147. Troublesome Thoughts

“You sure you’re going to be okay?” Lauren asked.

She stared at Alex, her eyebrows scrunching. She barely said a word since she asked Principal Parker to let them attend class. Ms. Kich glanced at them suspiciously when she gave their hall passes. Now, they stood outside the staff room. From here, they needed to part ways since they have different classes.

“Lauren, I’m fine” Alex smiled reassuringly, “We’ll talk more about it later. I just need a breather.”

The cheerleader sighed and wrapped her arms around Alex briefly. She felt a pair of hands pat her on the back. She couldn’t help but whine, “Why does it seem like I’m more anxious than you?”

“Maybe I just became numb from everything.”

Lauren leaned back, keeping her hands on Alex’s shoulder, “You can’t really mean that. You don’t really want to leave, do you?”

“Of course not” Alex snorted. She pinched her friend’s cheeks, “You’re too irresistible.”

“Hey! No pinching my cheeks!” Lauren let go of Alex’s shoulders and swatted the pinching fingers away. She cupped her cheeks, soothing the pain. Her bottom lip stuck out.

Alex smirked, “Oh, so only Colin gets to that now?”

The cheerleader’s face became a deadpan expression. Then, she frowned. Grabbing Alex’s shoulders again, Lauren turned her around and pushed. Sneakers skidded on the floor. Amused laughter filled the air.

“Okay, you need to go to class, buh-bye!” Lauren huffed as Alex continued to laugh. She let her shoulders go and placed her hands on her hips, “I mean it, missy! If Principal Parker or Aunt Lilly sees us here, they’ll probably send us home right away.”

“I got it, I got it” Alex glanced over her shoulder and waved, “See you later!”

Lauren watched until her back disappeared from sight. When Alex turned a corner, she sighed deeply. She couldn’t tell if Alex was just acting strong or she really did become numb. Instances like Carla spoke about did happen from time to time. Because she was with Logan, she had been recognized.

Was that part of the reason why she refused to make a friend? Even when her mother gave her the green light for that person to know about her secret?

It would probably be best for Alex to avoid dressing up for now.

The cheerleader whimpered to herself. At this rate, she really would need to wait after graduation for her to see Alex in a dress.

Lauren grumbled as she walked to her class. If only Alex could have two friends, she could go visit Alex during the summer. Those were the words Emily comforted her with after sending a photo of her and Alex over the weekend. The small light of hope she had quickly died down.

If that had been possible, she would have gone with them to the Red Panda Hotel.

She hit the sides of her head. Nothing will come out with her thinking about this any longer. They had lab work in her upcoming class. She needed full concentration or her partner might mix chemicals again.


Alex had her hands tucked in her hoodie. Her eyes stared at the floor, a few meters away from her. It seemed like they needed to change restaurants. Maybe in the next town but… But if she spoke about it, her father would ask why. Once he hears about what happened, he’d drag her back himself.

She stopped walking. She closed her eyes and tilted her head towards the ceiling. She groaned through gritted teeth, stomping a foot. It would only be a matter of time before Principal Parker hears about Courntey.

Somehow it felt like she waited for the jury’s verdict.

Her eyes slowly opened. The bright lights of the ceiling stared back at her. She blinked, her lips in a straight line. With the adults now involved, anything could be a trigger.

Unlike how Carla seemed, Courtney spoke about her intentions and thoughts. She was a clear threat. Even if Aunt Lilly took her side for now, she’d think another Courtney might appear.

Alex bowed her head and restarted her walk. Her thoughts came one after another, she’d rather not hear them at all. So powerless… she felt so powerless… maybe she should take up martial arts like Emily did. Yet, she could become stronger but what was a 17 year old to do?

Threaten everyone?

She ran a hand through her hair, ruffling.

She really needed to get in class.

Picking up the pace, she gazed ahead. She lamented long enough. She needed to get things done. Once she attended class, she could get her brain into working mode. Then, maybe she could come up with something.

A pair of hands swiped her from the hallway.

Alex stumbled into a dark room. The hallway disappeared before her eyes. Her feet hit various things, making them clatter on the floor. She spread her arms and searched in the dark. Her right hand hit something solid—that made a grunted noise.

“What the hell—”

A lightbulb appeared from above. Its yellow light illuminated the cramp space. Shelves of cleaning items materialized. Tools of the same category littered on the floor.

Alex stepped back, facing the culprit. Wild, accusing eyes popped out of her sockets.

“Logan?!” She began to exclaim. Then, she dropped her tone to a harsh whisper, “Why on earth are we in a closet?!”

Logan rubbed the sore spot Alex hit. It hadn’t been strong but her knuckles directly collided with his chest. Since they were slightly pointed, it didn’t take much to hurt. Despite that, he smiled cheekily, “Revenge for scaring the crap out of me last time.”

Alex rolled her eyes, “Okay, achievement unlocked. I’m leaving.”

She reached for the door knob and slightly opened the closet. She barely made an inch when a hand slammed it close. She felt a warm presence behind her. Her hand froze on the knob. Her nerves heightened in alert.

“Why don’t you stay awhile?” Logan said softly, his breath brushing her hair. He cleared his throat and washed down its dryness.

“I have a class.”

“So do I” He replied, leaning back and dropping his hand. He perched himself against the shelves and crossed his arms.

Upon hearing his words, Alex’s head snapped up. She whirled around, looking at him in surprise. Her mouth opened and closed several times before she found her voice, “How… how long have you been hiding here?”

She hadn’t seen anyone in the hallway while she walked. Either Logan snuck into the closet when she closed her eyes or he had been here far longer than that. Just what got into his head for playing delinquency?

“Just before the first period started” Logan explained, oblivious to her shock, “I couldn’t concentrate when you told me about where you’d be. I’ve been here ever since.”

Alex scoffed disbelievingly. She rubbed her temples with one hand. Since Logan picked her up everyday before school, she explained to him her trip to his father’s office. Again, he didn’t take it well how she waited until the last minute to tell him.

This time she had a reason.

His presence in this closet just proved her theory.

“Really reckless of you, Mr. Salutatorian” she glared.

“Thanks. I learned if from Ms. Valedictorian” he chuckled. It made her glower more. She changed the subject, “Anyway, how did it go?”

Alex took a deep breath. Shaking her head, she recounted a summarized version of what happened. She would have tried to leave again but Logan and his nosy self wouldn’t have given her the chance. She needed to satisfy his curiosity first or he might just follow her to her class for it.

Logan’s posture slacked a bit. Lauren’s hunch turned out to be correct? A part of him wished it had been a staff member. Things would have been cleaner. Another student who knew about her secret… The situation just kept escalating.

“What now?” He breathed out. The next words took almost all the air he had in his lungs, “Are you… are you leaving?”

“Huh?” Alex made a face, “I didn’t say anything like that.”

“Good” Logan nodded.

Alex watched him bow his head to the right. His arms unfolded. One dropped to his side. Another scratched the back of his head. His lips curled inwards. The awkward pose made her suspicious.

Hesitantly, her question broke the silence, “Were you worried about that all this time?”

Logan shifted his attention back to her. He smiled sheepishly. Alex raised her eyebrows. He looked as if he had been caught. She blinked a few times, trying to ponder how someone would skip class for this.

“We already knew about the folder. It could have been anyone but now it turned out to be a student” Logan answered. He reached out, wrapping his arms around Alex’s upper back. He placed his chin on the top of her head, “The numbers just keep rising. I feel like each one is taking you farther and farther away from me.”

“How much cheese did you eat this time?” She snorted.

Alex welcomed the warm embrace. She kept her hands in her pockets while her cheek pressed against his shirt. The burden of her thoughts slowly disappeared. Logan had been the first person to understand how serious her situation was—even before he found out the whole truth. He took a leap of faith with her, trusting she meant no harm.

From that time, he had been with her throughout this roller coaster.

Although, he had been late on the news for the most part.

Yet, here he was still believing in her and supporting her.

“Can’t really imagine my days without you beating me at everything.”

Alex smiled, “I’m still waiting for you to dethrone me. I’m not about to put my efforts to waste.”



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5 years ago

Bad man already really

6 years ago

Merci pour le chapitre ! C’est le feu !!

Jane L Heresy
6 years ago

Ooooo Thank you for the chapter!!

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