Chapter 28

Makoto had been staying in Tetsu’s house ever since he had said Shinji and Fujimoto were the ones to have killed Hisao. He was finding Tetsu’s house much comfortable than living inside a tree all the time.
Every time he got in a tree, the tree lost its life and crumble like it had been chewed on by millions of mites. But it was how he had learned to escape.
Azmra was filled with trees.
Dense cities like Pryeg were an exception. Even though Makoto had been staying inside the house for few days by his own willingness, he doubted Tetsu had an itch to learn how he could get inside trees.
Tetsu had asked him how he had acquired his power just once but Makoto was sure more questions were coming at him. He had spotted the two humongous guards outside his room many times a day.
The noise of their armor clattering was loud enough to wake him up in midnight. He had tried to make conversation with them in several occasions but they were silent as a lifeless rock.
Good thing. At least I am safe from Nobukazu with these guards around me. He consolidated himself.
Makoto had seen stacks of gold coins in the house. His thief instincts were dead despite of the wealth waiting to be picked scattered around him. Not even a fragment of greed existed in his hear while being inside the house.
Someone knocked on his door while he was on his bed.
Makoto got off his bed and unlocked the door. “Hello Mrs. Tetsu.” He said.
“Could you?” she mumbled.
“Oh! Sure.” Tetsu understood what she said and opened the door wide.
She was holding a big tray which was covered by a cloth.
“I had had my food, madam.” Tetsu said.
“These are clothes, Makoto.” She smiled.
Makoto lifted the cloth to see some attired underneath.
“For you.” She continued.
“It was not necessary though.” Makoto was flattered.
“For the festival, it is more than necessary.” She said, putting the tray on his bed, “Tetsu is expecting you to see in these. You would be surprised to know this is his pick.”
“How will I doubt his taste?” said Makoto, taking out a neat torso.
Makoto was going to change as soon as Tetsu’s wife would leave the room.
“Have you been to here in festival days before?” she questioned.
“No. I am scared of crowd.” He put the attire down, “But I have made my mind. I will see the crowning of three forces.”
“It is always entertaining to watch.” She said.
Both of them flinched after hearing a loud pop from Tetsu’s working room.
“What happened?” Mrs. Tetsu was about to lose her breath.
Makoto sprinted out of there because the sound had come from the room where crystal ball was kept.
Tetsu and Makoto arrived in the foggy room at the same time.
When the smog settled, all they had to look at was the pitch black crystal ball. Tetsu rushed to it, attempting to see how relevant the ball was.
But it was as useful as a donkey’s tooth.
“This f****** ball lost all its power!” Tetsu kicked the table in anger.
Ball rolled and hit the floor.
“You had captured Shinji in this ball, didn’t you?” Makoto said, kneeling towards the black thing.
“This ball was the source of Fiend House.” Tetsu sighed, “Now the magic is broken.”
“Did your powers die too?” Makoto questioned.
“This stupid ball was never base of my powers.” Tetsu growled, “Sorcerers and mages don’t need such things to regulate their arts.”
“So what was this ball for?”
“To fool enemies. And most of all, to punish the cheats.” Tetsu sat in his chair, “I shouldn’t have undermined the cracks.” He put his hand on his forehead.
“Did Shinji and Fujimoto escape?” Makoto raised his eyebrows.
“Go and check.” Tetsu commanded.
Makoto nod.
“And don’t go through banyan tree.” Heard Makoto when he was looking at the two guards standing outside the door.
“Don’t you two speak?” Makoto asked one of those metal bedded beings.
The man in armor didn’t utter a word. Instead he pointed Makoto the way out from his stiff fingers. He didn’t find it appropriate to leave without thanking him but showing gratitude to an emotionless person became difficult for him.
Makoto went by his finger when the guard lowered his hand and placed it on the sword hilt.


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4 years ago

Let’s get ready to rumble.

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