10 – Starter Issues (2)

(Rukaru POV)

“Right.” Shohi spoke with approval, “Sorazu can put stuff in an alternate space, we should be able to preserve things in there.”

“Oh, really?” Toukai looks with an expression of pleasant surprise at Sorazu.

“Yeah.” Sorazu said, as he then looks to the ground, and in a moment, a bunch of grass disappears, a barren ground revealed.

Then, he looks forward, but not to the distance, and more so at something close to him, though whatever it is is apparently invisible to us, probably something like the status.

I see him show a slight smile, satisfaction with something he sees, and as his expression conveys himself thinking, he puts up his palm, and we see a stream of grass flowing out from it.

“Woah?” Reshidou and I couldn’t help but sound our surprise. Toukai is silent, her gaze looks firm.

“Well, like that.” Sorazu said, having shown a demonstration, “I can get things into an alternate space, and pull them back out of it.”

“It’s consumed a bit of your mana, though.” Toukai said, and then asks: “can you still teleport the still-warm meat that Shohi talked about to us?”

“Hm…” Sorazu thinks about it, “I’ll try.” He said, then going silent.

“It’s in the back. Like, in the middle portion of the bits farthest that we can see.” Shohi said, helping out with Sorazu’s searching, it seems.

We let several seconds silently pass, and then, we take notice of a feathered creature that suddenly popped up beside where we are. It’s unexpectedly large for a bird.

“Ah!?” Reshidou exclaimed, jumping back the most out of each of us, he was nearest to the spot.

“Warn us before you teleport it, man.” Shohi also jumped back a little, his awkward grin showing a conflict between what he should feel.

I quietly let out an awkward laugh as my response.

“Ah, sorry.” Sorazu apologizes with an unknowing tone. “Anyways, I think this is one of the still warm animals.”

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Shohi takes a look at it, and then says: “is your spatial sense stronger than my heat vision?” His expression turned complicated.

“Hm?” Sorazu showed an unknowing expression in response. “I just tried imagining what heat is. I just imagined limiting what I see to the look of the atoms that were shaking more than others.”

“Oh. Well, I suppose it is said that space is the top element when it gets included, with time being the one at the same level…”

Shohi continues speaking, “heat is just atoms shaking around more than usual, huh.” Then, his initially aimless turning ends up gazing towards Reshidou, wherein, “with that logic, I could intrude on what kinesis means. And Reshidou could also create heat, or make something super cold…”

“Uh… Well. Your ability is on the scale of atoms, and Reshidou is maybe limited to the big assembly of atoms.” Sorazu reasoned to keep the difference.

“Well, we’ll see when it comes down to it.” Shohi said, “I suppose we’ll just have to say that these are our areas of expertise. The system of magic could be that it doesn’t stop us from learning more…” He audibly whispered, seemingly for himself.

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With that convo done, I look towards Toukai who had pressed her hand on top of the larger-than-usual bird. I’d say it’s just as big as the wolves. If not, even bigger, especially with the size of its wings, although it has them folded.

There’s no damage on this one, as far as I can see, but it’s apparently dead according to Shohi’s sight.

“Are you sure it’s dead, Shohi?” I inquire, for him to confirm his observation.

“Well, I’m not sure if heat is the most perfect way to say if something is alive or not, but with what my heat vision is telling me, it should be close enough, to be as not alive as the soil below it.” Shohi answered.

“I might as well add, that its heart doesn’t seem to be beating. Aside from…” Sorazu gave himself some time to think of what to call, “brain activity…?”

“Yeah, as for me, I’ll just vouch that there’s no movement inside it. Not a whole lot.”, Reshidou added in.

“Well”, Toukai takes her turn to speak up, “its HP seems to be very low. It’s not exactly dead, but I’ll go with agreeing that it’s as good as dead.”

Sorazu then adds: “the bones in the rib area seems to be broken… It could have died from a hit.”

Toukai then turn herself from the speakers, to look back at the pretty much dead creature. “Rukaru… chop its head…?” She instructed with an unsure tone, as she steps back a bunch.

“Wait, we’re going to start cooking it now?” Shohi, who would handle the the heating, said, stopping me. “We should at least wait until the sun rises, and everyone wakes up.”

Looks like, he had given it some thought.

We then see Sorazu walking up to it, putting his hand on the creature, that was apparently called demonic bird, according to Toukai’s [Evaluation].

“I’m guessing you want to store it?” Reshidou asked Sorazu who started just standing there with his hand on the demonic bird.

“Yeah…” Sorazu replied. “But, just like the description says, I can’t store matter with a soul attached, huh. It has to die first.”

Hm… To be honest, it doesn’t feel nice to personally witness the killing process of an animal. Or, seeing the blood. But at the least, my [Division] should be quick with it.

Toukai sighs, deciding: “let’s wait until the morning, when everyone wakes up.”

- my thoughts:
WIth this chapter, and onwards, I'll try to work on the pronouns to stop repeating the names of the characters so much... Also, the release schedule... at a compromise, I'll try to release at least one chapter--on monday--every seven days. This chapter is a special case in the sense that I want to keep up the initial pace of releasing two chapters every seven days...and I'll try to keep up an increased pace, but for at the time of writing this, I can't seem to focus... I also missed the second chapter for the previous week... .-.
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