Chapter 17

Karas sighed and gave a card to Katul and Qoni: “I’d like the two of you to bring the servants and maids out, buy all of the things needed such as food and other necessities.”

“Also, allot a hundred thousand Gis and spend it amongst yourselves, or you can divide it into cash as well.”

“This…” Katul and Qoni were both speechless as they could only look at themselves, as head maid and butler, their monthly salary is around 3,000, but for maids and servants, they only have a monthly salary of 500 Gis.

To give away 100,000 Gis, that’s a little too massive, isn’t it? In fact, there are only twelve maids and fifteen servants, so, each of them will be receiving a couple of months of their salary for free!

Karas smiled: “Don’t worry, it won’t end in just this, we can do this in a yearly fashion, so long as everyone does their best, they won’t just receive an ordinary salary. bonuses and other gifts aren’t far from it as well.”

The two, Katul and Qoni looked at each other before looking back at Karas and nodded their head with a grateful smile: “As the master wishes.”

The two of them made their way out to complete their task.

Karas made his way to his room, he then saw a peculiar room just beside the bathroom, and he remembered that Zaran intentionally avoided this place, hence, he didn’t know what room it is.

Karas made his way towards the room, he felt a rather bad premonition as some sort of toy collection, the vibrating toys entered his mind, and gritting his teeth as he pushed the door open: “It better not be the case, I’ll definitely go to him and slap him with each of those toys I find!”

Karas stomped on the ground, yet, as he entered, he saw the capsule for the game, then, a few gym equipments, he sighed a breath of relief: “I was thinking too much…”

But as he looked around the room, he found something weird, like that same thing again, a noise he couldn’t help but have a twisted expression to.

Based on his previous life, Zaran was a decent man, but he kept playing pranks like this to his close aides, he was even pranked once.

He looked at the capsule, on the other side, there’s something like a worm wiggling here and there.

“………..” Karas couldn’t help but sigh, he rolled his eyes and plucked it: “How do you even freaking turn this off…”

He threw it at his bag and decided to bring it tomorrow.”

Deciding to do a few excises, the plump body of his slump to training again before taking a bath and sleep at 8:00 PM.


Morning came fast, Karas woke up and headed out immediately.


“Master.” All of the servants and maids bowed as they saw Karas, greeting formally like how they were trained. Of course, some were throwing flirtatious gazes at him, but he ignored it completely. If it’s his previous life, he would’ve definitely jumped and even abused his ‘authority’ on them, but he couldn’t really think of something like that at the moment, especially when his preparation hasn’t been completed yet.

Karas waved his hand and headed to where his car was parked. ‘If it was at the previous life, both before and after the apocalypse happened, I would’ve enjoyed it.’

He thought as opened the car’s back seat. He immediately placed all of his materials there.

Poison Rat’s claws x38
Poison Rat’s pelt x19
Poison Rat’s double bucktooth x21
Rabid Cockroach’s antennae x110
Rabid Cockroach’s wings x123
Rock Spider’s carcass x37
Rock Spider’s web x83
Frost Hound’s fangs x4
Frost Hound’s claw x9
Frost Hound’s pelt x1

Karas placed everything he doesn’t need, due to entering his inventory, all of the unneeded pieces of stuff were removed completely, the same as some of the foul smells.

He looked at what’s left and smiled: “These things wouldn’t be useful today, but in the future, it may become really precious materials.”

T1 bones x181

T1 beast core (frozen hound) x1
T1 blood x28
Frozen Hound’s meat x4

Everything has its place, and Karas does not need to use anything at the moment.

If what he knows is true, the first meat he eats will be his future path. If a more powerful beast’s meat is to be consumed, the two properties will fight each other out till only one survives, Karas witnessed many of such scenes from his previous life, the chances of success? Only 1%, there were barely a few dozens that he knew that survived that.

As for the beast core, it’s used for powering up the properties, the more you use, the stronger the properties become. It’s also able to increase the skill of a person if it’s compatible with the beast meat they are evolving to.

“I remember General Uruga was the highest being in the Sky Arisen Empire that time, he can evenly fight dragons with his bird properties, well, hawk I guess…”

As humans evolved, one will have properties the same as the first meat they ate, but that’s till the meat reached t1, also known as the lowest tier.

It was stated that on a mission on the brink of failure, General Uruga happened to see a dead T6 Iron Hawk beast.  from his desperation, Uruga ate the beast’s meat without knowing what it was and survived alone.

He returned as a hero that day, helping humanity and becoming one of the empire’s pillars.

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Karas rode his car and decided to head to deliver the materials.

Only allowed on


Arriving, Karas handed the keys to one of the security and headed in.

“Good morning sir.” Everyone greeted him, of course, they’ve been handed a picture of Karas today, after all, he’s the newly adopted son of the company’s president, Roan’s adopted son!

Karas couldn’t get used to such things, he merely smiled at them and waved his hand: “Please, return to work, I’d hate it if the old man scolds me for stalling you all.”

The employees laughed as they bowed and returned to their work.

Of course, there are those as well, they couldn’t help but throw Karas glances of annoyance as well as hate.

“Just because he was adopted, he acts like that, hmmp!” A goon-looking man spoke, his voice filled with contempt and envy.

“Ei, don’t speak too loudly, someone may rat you out.” His friend tried to stop him, after all, it’s the same as questioning the work of the highest authority within the company.

“Acting all high and mighty just because he got adopted, who knows what kind of scheme that fatso did!”

At this time, a lady walked up to them and spoke with a voice like that of an angel’s melodious tone yet, playful like that of a fairy sounded: “Oh, why are you not working? Is it break time?”

Hearing this, the three that were talking looked at her and couldn’t help but shake as soon as they saw who she is.

They immediately stood up: “Young miss!”

“W-we’re going.” The other one immediately drags the other as they made their way out.

The lady smiled, she looked at the trio before humming and made her way up.

“Young miss!” Of course, she was welcomed as well, even stricter than what they did for Karas.

The young lady merely smiled at them before continuing her walk to the company’s top floor. She looked at Karas’s back for a while before a peculiar smile was expressed on her face.

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