Chapter 52

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People inside the room didn’t waste any time from getting out of the danger. They lead themselves to the exit through the flames from the narrow passage. Commander Padoreigu came out from the flames at last. He locked the door tight and bellowed at the guards, “Bring water in here.”

“It would be too late.” Genzou caught his armor, “Many potions are in there which I can’t afford to lose. Manuscripts, equipments all are in there.”
“This is why I am telling them to hurry.” Eiga said, looking at burnt beard on Genzou’s chin.

“Put the fire out. Make use of being blessed by fire!” Genzou lost it. He could bear the sight of his effort of decades decompose into ashes.
“It will be against the nature of fire. Can’t do it.” Eiga showed his frustrations. There was no way he was going to break the nature just because a bearded old man was yelling at him.
“Isn’t there anything you can do?” Ser Akimitsu pulled the red haired man from his shoulder, spinning him around.
“I can only stop fire from spreading. But in the return, fire will take over whatever there is in the area where it is confined. Then only the flames will die down.” Commander Eiga answered.

“Then do it before this castle turns into ashes.”
Pushing Ser Akimitsu’s hand from his shoulder, Commander Eiga went towards the door and unlocked it. Flames exploded from the open door like it was waiting for freedom.

While everyone was trying to flee Eiga sat in the fire with both of his arms signaling the fire to stop. The fire cooled near the door and entered back in the room. Commander Eiga warmed his hand in fire and drew an imaginary line outside the door.

Flames touched the line but didn’t cross it. When the soldiers arrived with barrels and buckets of water, fire was in its last phase.
“Is there another way to cure Lord Wernh’An?” Ser Akimitsu spoke in Genzou’s ear.
“Metal Mage.” Shinji heard the broken doctor say.

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