Ch 2 / First Step in Destiny

Suddenly a green line extended in front of me. I was surprised at first as it appeared from nowhere, but I knew it was leading me to my test area. I followed it to enter a huge space that has no boundary.

On the sides of this space, I noticed the presence of rows of seats. There were a huge number of participants in front of me. That didn’t affect me as I felt a great sense of challenge. I needed to beat them all, that was simple, right?

When I arrived at my test area I found a small platform that was similar to many I passed before on my way here. Without delay, I climbed this three meters high platform and then waited just like anybody else around me.

In two minutes I heard the same pleasant voice saying directly in my ears:

“Welcome to the Frod test. Here you have ten hours to answer all the questions. Your answers will be evaluated by me.

The percentage of your right answers will be very important in determining your future. Please choose your answers carefully. Judges are watching you, so try to perform well as their evaluation is important too. Good luck. Test officially starts. “

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In seconds I found a strange screen that appeared in front of my eyes. It was hanged in the air but I felt it wasn’t real. I tried to touch it but my hands just passed it. How could I see something that didn’t exist? That was strange for me, but this was Frod Technology world no wonder.

Suddenly a raw of questions appeared in front of me. Each question had over ten possible answers. I remembered Respon advice so I started rapidly choosing. Some questions were simple but others were strange like:

“You have a guild’s army of players under your command. This guild was under a great war with another three guilds. Your guild was losing. What would you do to change the war course?”

“If a very strong player applied to join your guild and this player was famous for betrayal. Your guild is in desperate need of a strong player. What would you do then?”

“You have found a high-level treasure chest. That chest was in the den of very strong monsters. You are alone player. What would be your decision to get this chest?”

Questions like these filled the whole test. I didn’t know what they meant, but I felt they were like real-life situations. The question about the guild being in war with the other three guilds was just like my kingdom.

It was also at war with three kingdoms. I didn’t choose any answer from the list that followed that question but wrote my answer. I wrote that I would use diplomacy trying to break their guild from inside.

I would not stop my defense and rather focus on one kingdom and make it lose a lot. I would use this pressure to cause an inside strife between the three guilds.

I would try to spread rumors about my guild allying with other guilds to cause more panic inside their forces. I would try hard to hit one guild of them badly so the other two would hesitate.

I would then offer a peace treaty to one of the remaining guilds. By then the war would end by one guild nearly destroyed, one guild was my ally and the final one would be in fear of my retaliation.

I used the same way to solve these questions that I didn’t understand. The majority of these questions were about these guilds and guild wars. It took me around five hours to finish this test.

I didn’t know if I was fast enough but it took me a lot of time trying to understand these weird questions. I thought I would be tested about kingdom and empire problems, but it felt weird answering those guilds and players issues.

Till I finished, I didn’t understand what the guild meant or what the payers were!

“Congratulations! You have finished your test. Your score was 98%. It is a very high score. The evaluation from the judges will be announced now.

The judges evaluate your performance by 97%. Your final score is 97.5 %. Congratulations you are now in the first 1 percentile of the participants. Your final evaluation is “Guild Master”. You will receive your post in ten minutes. You can now contact anyone you know from your family.”

I didn’t understand a word from what that sound meant. What” guild master” post? I didn’t have any family here in the Frod Empire, but I have one person that I can talk to. I didn’t waste time and said:

“I want to speak with Respon prince.”

“Starting to contact Respon prince. Respon prince accepted your call request. “

Suddenly the screen showed the young face of Respon. When I saw him I discovered that he was handsome!

“My little fighter, you finished the test rapidly! I estimated you would take more hours to finish it.”

“That was thanks to your advice my prince.”

“Ok, enough from this chit chat. I guess you had succeeded in the test, so your time is limited. Tell me what your rank was?”

“I got a strange rank called “Guild Master”. What is this rank? Is it a high rank? “

I noticed the sudden change on his face. He looked very serious as he asked me:

“What rank did you say you got?”

“Guild Master Rank.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m pretty sure. What did this rank mean?”

I noticed his hesitation before he asked me again:

“What was your final score?”

“I got a 97.5 % total score!”

“That’s weird! Have you ever used our technology?”

“Nope. I didn’t understand most of the test questions.”

“Then how did you answer them perfectly?”

“It was similar to the many issues that my kingdom faced. I didn’t think of these strange names like guilds or players.

I thought of these questions as a kingdom related questions and I answered them.”

I heard him muttering to himself in disbelief:

“That’s strange! It seems that you have a fate with Frod!”

“What do you mean my prince?”

His absent look changed to be as serious as he said:

“You are now responsible for establishing a guild. I don’t know if you will like it or not, but you will be now transferred to a game world. This game is a new game that will start with the test participants this month.

Your rank is Guild Master. That means you will have a guild establishing stone. Don’t use it at first. I will try to send help to you as soon as possible. “

I felt his urge and anxiety so I said immediately:

“I didn’t understand a single word from what you just said! “

“Don’t worry, when you enter the game you will understand. Be careful and don’t say your rank to anyone. Your rank is very special and many will try to hold you down. Keep a low profile till my reinforcement arrives.

What name will you choose to play with?”

“Name? I don’t understand?”

“Oh forget it. There is no time. Choose your name. Don’t forget to keep it low. My reinforcement will use the code “Respon game “when they contact you. Keep low and play safe. Don’t f…”

He didn’t have time to complete his words to me as I sensed a huge strength pulling me from my place. I felt dazed and kind of lost. What was happening to me now?

When the pulling force vanished, I found myself at a very wide place. I looked around to see everything was in white. Suddenly a yellow dot appeared in front of me then it changed to become a very beautiful seducing lady.

“Welcome adventurer to the game of destiny. Here you will take your first steps towards glory. I’m Onita. You can consider me as your assistance. You have taken your Frod test.

Your test results are Guild Master. Do you want to establish your guild now as an adventurer?”

I looked at this pretty lady wondering ‘what the hell was she saying to me?’. I remembered Respon warning so I said without thinking:

“No, I won’t establish this guild for now.”

“It seems to me you are from outside kingdoms, right?”


“Do you understand what you will experience or do you want me to explain to you?”

Finally, I found someone that could help me! I said at once:

“Yes please, I don’t understand anything at all.”

“That’s fine. Many newcomers here don’t understand the core of our civilization. Our Empire was built over a technology heritage.

We use the power of XP to improve ourselves. Everyone in our Empire has a level and a ranking. The level determines your power and ranking determines your authority. Your rank is a very unique one.

In Frod we put Guild Masters at a very highly esteemed position. We believe that guild masters are the core of our civilization and our hope for a better future.

Any Guild Master can upgrade himself using our technology to create a kingdom and even an Empire. That is for sure in the distant future and it needs a lot of hard work and sacrifices.

Also, you will need a lot of luck to do so. You are the first newcomer in millenniums to reach this rank. Always descendants of aristocratic families in the Frod Empire have this rank exclusively.

You will experience a new game system in which you will strive for a hegemony. You will try hard to gain XP as this will make you stronger. As a Guild Master, you need to make your guild stronger.

Only allowed on

Guild wars here in the game are very brutal, so I advise you to take this seriously. If your guild was destroyed three times in one year, you will lose your qualifications as a Guild Master. Do you understand adventurer?”

It was a lot of info but I needed these of course. I will live inside a game. What was this game looked like? Was it like the real world?

“I understand. What if I got killed there?”

“You will lose one level and you can resurrect. There are different penalties for dying this game, so try to stay alive. Every time you die your soul gets weaker.

If you died ten times in one year, you will be stripped off your rank qualification as a Guild Master. If you died more than thirty times a year or your level became zeroed, then you would be expelled from this game.

If this happened, you will lose your chance of using Frod technology. So cherish your only chance adventurer as you won’t get it again”

It seemed safe and dangerous at the same time. This Frod world looked very challenging to me. That was good news. I loved challenges. I thought about her words and remembered Respon anxious face.

It looked like I would be in great danger if those aristocratic descendants knew about my identity.

“Can anyone know about my score and my name?”

“Sure, the test results will be published in public. Anyone can reach these test results easily. Now, are you ready Adventurer to choose your game name?”

That was pretty close! If I decided to choose my true name then anyone could find me easily. I mustn’t choose my name at all! This name must be forgotten if I wanted to live! I smiled in tension and said:

“My name will be Agatha.”

Agatha was my little sister’s name. Sorry, Agatha, I had to use your name.

“Welcome Agatha to Destiny game. What class will you choose?”

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