Drafting Plans

When Levi opened his eyes, he saw the crushed caster stone on the palm of his right hand, then the many people surrounding him. They all looked shocked, and at the same time, they had their brows furrowed.

“I-I broke the stone! They must be angry at me. This looks like an expensive item.” Levi couldn’t help but worry after he saw the broken caster stone on his hand.

Everyone was still in their flabbergasted state. No words came out at the moment, just pure shock. They couldn’t help but gasp in awe. What they saw is something unique and unusual. Levi had his aptitude climbing higher and higher until the caster stone broke. Some are doubtful, thinking that the caster stone was just broken and it didn’t emit the right color for Levi’s aptitude, and it broke eventually. While some believed that Levi surpassed the limit of the caster stone, that’s why it broke.

After a few moments of being shocked, the old man Caleb was back again at his normal state.

“Young man! That was amazing! Your aptitude kept climbing higher and higher, and it broke the stone. I’ve never seen something like this before!” said Caleb brimming with excitement.

“R-really?!” Levi asked doubtfully.

“Yes! I know it’s hard to believe even I couldn’t believe it! I didn’t confirm it yet, but I can say that you are capable of being a mage because you lit up the caster stone. For us to confirm it, why don’t you join us in training?” said Caleb.

Levi wanted to know magic, and he’s excited to do so, but he also wanted to do the things he likes to invent, tinker, and make many things with his knowledge of the modern world.

“I would like to, but I don’t want training to take all my tim—”

Before Levi could finish his words,

“Don’t worry! I’ve got it. I will only require you to go here every other day, and if you’re so busy you can excuse yourself, but at least be willing to do a make-up class with me so that you won’t miss every lesson and technique. Is that a good condition for you?” said Caleb after realizing that Levi doesn’t want to be engulfed in training.

“I-its fine,” Levi answered. Caleb didn’t give him time to think, so he just agreed.

“It’s settled! You can start anytime you want; just come visit us here,” said Caleb.

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The sun is setting, the night will come. Levi, Jeff, and Garde finished their tour of the small country of Natura7NaturaThe country which was founded by the Elven-Dwarves alliance.. They came back to Jadis’ house located on the Mother Tree.

When Jadis saw them, he put his left hand up and waved at them.

“Welcome back, Mr. Levi! How was your tour?” Jadis asked.

“It was great. All of you here are very approachable and friendly,” Levi replied.

“He was invited by Magus6Magus A person who has great mastery of using magic. Also, normal people use this as an honorary, for acknowledging the mage's higher status in the society. Caleb to attend the mage training after he broke a caster stone,” said Jeff.

“Is that so? You must have medium or high aptitude if you are personally invited by Magus Caleb.”

Levi didn’t answer, for he doesn’t even know the answer. He only scratched his back and look down below.

“Oh, I almost forgot, come with me. I will show you something,” Jadis said.

He leads them into a place in the residential area. They walked for about several meters after entering the residential site. Now, they reached their destination.

In front of them is a house almost entirely made of wood. It is larger than the typical houses here.

“We made you a house here. You can stay here in Natura for as long as you want and let those injuries and wounds heal before thinking of going back to your country. We made it so you won’t have a hard time slouching. It is the size of an elf house, so it’s fit for humans too.”

“Thank you so much for this, Mr. Jadis. I will surely repay you and all of the people’s kindness here in Natura.” Levi was grateful for these people’s kindness, even if he’s just a stranger they’d rescued from the forests.

Soon, the three elves bid their farewell. Levi entered his house. It was a lovely house with a kitchen, a living area, a room for him, and some raw meat and vegetables stock.

The night finally came. Darkness has spread throughout the whole town, with only the night of the moon being there, giving some faint light to every street.

Levi was thinking of things he should do when he stumbled on a paper. He sat on chàir next to a table and began his own thing.

“This place is lacking in all aspects. They don’t even have proper comfort rooms. Where do they dispatch their waste? I draw drafts now, including the draft for a gun.”

He made every minute of his night so productive. He has drawn many things that can be of help to these people’s lives.
After many hours of continuous work, he’s finally done. Several papers are filed-up on the table. But there’s still one problem with his plans: labor and materials.

As most of his works were based on modern Earth, where everything related to mechanical engineering is made up of different metals, he didn’t know how to get those here in this world. He doesn’t even know if some variety of metals can be found here.

Another one is labor. He couldn’t do it by himself, let alone doing it now without his left arm. Garde let him use his workshop, but he didn’t want to be a bother to them.

“Aaargh! I don’t know! What should I do?”

From his window, there is a clear view of his surroundings. Everything is silent. No one is outside. The wind blows off the fallen leaves, and the sound of owls hooting is the only available sound. It has been 4 hours since midnight, and everyone was still asleep, having a good dream while snoring.

“I guess I should sleep first,” said Levi. With a yawn and a little stretch, he moved to his bed and slept.

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