Orcs and Ogres

“I didn’t know how to interpret that vision,” said Caleb after he sipped from a cup of tea. Then, he rose from his seat, looked towards the window, and slowly walked while he clasped his hands behind his back.

“You know, visions are said to be memories of the people from his past life. Some say that it is an event that will happen in the future. And a few said that it is an inkling of destiny. Who knows? Maybe it was just a simple dream?” said Caleb with a very philosophical tone.

This was the answer that Levi got when he goes to Caleb to ask him about the vision. After getting the vague answer, he just put that matter aside and asks Caleb to teach him magic.

Caleb’s personal training is only done for Levi to assess his ability and get the answer from the aptitude test.

“Now, magic is everywhere. Mages are the vessels of magic. The moment we become mages, we accept to be a medium or a channel of magic. Through us, magic will flow, and we have to control and contain it. On the other hand, conjurers are not yet mages because the magic didn’t acknowledge them yet as a vessel. To become a mage, you must train and train to control magic. When a Conjurer3ConjurerThey are the people who is at the training process to become a full fledge mage. is going to become a full-fledged mage, the event is called the Moving-up ceremony. We will tackle more about that once the training began.” said Caleb.

They both go out of Caleb’s house, and in the backyard, they continued the training session.

This backyard is 5 meters wide and covered with grass. Caleb’s house was surrounded by trees beyond the backyard. It is located in the northeast of Natura7NaturaThe country which was founded by the Elven-Dwarves alliance..

In the middle of the backyard, Caleb instructed him to copy his movements.

He stretched his arm in front of him with the palm facing forward.

“We will try to be a channel of magic. Go and gather the magic surrounding your hand.” Caleb instructed him.

He has done what Caleb has said, gather the magic that surrounds his hand.

Caleb saw what was happening and he couldn’t believe it. Shockingly, Levi has easily gathered a considerable amount of magic, and now his hands were covered with a bright yellowish light that glitters and lit up the surroundings with faint yellowish light.

“Control it.”

Levi controlled the magic and until it formed a circular disc.

“Now, release it!”

A yellowish beam of light was released from Levi’s hand. It hit the tree in front of him with a loud, destructive blast, the upper part fell, and the lower part was charred and burned. The other tree near it was partly burned too.

They kept practicing until the sunset, and Levi has learned many things from that private training because Caleb has put so much effort and time to teach him.

On the orc’s territory,

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It is dusk, and the night will soon fall. This part of the land is inhabited by orcs. There are no proper houses but only tents. They started to lit up their torches that serve as their light in the night.

At the center of their territory is a big tent. This is the place where their leader resides, Oran the Berserker.

Inside, there is a circular table where his generals were gathered. Shortly after, the guests arrived. Three Ogres.

They are giant monsters with humanlike figures. The two sides hold a huge wood and about 200 cm in height and 200 kg in 2 weight.

Their upper body was naked, and their lower part was covered with leather clothing. In the middle was the most giant ogre, about 250 cm in height and weight. They are huge compared to these orcs.

“Welcome, Maliathan of Pervia, the strongest ogre. Come and have a seat. Let’s talk about some important matters.” Oran greeted him.

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“I want to eat! Give me meat!” Maliathan ordered.

“Give this ogre his fill,” Oran commanded another orc beside him.

Oran offered him a seat, and Maliathan accepted it.

“When will we attack? I’m bored. I haven’t eaten elves for a long time,” said Maliathan. Ogres are carnivorous. They are known for being a binge eater, especially meat; they are also known for eating any kind of meat, even humans’ and elves.’

“You don’t need to do it right away. You will eat elves in the future. I have sent my orcs to scout and do some little havoc on them. It looked like they are preparing for war. But nothing to worry about. Their strength has decreased since our last fight with them. Now with you and your ogres, we can crush them in an instant.” Oran said casually.

Although orcs tend to be less intelligent species, some are born smart, and one of them is Oran. He is sly and a cunning one, and with his strength, there’s no doubt that he won the throne.

The meat has arrived. It was a lump of massive flesh from a huge animal. Maliathan chowed down on it, paying no mind to the orcs around. He didn’t even give some to his subordinates.
While the hungry ogre eats, “This ogre is so disrespectful to me. But I will leave him be. He is a valuable pawn to my plans against those dwarves and elves.” Oran said to himself as he looks at Maliathan with a malicious smile.
After the ogre finished eating, Oran was prompted to continue the discussion.

“In 6 months. Six. Months. We will crush them. We will gather troops and weapons before that time comes.” said Oran.

“I said, we don’t need to wait that long. We, ogres, are ready to fight and eat! Tomorrow we should commence our attack!” Maliathan shouted.

“That won’t do. I know that you are strong on brute force, but I don’t want us to lose. Before, the orcs’ leader, Odom, certainly said that we’ll win with brute force and immediately attacked, yet they lost. We must not do the same thing. Only idiots will make the same mistake of another idiot.” Oran replied.

Then he declared, “Six months. We will win!”
All orcs shouted in unison with a cry of battle, but Maliathan just looked at them like idiots.

- my thoughts:
I made the all the orcs' name start with letter "O" because the word orc starts with "O" ahahahah. I justify it as to give uniformity into their race, but the big part of it was I can't think of names ahahah! Enjoy!
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