An Omen

The next day. It was almost noon when Levi woke up. He got up from his bed and instantly felt the hungriness as his stomach growled like a wild lion.

Thankfully, Jadis put some food in his stock. He cooked the meat and eggs on a cast iron pan then he ate.

His hunger was gone, and he’s now ready to face the day ahead. He started his day by looking at the drafts he made. He pondered while he looked at those.

“What should I do first? I’ve drawn many plans, but I didn’t think of them thoroughly. These are not easily achievable, I need materials, and I don’t think they had those materials here.”

He flipped through sheet upon sheet of his plans and saw a particular draft that he made last night. When he saw this, he felt like there’s a light bulb that lit-up on his head.

“I almost forgot. I drafted a steam engine!”

There’s a mine on the south part of Natura7NaturaThe country which was founded by the Elven-Dwarves alliance.. If they have a steam engine, then acquiring minerals and resources would be much easier. That’s right, steam engine! I think industrialization is on its way.” said Levi, full of excitement as he thought of things that industrialization had done to improve people’s lives.

Tok, tok, tok!

“Mr. Levi,” a voice and multiple knocks from someone behind the door was heard.

Levi goes on the door and slowly opened it. It was Jadis.

“You’re right on time, Mr. Jadis!” Levi shouted as a thought popped up in his mind.

“I-I was just checking on yo—” Before Jadis could finish his words, Levi invited him inside using a slight force, especially when he was holding Jadis’ arm and pulling him a little bit.

Then, Levi picked the steam engine’s draft plan from his table and presented it to Jadis.

“I want to be of some help, and I want to repay you and your people’s kindness to me, so I drafted this. This is a steam engine. It produces steam that can power many things. If we make a rail onto the mines to outside and put a cart that is powered by a steam engine, then it will reduce the slow process of carrying the minerals from inside of mines to outside thus creating a more efficient work.”

Jadis couldn’t understand anything that Levi had said. Even the drawing was abstract to him.

Seeing that Jadis was clueless, “I just want your permission to do this, Mr. Jadis. To put it simply, I want to help this country. Specifically, I want to help your mines to flourish. If you would.”

“Well, It’s kind of you to think that way, but I can’t simply decide for that. But, I will bring you to the head of the mines, you got my permission, but you also need his,” said Jadis.


Meanwhile, in the deep forest, two elves were hunting. Carrying their bow and arrows, they find their prey to take home. One of them, the elf that wore a green cloth, saw a deer hopping and hopping until it stopped to eat grass just 10 meters from them.

“Look at that deer over there,” He said to his hunting partner.

“That’s a good prey. Let’s kill it and take it home.” said the other one.

They pulled the bowstring and closed one of their eyes as they aimed for the deer when suddenly, the deer hopped and ran away, it was alarmed upon hearing footsteps from the two elves’ area.

The two were dumbfounded. They didn’t move and didn’t even make a sound, yet the deer was alarmed.

To their surprise, the bushes behind them moved, and footsteps were then heard. Three humanlike figures emerged. They have reddish skin and two prominent horns protruding upwards from the lower part of their mouth. They wear animal’s skin surrounding the lower part of their body unto their knees, their torso was bare, and there’s a lot of scar on their bodies. These are the orcs. They are known for their wild nature. They are slightly civilized creatures where anything was fought with brute force, including the throne.

The orcs’ eyes are sure to do something worst. They lifted their big ax and swung it towards the two elves. The two were killed instantly; massive wounds are gaping from their body as blood oozed out. The orcs laughed loudly, getting happiness from killing and satisfying themselves with the death of their enemies.


On the mines,

There are elves and dwarves in the area that are super busy with their work. If someone observes, dwarves are stationed directly to the mines. They are the ones coming in and out of the cave. This is because dwarves are significantly smaller than elves; this will help them get into the tiny holes of the cave without having a hard time. The elves, on the other hand, are focused on support and work outside the actual mines. After the dwarves come out, they will give the bag of minerals to the elves, and they will be in charge of carrying the bag into the other area in which the minerals would be processed.

The one in charge of all these processes is Jacob. He supervises this whole area and makes sure that all will be fine and their resources would not run out.

“Jacob!” Jadis called Jacob from afar, whose busy inspecting the minerals in the storage area while talking with some elves.

“Jadis!” He answered after he saw his friend. They shook hands and greeted each other.

Jadis introduced Levi to Jacob and explained the situation. In return, Levi took out his draft for the steam engine and explained everything about Jacob’s plan.

“That’s a great machine you have there. It’ll surely help us here. We will surely have that here” Jacob agreed to make the steam engine.

“We will start it after five days. Just write all the materials needed, and we will start gathering it by tomorrow,” he added. He is also excited to see his place being upgraded.

“It’s all settled then. Many thanks, Jacob,” said Jadis.

“I am the one who has to thank you and Mr. Levi here. That plan was simply awesome. I imagine my place to be busier in the coming days,” said Jacob.

While the three talked to each other, an elf was running rapidly towards them while shouting Jadis’ name. The elf’s face showed a terrified look as sweat pours from his head down to his chin.

After only a few seconds, he reached the three and stopped for a little bit while catching his breath.

“B-ba-bad news!” the elf said aloud.

“Calm down, calm down first,” said Jadis.

His next words alarmed everyone who has heard.

“W-we are attacked!”

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Author’s Notes

Reference for the steam engine used in the mines.

I didn’t include it in the chapter, but usually steam engine is used to pump out the water so that the miners may dig deeper.

Check the link to see the brief history and how it works.

Don’t forget to put this in your library so you will be updated when there’s a new chapter!


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