strange games of the Quen’Talrat and his part in some, but Elinor was still too concerned about Iris to pay attention.

Standing near the rear of the vessel, Elinor glared at the towering mountains, shooting out of the jungle to pierce the heavens, lodging itself in the constant storm that helped sustain the lush biome its life-giving waters brought and broadened the great river they traveled on.

The further she went, the less she could tell about her courtly metallic Spider Queen, and it felt a little odd being so disconnected from the majority of her Empire.  Hundreds of her minions were now outside her commanding range, left to the devices of her intelligent undead.

Her eyes narrowed while staring at the snowy peaks.

I need a Court member that could offer Iris help, but what position could provide that?  Tiffany can’t penetrate the magics defending the enemy’s base has to scry the area without stronger ingredients … perhaps an Arcanist?

She brooded on the information presented to her throughout the week; everything was moving along in a positive direction … except it wasn’t.  If she couldn’t raise a new undead that could offer assistance against her new foes, then it didn’t matter how well all the other aspects of her empire was doing; a nation fell the moment it couldn’t defend against outside threats, which meant she needed a more robust military.

The rest of the trip was somewhat dull, and her two gorillas took to the treeline as they neared Nalvean lands.  Her maids stood by her side while studying the strange architecture of the Nalvean nation.  Violet was utterly invisible to any that looked at the ship while Edmon drew the salamanders’ attention like a sore thumb.

Klaus finally came within speaking distance as she drew ten-miles away from the man; Camellia and Imiunarus appeared to be far to the west, accomplishing some task.  “Empress, I hope your journey was without trouble?”

More or less.  Elinor replied, tone holding a hint of her displeasure at Iris’ continual silence.  I brought two Quen’Talrat with me.  An Assassin and my Mount.  Would it be detrimental to your plan to display them in the open?

Probing her connection to Klaus, she knew he was a bit disconcerted by her tone.  “No, Empress.  In fact, I believe it will greatly increase the Empire’s standing.”

Edmon directed their captain to swing by the shores for the two apes to jump back aboard with that news.

She tried to suppress the week-long angst that had built-up to pacify her voice; nothing good would come of displaying a sour mood.  Excellent.  Before you explain your plans, Edmon will inform you about the … events that have occurred while you were away.

Elinor couldn’t enjoy the alien culture and buildings as the Doom Guide relayed the threats they were facing, the need for stronger undead, and the progress that had been made.  Even Edmon wasn’t investigating the architecture of the Nalveans with his guard on alert for a possible assault.

Klaus released a soft hum through their connection.  “I see … that is quite troubling.  I’m afraid I cannot confirm the existence of such a powerful spirit within the Nalvean Empire.  I am confident it exists; however, more investigation will need to be performed.  Allow me to report the fruits of my labor to see if it might be of service to you, my Empress.”


“Yes … I have successfully brought much of the Nalvean Shadow Hand organization under the Empire’s control by threatening and manipulating the mid to high-tier leadership, which has granted me many insights into the Nalvean culture.  Camellia has been instrumental in the silent takeover of the underground federation.  Would you like me to set them on the hunt for such a specimen?”

Edmon’s deep voice was quick to respond.  “Hmm … I think that would be wise, Elinor.”

The Shadow Hand…  Elinor whispered, clasping her hands behind her back as they continued to close in on the massive city in the far distance.  Quin and Lecra’Moro were getting into place to jump back aboard.  They’re a federation … how does it operate, and what would you gauge their loyalty at?

“They operate as independent bodies within their respective territories, each acting as a hand with separate fingers, but following one central figure-head.  We control most of the administrators within the organization inside the capital by a calculated trick that can be solidified with a ritual contract that Tiffany can prepare later.

“By targeting key members with a thread around the creature’s necks, Camellia was able to constrict the silk when they talked about betraying us, conditioning them to the task that any action, including written, against the Empire would be followed by death.  It has worked positively for the short term, and I believe the real solidifying component will be your introduction to the Nalvean nobility.”

Elinor listened to Klaus’ plan with a small smile on her lips.  She didn’t have to appear before the Ri’bot at all since the word was already being spread about her through The Mother Superior, Nadraca, Welix, and Iona.  No, her part to play in the Ambassador’s plan was to be a dividing wedge between the nobility and Yesenia’s group.

The Nalvean Empire may have an Emperor, but that didn’t mean the position was passed down through birth.  The title held ultimate authority, yet his electorate’s power was within State Clansmen’s hands throughout their land.  However, the seat of power had remained in High Ruler Nukulara’s family line for generations.

The Emperor himself wasn’t much of a believer in the old lore, passed down through the Church of the Seaweavers, but the religion was a cultural institution; challenging to contend with.  It had diminished somewhat under Nukulara, but it was far from powerless and held sway over many State Clansmen.

Yesenia was a threat to Nukulara’s children, which planned to govern in high positions by generational tradition, and that gave Klaus paranoid ears to whisper into.  A new Empire with strange powers could prove just the valuable ally that could sway the State Clansmen in their direction since some were not believers, but seeing her ability to raise the dead was hard to refute.  Visual evidence was difficult to discount, especially when she could accomplish it whenever she desired.

He explained the plan by the time she’d landed on the docks; night had fallen, and the salamanders were finishing up their daily routine on the beautiful red sea, but she couldn’t properly appreciate it at the moment.  The streets were still packed with nighttime traffic, which froze as they stepped off, greeted by Klaus, two armed soldiers, and some noble-looking Nalvean.

A lump dropped down the Nalvean Ambassador’s throat while eyeing the two massive Quen’Talrat, with her sitting on one of Quin’s large hands.  The middle-aged Nalveans would still have memories of the Fire Wars and the Ke’s rampage, which caused many to glance around nervously; even more frightening was Lecra’Moro’s garb, clearly identifying him as an elite assassin of the gorilla race.

Bowing his head slightly with a few hand gestures, the Nalvean Ambassador, Jumpuka, said, “Greetings, Empress of the Northern Lands.  I was … told that you had Quen’Talrat as escorts.  I thought they were extinct … consider me … startled.”  He formally stated, pausing to gather the proper words.

Elinor made no hand movements; Imiunarus seemed to be very proficient in the Nalvean language since Elluinara had been impressed by Elinor’s vocabulary.  “I am addressed as Your Imperial Majesty, Empress of the Undying Empire, Ambassador Jumpuka, and in a formal setting, Her Imperial Majesty.

“Is it the undead part that is troubling you?”  She asked with a curious smile.  “However, I suppose you desire to see such an act for yourself to confirm it.  The rebirth of a long-known deceased race such as the Quen’Talrat is not adequate evidence of my powers?”

“… Indeed, it is quite a start, Empress … please, excuse any disrespect my response has brought,” his black tongue slid through his teeth as he spoke, head still slightly lowered as the crowd across the docks starred in apprehension.

“I am not accustomed to your ways, yet … Your Imperial Majesty, Empress of the Undying Empire, and might I add, your command over our language is … inspiring.  If you follow me, I will show you to the Imperial Court Hall.”

“I anticipate it.”

Not an eye slid over Violet’s serene countenance as she walked beside their slow procession, Edmon by Quin’s other leg.  Her maids marched in front of her with Klaus and the guard.

Elinor’s gaze slid by the many gates and guards that lined the street with a multitude of citizens.  Every Nalvean was surprisingly varied; their individual differences were far more noticeable than the Ri’bot that she still had a hard time distinguishing between, and with Klaus’ instruction, she could tell the differences between the sexes with a simple glance of their physical build.

The color and pattern diversity among the Nalvean citizens was a fascinating visual display of otherworldly creatures, and though they were fierce-looking, there was an edge of grace in their posture and movements that were complemented by the silk they wore.

Her ghostly green irises couldn’t find a hint of garbage on the immaculate white and gold-trimmed streets, which made her a bit conscious about her own dirty kingdom.  There was a lot of work to be done before they could host important guests.  She enjoyed the gothic Victorian-style, but that didn’t include grime.

Their escort and the throng that made way for that were very quiet, glancing back to see what she or the Quen’Talrat did, but Lecra’Moro was an enigma behind his garb, and Quin was doing her best to act serious while carrying her.  Without conversation, Elinor spoke to Klaus.

I’ve heard your goals and plans for the Nalveans, and setting up an embassy with our own shop of unique items is an excellent way to stay involved in the territory while owning our own property is excellent … what of the Ri’bot here?  How soon can they start migrating north?

The Ambassador retained his charming smile while speaking to her through the Nexus.  “Religious discussions are already in their infancy and can be started whenever a knowledgeable individual can start the initial classes.  As to an exodus, we will need to slowly pull groups to the Capital.  Kolira, The Mother Superior, is ready to escape with as many as is acceptable, but they mustn’t be too swift, or the loss to the labor force might cause tensions between us.”

It wasn’t exactly what she’d been hoping to hear, but a good point.  The Nalveans didn’t appear to have active border control since peace had been established between each race; that would likely change soon enough.

So long as the religion starts to spread, then that’s acceptable.  Each of the Seawayers I brought with me understands the basics of what must be taught.  

The palace was grand, but nothing like Ke’Thra’Ma’s enormous structure.  She wasn’t surprised to see hundreds of guards stationed all around the large walls and hallways; Klaus had warned them of the increased security.

Elinor was a bit excited to play her part, even with Iris’ northern ping acting as a constant thorn telling her that trouble could strike at any moment.  She would be here for at least three days, and she expected to finally be able to cover the daily cost of her army within the next hour.

All along her journey, she’d been spending every point into her Death Pool, which seemed to be requiring more than a single Skill Point after reaching the third-rank.  With all the experience that flooded in from her undead and religious faction, she felt she was one level off, and finally, the skill point and stats came as she entered the luxurious building.  Dumping her stats into Constitution.

Death Pool III: (3,3245E Cap (2,829DE Previous Level); Currently 3,034/3,3245DE) Passive, Summoning, Level Three, Intermediate, Rank One; Elinor’s energy loss is affected by her Endurance Stat and further increased by Constitution.  The glow of her crown’s jewels and eyes increase based on its current levels.

  • Overpowered III: Reactive Link Skill, Summoning, Level Four, Versed, Rank Ten; Grants a 19%  reduction of Death Energy loss if Elinor is over her pool’s cap while also giving her a 1500% temporary storage of the surplus that will slowly be drained.

Her daily cost was 3,149, which meant within the hour, she’d have the daily requirement.  She couldn’t stop, though; if she wished to have another Transcendent Court Member, Elinor had to shoot for another 800 to be safe, and if she did discover one, her pool only had half the required amount to raise him.

Elinor reminded herself that she still had a long way to go; her previous Transcendent undead was a fluke caused by her losing her ability to return to Earth and the Life Fruit.  The daily cost of a Transcendent may have been 512, but the initial cost was 6,405, which put into perspective where she should be when raising one.

At the very least, she had now entered Mythic range; if needed, she could raise a minion as powerful as Violet without relying on the fruit, but that wasn’t the power she needed.

Her brooding mind was pulled out as they rose up a staircase that had a thin layer of water constantly running off of it, which was a bit silly to Elinor, but she figured it was a part of the cultural aesthetics from what she’d seen already.  Her opinion shifted a little once remembering the creatures could control water; this could have been a defense or offense if needed.

They stopped at the door, as had been expected, and Quin set her on the ground; Jumpuka appeared somewhat taken aback.  “Umm … I…”

Klaus smoothly responded as Edmon held out his hand to help Elinor transfer to the floor above the small waterfall, running down the steps, maids waiting by their side.  “We understand, Jumpuka.  Nobility is allowed a single knight, but we are entering the presence of the nation’s ruler.”

“… Yes, yes, of course,” he chuckled, motioning them to follow.

Edmon was the one to accompany her as the others waited outside with the large company of Nalvean palace guards.  The space they entered was of an interesting design and not entirely what she’d expected.

Water filled the room, pooling out intricate statues and monuments carved into the walls to flow around a central platform.  Three daisies were raised in front and on both sides, each higher than the next.  Klaus’ swiftly interpreted.

“The highest in the center is clearly High Ruler Nukulara.  To the left is … ah, Yesenia is with the High Seaweaver, Lonuarag, and the smallest, to the right is the royalty, originally intended for the City Statesmen.”

Elinor held a soft smile on her lips while observing the crowds, each leaning toward one another to whisper about her appearance, abstaining hand-signs.  Servants or attendants seemed to arrive to inform them of something, likely her escort of Quen’Talrat.

Each had various assortments of silk and jewelry on their tail, arms, neck, and legs; the nobility more so than the others, but the High Seaweaver was not close behind.  Yesenia was decorated like a peacock, which was actually quite hilarious by her Earth fashion sense.

Elinor kept her hands crossed in front of her, over the lace trim of her high-low gothic court dress; her boots tapped against the polished stone floor, causing a slight echo in the near-silent chamber.

Violet stayed to her back left, utterly invisible, and even Edmon had difficulty sensing the youngest Spider Sister.  Yesenia was clearly interested in her entrance as Jumpuka introduced them.

“I address the Nalvean High Ruler, Nukulara, Twelfth of the House of Motimur.  I address Sea Empress, Yesenia, Commander of the Weaves.  I address High Seaweaver, Lonuarag, High Officiator of the Church of the Seaweavers.  I address the High Ruler’s Kin, Observers of Conduct.”

Elinor caught the party of five noble children’s tightening muscles upon his introduction, and she couldn’t disagree.  Jumpuka may have placed their father before everyone else, but Yesenia was right after him and before both the High Seaweaver and them.  It was precisely as Klaus described it, division was brewing behind closed doors.

“Now, before the Nalvean High Court, I announce the arrival of Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Elinor of the Undying Empire.”  He bowed as low murmurs sprung up from all sides of the aisle.

Imperial Head Captain Hakara, a Nalvean that sided with Yesenia, moved around the back of Nukulara’s extravagant throne upon his prompts, whispering to the leader over the palace guard.

Elinor waited patiently for them to settle down; the High Seaweaver was the first to question the introduction.

“Forgive me … Empress Elinor, that is what we should address you as, yes?”

She turned to smile up at him, vision sliding to Yesenia; she seemed to remember her aid at her capture by the conflicted expression she wore, vision darting between Edmon and her.  “That is appropriate, High Seaweaver.  Empress is also acceptable.”

“I,” the creature leaned closer, blinking rapidly before glancing at Yesenia, “was unaware you’re … that the Empress would be so familiar with our language.  Please forgive me, but … might I inquire where you learned to master our verbal tongue … I have never heard a non-Nalvean that is so … perficient.”

Elinor’s lips curled a little.  “No insult, High Sea Weaver; it is an expected inquiry.  Although I have heard your Church has acquired a human that can speak your language, is it not a long stretch to assume I also have such a power … ah, but I can grant that ability to all that I raise.”


Lonuarag was cut off by one of the princes, judging by his thin tail.  “I did have a question, Empress.”

She smoothly shifted her head to show he had her attention; Edmon stood stock-still by her side with Klaus.  Jumpuka had excused himself to wait by the door since his task was finished.  “Of course.”

“I have heard tales about your … powers.”

His father leaned forward.  “Powers, Komirin?  Have you heard of this Undying Empire … it has not come to my attention.  I have not heard of this Empire or of its ruler until forty minutes ago.  My Head Guard tells me that you likely came from one of those gateways with the Master Seaweaver, Yesenia.”

Yesenia folded her arms under her chest, covered by layers of silk; Elinor couldn’t see much of her snake-like form from her vantage point, but there were scales across her arms, lower body, and parts of her neck and face.  Her thick moss-green hair was pulled back into a tight braid.

She’s worried about what I might say.

Elinor kept her voice calm and composed, the picture of royalty.  “To be short and concise, yes, I did come from another world; that same world as Yesenia.  High Ruler Nukulara, do you know about the Ques’ká prophecy?”

Every Nalvean in the room stiffened at the mention, and she continued.

“I expected as much; my Empire is the fulfillment of that omen.  The Ri’bot within that valley bared their fangs at me, and without a means to return home because of their actions,” she gave a meaningful look at Yesenia before returning her focus to the Emperor, “I claimed that valley.”

“The Clans there?”  A princess asked in a hoarse tone, and her brother spoke soon after.

“No … that … it’s only been a week since Yesenia came to this world?”

Their father’s voice became harsh.  “Mind your manners.”

They swiftly apologized to her and their father, likely restraining their embarrassment, but Elinor was all too willing to answer their questions.

“Indeed, Princess, Prince, I did arrive in this world a little more than a week ago, and within that time, all Ri’bot Clans have either accepted my rule or fled the valley to the southeast.  I have brought peace to your northern border,” she stated with a confident tone.  “Clan hatred and blood grudges have been dissolved; now, they work toward a bright future as one people … citizens of my Undying Empire.  However, is that what you were questioning, or … is your inquiry a question of my power?”

The Ruler’s eyes narrowed, resting his head on the back of his left hand while glancing at his sons and daughters.  “What do you know about her powers?  Micru’jire, you tend to be the most informed.”

The eldest son of the Ruler stood; he was taller than most of the Nalveans she’d seen, with a thicker build, but his tail was noticeably less bulky than his other siblings, and his sisters’ were battering rams.

“Empress,” he respectfully stated before bowing to his father.  “I mean no ill-will; I have been told that you hold many mysterious powers that we cannot comprehend, yet I find that hard to believe.  Yes, your ability to adapt to language is phenomenal,” his siblings nodded with agreement, “but we have seen great things, and I partook in the Fire Wars.  Little surprises me.”

“However?”  Elinor smiled, letting the question hang.

“… However, I have been told you came ashore with Quen’Talrat on your escort.”

The High Seaweaver seemed stunned at the news, but Elinor guessed the Head Captain told the High Ruler since he didn’t react to the report, studying her cautiously.

“Would you like a demonstration of my nation’s power … my power?”  She asked, vision shifting from the prince to his father.  “I am not opposed if it will hasten this formal procedure and dispel all doubts.  However,” she added, catching the prince before he could respond, “if you do decide to place one of your guards against me … he will become my loyal servant.”

All parties but Yesenia appeared confused at her statement.

“Yes … I can raise the dead, and I can show you that process without an issue, but … those that return will not betray me.  I am the master of the dead, yet fear not … I only wish to befriend the Nalvean Empire.  Although, I do understand if the sight is a bit too … much for you to bear.”

“To be clear,” Micru’jire slowly asked, “you want one of our soldiers to attack you … you expect to kill him, and then … bring him back to life to serve you?”

Yesenia cleared her throat; her voice was surprisingly pretty, albeit unusual.  “They cannot understand me without … my translator.  What do you want … did you kill all the Ri’bot?”

The groups eyed her with a questioning look as Elinor’s ghostly green eyes slid to the snake-woman, presenting a pleasant smile.  “Yesenia, I’m glad to see you doing well here.  Did I kill all the Ri’bot?  No, only those involved in the act; many gave up their own lives once I showed them my power.  Is that what you wanted to hear?”

Yesenia’s nose twitched, showing a bit of the hatred underneath, but her mask was quick to return.  “Their deaths do … help … a little.  Did they suffer?”

“Oh,” Elinor chuckled, “most did, yes.  Have the Nalveans taken care of you?  The humans and you that are here may join my Empire whenever you wish.”

“I am happy where I am,” Yesenia smoothly replied.  “Thank you, Empress.”

“And the humans that are with you?”

Yesenia seemed to notice her use of the word on the second question.  “… I will ask them … you aren’t human anymore … like me?”


“I thought so,” she whispered, eyeing her guards.

The prince cleared his throat, still standing.  “Empress … are you asking us to attack you to prove your strength?”

Releasing a soft sigh, Elinor turned back to the slightly irritating creature.  “To be honest, I couldn’t care less, either way.  If you chose to send out a combatant, or a whole troop, it wouldn’t matter, and the point would be made.  You can bring a corpse or send one for me to kill and raise.  It is your choice.”

The Nalveans had a certain degree of pride in their soldiers, and this would obviously provoke them; it was really a rather devious trap that Klaus had recommended.  Nalveans were quite competitive with their armed forces.

The Head Captain came out to whisper in the High Ruler’s ear again, and his lips seemed to curve with his expression.  “That … is an excellent idea, Empress,” Nukulara chuckled, showing his sharp fangs.  “Which of your champions will participate?”

“She is already present,” Elinor stated.  “Send in your representative, and it will be a battle to the death.”

Frowns seemed to crease the groups again.

“She … that wouldn’t happen to be you, Empress … would it?”  Micro’jire asked, shifting uncomfortably while eyeing Klaus and Edmon.

“I have selected my representative,” Elinor said with a small smile, stepping forward into the center.

Violet requested a connection.  “Empress, the Head Captain, and High Ruler both have very high perception.  If I were to get too close, they would notice someone unseen is nearby.  The High Seaweaver is less observant, but Yesenia might be able to sense my webs if I move them too close by the probes I’ve made.”


“Is that a bluff?”  Yesenia asked, lips pulling in with agitation.  “They won’t hold back.”

“I’ll be fine,” Elinor assured; Violet stood beside her, composure in place, but she could sense the worry for her mother still inside her heart.  This distraction was what the girl needed.  “I appreciate the concern, Yesenia.”

“Huh … you have me interested.”  Nukulara leaned forward.  “Hakara, send in one of your lieutenants.”

“Right away,” he stated, releasing a loud whistle.

The doors burst open with a company of Nalveans wearing full battle armor and complicated halberd-type weapons.  Elinor could see the top of Lecra’Moro’s cloth-covered head just above the staircase; the others seemed to notice the massive ape, too, with their narrowed vision.

“Siiir?”  The middle female asked with a slight slur; she appeared to have trouble with the purely spoken dialect of the species, much like many Americans had a problem with English.

“Lieutenant Castella, Empress Elinor has challenged our soldier’s might.  Let her guards be a witness to the validity of this match; attack to kill.”

Edmon’s glowing blue eyes released an excess amount of blue smoke as he spoke to Violet.  “Make a clear message.”

“Understood,” Violet replied, performing a short, unseen curtsy.

Castella slammed her fist against her armored chest, but it seemed to absorb the blow by a significant amount, lessening the clatter Elinor expected.  “Forrr the glorrry the High Rulerrr and Neocccopa!”


Klaus answered.  “Their version of Valhalla.”

Interesting.  How will that translate to me returning her to life?

“It connects you to their version of Odin, or something similar, I suppose.  At least, that’s what I expect.  Her loyalty shifting to you only strengthens that premise; they are actually very honorable creatures … although, their moral code is not quite human.”


The soldiers beside her retreated to stand beside Edmon and Klaus; her Ambassador had a pleasant smile on his lips as if this were only natural.  Standing before Elinor, the female Nalvean flicked her heavy tail left and right while stretching out.  She flipped her halberd around in a flourishing motion, lips peeling back in what she thought was a smile.

“Are you ready, Empress?”

Elinor placed her hands behind her back, turning to face the Emperor with a small smirk.  “My defense is always ready.”

“… Youuu wish me to attack youuu like thattt?”

The Head Captain responded with a studious gaze.  “As she stated … her defense is always ready.  Begin, Castella.”

Castella took a step forward, weapon posing into a strange stance to leap forward.  “Yes, my … eh?”

Elinor didn’t even have to watch; she could expect what had happened.  Castella’s body was first immobilized, then stretched out with the tens of thousands of invisible silk that had woven into her armor and around her body within moments of entering the hall.

Every person on the daises shot to the edge of their platform in stunned horror at Castella’s last word; Violet tightened her now well-exercised fingers, and the female warrior was torn apart.  Blue blood splattered across the floor; Elinor had been far enough to escape any stain to her garments.

Turning around, Elinor gazed at the torn pieces of flesh and scales that littered parts of a two-meter space; she imagined the woman had a shocked look on her dead eyes, head pulled from her shoulders.

“… What … did you do?”  Yesenia and the Head Captain asked at nearly the same time, and Violet darted two meters to her left, likely evading some kind of sensory probe he was using.

“Hmm … she’ll make a fine addition to my army,” Elinor replied in a bright tone.  “Castella … it’s a pretty name.”

The throng’s wide eyes shot back to her as emerald flames lit across her left arm, and she called forth her butterflies.  Indicating her target, they struck the largest piece, causing the body to catch ablaze, and the other parts soon followed, burning away the scales and flesh to reveal her bones within the armored husk.

Each bone shot back together, linking with the small tendrils of fire to reform the warrior’s skeletal visage as her power reforged the Nalvean’s body, returning her to the prime of her life while repairing any past damages.  Flesh, sinew, and scales emerged as the flames turned a bright red, and Castella breathed again.

An Elite Warrior … low Heroic.  She was a decent warrior and even realized Violet’s silk had entrapped her a moment before it occurred.  Not a bad addition, but it will add more to my cost.

“Welcome to my Empire, Castella.”

She could practically hear the jaws snapping shut in disbelief as Castella opened her glowing red eyes before kneeling before her.  “Empress, I am happy to serve.”

Elinor was a little saddened that her small lisp was gone with the power of her Nexus and wondered if she could restrict that power, but on second thought, decided against it as she read the woman’s thrill at finally mastering her language, even if it was actually Imiunarus’ vocal prowess she was borrowing.

Turning back to the Emperor, Elinor asked, “Are you satisfied?  I could do a few more for good measure if not.”

Everyone seemed conflicted by the action, and Nukulara spoke after a brooding moment.  “Empress Elinor, I must ponder on this … display.  I must meet in council; is that acceptable?”

“Most acceptable,” Elinor replied.  “Ah … would your children like to discuss amongst themselves to determine who will show me your lovely palace?”

He seemed somewhat taken aback by her request, as were his children.  “… Yes … I suppose that must be a custom from where you are from.”  He turned a directing stare at the five.  “See it is done, and make sure our guest is not disappointed.”

According to Klaus’ information, the female swiftly responded was the youngest and the most ambitious out of her family.  “Yes, High Ruler; I volunteer!”

“See to it,” he said, giving Elinor a curt pound of his chest, which was a kingly sort of bow, and she mirrored it on the opposite side with Klaus’ direction.  “Until the next meeting against, Empress.  We will use a less … formal setting.”

“I look forward to it.”

“Castella, I require your attendance.”

His forehead furrowed as she turned to Elinor, and she let the girl ask the question; her voice had become more youthful than beforehand.  “May I go, Empress?”

“You may.”

“Thank you, Empress!”  Castella chimed, rushing out to join the High Ruler.

He lingered for a moment, eyeing her with his Head Captain, and then walked behind the throne to leave; Elinor returned to Edmon’s side, waiting for her guide to make her way down.

This is turning out to be more fun than I anticipated, Klaus.  The next act begins.

“Flawless, my Empress,” Klaus stated, and the little twelve-year-old was staring curiously at the remaining blood that soon vanished from the red flames.

Castella, Klaus will tell you what to do.

“Understood … if possible, I wish to be honest with my former Lord.”

“You don’t need to worry, Dear,” Klaus responded with a soft chuckle, “I understand the sentiment.”

Elinor allowed Klaus to leave, attending to other matters while she toured the palace; the events helped calm her troubled mind.  At least Iris was still alive.

Just hold-on, Iris … I’ll find someone to help you return.  There must be something in this Empire that can help me.


Clan Territory Markers

Unmarked Map

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