Chapter 143: Mite Snow and Millie Snow

Li Mo had no idea this happened since he was out like a light the moment he arrived.

Su Mingyuan’s flimsy strike was shirked off like nothing but a fifth level being’s hits left him in a precarious state.

“Master! Master! Mistresses, help master!”

The two snow people sobbed.

In the Experts Alliance’s emergency meeting hall, the trading was still going in full swing.

Yang Hongying finally borrowed enough points to buy the Imperial Fruit. Now she was looking around for Li Mo, only to find he wasn’t here.

“Would it hurt you to give me a notice? Goddammit!”

Yang Hongying’s was a maelstrom of rage.

Su Haoyang’s body only got found out two days later, but only him and not Robb.

Robb’s body vanished long before anyone knew it was there.

Su Haoyang’s death didn’t stir a sensation since only a rare few knew of Su Haoyang’s identity.

Li Mo was out cold for three days, in the thorough care of the snow people.

“Master’s awake!” Mite Snow shouted.

Millie Snow shed a tear of joy.

Li Mo chuckled at the bustle around him.

The universe had hundreds of intelligent races and all of them had traits, except snow people. Although the snow people’s meticulousness, attention to details, and exaggerated consideration could be called a ‘trait’. With them around, one could rest easy knowing they’d do everything to their utmost ability without any complaint.

There were no snow people out there that grumbled or kick someone when they were down. They put their heart and soul when working for their master. They changed owners in a heartbeat but always treated others with the utmost respect. 

No matter whose mighty figure they served, never ever would they abuse their status and look down on others.

Inside the parlor, every item was in its right spot and the floor was buffed to a shine.

Su Qingyi was diligent as well, just that her progress was nonexistent, unable to control her body still. She hopped around, even using the occasional arm. As for An Yuxin? Her cleaning once a week paled to the hard work of the snow people.

The tree demons were now in their original forms, a nine-tailed arctic fox, a jade pipa, and a nine-headed pheasant.

The three always returned to this state because they hadn’t linked with the God Realm. It was no different from when the internet was down and playing an online game. Could one use in-game skills in the real world without uplinked at demon qi? 

Li Mo’s Yin Yang Array helped form demon qi for them, but this world had next to no demon qi at all. It was so sparse that not even a single demon could live off it.

The three demons stayed in their original form for longer and longer, but only when they left the mansion would they lose their awareness as well.

Li Mo took a seat on the couch and Millie Snow instantly dropped at his feet to massage them.

“Are you hungry, master? I’ll go prepare a meal.” Mite Snow ran into the kitchen. 

Watching the adorable and cuddly Millie Snow, Li Mo touched her head than her snow-white neck. 

‘Smooth and soft indeed.’ Li Mo chuckled.

He had long heard of the famously soft and smooth skin of the snow people. Just that his past life was wreaked with war that he hadn’t got the leisure to confirm it.

“Is there anyone going by the name of Kaskk among the comrades of your former master? Rosa as well?”

“Yes, master.” Millie Snow replied with hesitation.

‘It’s them.’

Li Mo nodded.

Kaskk and Rosa were some of the leaders in the eleven races alliance that invaded Earth. They were at peak fifth level and even had a powerful trait to match. They were far stronger than the likes of Domon.

“Kaskk, Rosa, Oriya, and Sorosi are the only four names I know, master.”

Li Mo nodded. There was no point asking for more when snow people were servants.

Mite Snow ran back, “Master, food is ready. Please partake.”

Li Mo had to praise his cooking. Just some plain veggies were turned into gourmet food.

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Snow people had no talent but each one of them worked their hardest. Adding the fact their lives could reach five thousand years, where snow people lacked in power they made up in all other fields. 

Of course, such fields were learned only in the interest of pleasing their masters and survive in this harsh and cruel universe. 

“How old are you?”

“I am the oldest, at 210 years old. My sister is 110.”

With regards to snow people, having less than two centuries was still considered being a minor.

Snow people’s childhood was brief, growing up to maturity in a few short years. They kept their youthful appearance for thousands of years and only when they neared the end of their lives would they swiftly age in their very last year before passing away.

Only allowed on

“Tell me what you can do.”

“Yes, master!”

The pair were born on Heavenly Emperor, the home planet of the Kaskk’s race, one of the leaders of the eleven race alliance. Its location wasn’t in the Milky Way Galaxy, but 76190 galaxies away. Snow people had no planet for themselves. A long long time, they lived in a corner of the universe, a fitting place for the universe’s servants.

Mite Snow and Millie Snow were born as Kaskk’s servants. Their parents were his as well, until fifty years ago. Kaskk gifted their parent to another fierce alien race and the two lost touch with their parents.

The siblings lived in Kaskk’s home until Kaskk gave them to Robb, who they followed him here on Earth.

Li Mo’s previous assumption was dead wrong. Mite Snow and Millie Snow had been on earth for two decades already.

“So that’s why… no wonder!” Li Mo exclaimed.

Twenty years ago, an asteroid struck Earth. In the global panic that ensued before it hit, each country’s leading scientists predicted the fate of mankind would be a replay of the dinosaurs’ extinction.

Curious enough, on the day of impact, many countries had recorded the asteroid but the extinction didn’t happen. 

For years the world searched for a trace, but the asteroid vanished into thin air.

In the end, the world had reached a verdict and declared, “The asteroid was similar to a ball of cotton, burning up in the atmosphere before it impacted Earth.”

The truth was the aliens had come in search of the Staff of Origin since twenty years ago.

“This points at the fact they have on them an origin fragment, and not just one!”

“It’s obvious now why I could never restore the Staff of Origin in my past life no matter how much I looked. It never occurred to me such a scenario was possible!”

Li Mo was beaming from joy. With him happy, so too were Mite Snow and Millie Snow. Millie Snow was kneading Li Mo’s shoulders while her brother buffed his shoes.

Li Mo waved and the items he got from Su Haoyang and Robb came out of the Star Ring.

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