“Just what is going on?” Li Mo sat dazed on the stone steps of Marquis Manor’s gate, gripped by desolation at the familiar yet estranged surroundings. The feeling came without warning, making him take out Scarlet Blade and point it at his throat. “Master, wake up! Don’t do anything stupid! We’re in an illusion!” Xiao Hong’s panicked voice rang in ...
Chapter 468: Illusion
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5 years ago Madam Ru could just be waiting for her to have the baby.. test if the kid is the heir and probably kill her
5 years ago There’s definitely something wrong. I’d throw away all the gifts just to be safe lol
Assey lum
5 years ago What if madam Ru knew it’s BLZX that been sending JMY’s an inner demon but she pretend she didn’t knew so BLZX would help to get “rid” the inner demon. Maybe there’s no other way to get rid the inner demon without help the one that sending it.