Chapter 15 – Clowns?


[Yeah, clowns. I thought it would be funny…]

“It’s not.”

Zane replied as he dodged an attack from an axe-wielding jester and kicked it off the stairs, cracking its neck in the process.

The 36th floor resembled a multi-floored funhouse.

Two more clowns rushed at Zane. One wielding a giant coloured hammer and another holding pies – exploding pies.


Explosions sounded out as Zane dodged pie after pie. As he approached the one with the hammer he caught one of the pies and threw it towards the hammer-wielding one’s face, blowing up his head in the process.

Now that there was nothing in his way, he sped up towards the remaining clown while avoiding his pies. The clown started throwing them faster and faster and just as it seemed one of his pies would finally hit Zane. Zane rolled on the floor and lunged at him tackling the clown to the ground.


The clown struggled as Zane plunged his sword through its head before it vanished into motes of light and left behind a flower.

[Nice job.]

“Thanks. And are we back to junk items?”

[Junk items?]


Damage output: 60

Element: Water]


Zane then proceeded to clear the floor, mowing through all types of clowns, from white-faced clowns to jesters.

*Honk honk*

Zane jumped out of the way of the clown car, causing it to smash into the wall.

[Maybe this was a mistake. I’m starting to get sick of clowns…]
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“Can’t blame you.” He nonchalantly replied before chopping a creepy clown’s head off just before it got out of the car.

*Slash slash slash*

He kept parrying daggers from a jester before squeezing the flower causing the clown to flinch. He then stabbed it in the guts causing it to disappear.

[Behind you!]

Zane kicked backwards, causing the mime to fall. He then slashed its throat making it vanish.

“Show my stats”

[Player: Zane] [Lvl: 46] [Hp: 4700] [Equipment: *Black Knight Sword* *Chainmail Armour* *Squirter*]

“Not bad. By the way, when do I reach the boss?”

[Not long, Zane. It won’t take long.]

True to her words, it didn’t take too long for Zane to reach the boss room.

“Well, you got a little creative over here.”

[Only a little?]

“It’s still expected.”

He was in the middle of a dark circus tent. He kept searching for the boss but he was nowhere in sight. Once Zane stepped in the centre of the tent, drums started playing, the lights focused on him, and he could hear cheers and laughter from the audience stands who were now filled with clowns. Then some of the lights focused on one of the tight poles and the drums stopped.

“The boss’ another jester?”

[No, he’s a harlequin]

Only allowed on

Suddenly the harlequin clapped and threw some knives towards Zane.

Zane dodged to the left and he heard the laughter around him intensify. Some of the clowns in the stands joined the fight.

They charged with a crazy grin on their white-painted faces, waving knives in the air.

“Didn’t your mothers tell you not to run with knives?” He said before squirting his flower causing the ground to become wet. Some of the clowns slipped and stabbed their nearby fellows while he quickly dealt with the rest.

He slashed the first one in the middle section and then stabbed him in the head causing a critical hit, killing him in the process.

Then he parried the second and stabbed him in the middle of his spine before beheading him.

[Third clown 12 o’clock]

Zane didn’t turn, instead, he slammed his sword’s pummel into the clown’s nose, stunning him long enough for Zane to finish him off.

Zane proceeded to finish the rest of the clowns one by one until they were all dead.

The Harlequin then laughed jovially and then whistled, summoning a few pie-throwers and auguste clowns.

The auguste clowns tried surrounding him but they failed as Zane ignored them and headed towards the pie-throwers. They could’ve caught him but they couldn’t evade their own allies’ pies killing some of them.

Zane lunged at the first pie-thrower in his sight and slashed at his throat. Once he’d slain the clown, he grabbed the pies and threw them at the rest of the pie-wielding clowns, lowering their hp significantly.

He proceeded to finish off the throwers whilst taking their pies and once he killed the last one, he turned to the augustes.

“I heard you like pies.” He said with a smirk before throwing them at the oblivious buffoons who didn’t even try to get out of the way.


[He’s gonna get more of his buddies]

“Not on my watch.”

As the Harlequin tried to summon more clowns, Zane threw some pies at the pole which disrupted the harlequin as the explosion shook the pole.

He kept throwing pies at the pole till it fell, halving the harlequin’s health.

“HAHAHAHA!” the clown laughed as he got up before he started throwing knives at Zane.

Zane kept dodging as he closed the distance, though it kept getting harder and harder the closer he got.

Knives clanked against his chainmail armour as he slashed towards the slippery clown.

*Clank clank slash*

They kept fighting and fighting till Zane knocked the knife out of the grinning harlequin’s hand, receiving a few smoke bombs to the face in the process.

“Cough cough!”


Zane tried to roll away, but he was thrown on the ground. The harlequin was standing menacingly over him with a torch in hand and an evil grin on his face. He kicked Zane’s sword away and dramatically raised the torch high… Only for Zane to turn it off using the flower.

“Gah…!” The wet harlequin gasped for breath before falling over as when he tried to guess what just happened, Zane kicked him in the balls, knocking the winds out of his sails.

He tried to get up, but Zane splashed him in the face once again after he retrieved his sword and immediately chopped at his head.

“Guess I get the last laugh, f*****.”

“What the? You had to do that, didn’t you?”

[Squirter expired. It can only be used in floor 36]

[Sorry, it was a hidden condition].

“Great. Just great…”.

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