11 – Classmates

Toukai stood in the classroom, while the boys chose to just stay outside. She felt the cold of the night again. Circumstantially, she glanced at the floor, the place from where the circular formation of magic sprouted from, and so had them and the classroom taken from Earth.

Her [Eidetic] construct didn’t help her in remembering what shapes the formation had, though.

After much deliberation, she concluded she just couldn’t. Without it present at the time, her [Eidetic] construct didn’t see it, and so hadn’t stored her sighting of it.

Still, the construct she had was not all-powerful. There was only the boys’ conversations that was of notability to her, so that’s what she tried the construct on. What she found out was that it was truly great with what details it could recall, however, from the interface, she learned that there was some kind of time limit in how much it could store.

The construct she had for great memory was more like that of just having some invisible camera that could be set to record or snap a picture at will. And also, this particular camera recorded the other four senses, though she noted only the addition of the sense of hearing.

Since there wasn’t much to try with the concept of magic, and since she couldn’t recreate the spatial magic that brought them here which was like the result of a spontaneous bug in software, she wanted to just rest for now.

Conveniently, the chilly feeling she’d felt on her skin disappeared. She looked outside, it didn’t seem like Shohi needed to have the target in his gaze anymore to warm them up.

Outside, they mostly talked about video game logic, novel logic, and whatever logic to relate with magic and whatever quirks were possible. At some point, Rukaru was the one to mention going back inside.

By the time the four did go back inside, Toukai had fell asleep. It was a rather unpleasant night for her since there were so many issues that came with the absence of society, and the abrupt switch into survivalist thinking. The only resources they had were what a classroom would usually have.

To solve most of the issues, Toukai had chosen to just lean on whether or not they would have the luck to just magic the solution into existence.


Before she could be satisfied with the rest she had, her eyelids opened, her head lifted, and when they noticed, they greeted her, she who woke up.

“Uh… Morning.” Toukai decided to simply return the greeting as well.

“It’s about time for our classmates to wake up.” Rukaru looked toward the direction of where the sun rose.

“Yeah, let’s wake them up…” Sorazu said.

“How about you make some noise with your kinesis, Reshidou.” Shohi suggested.

“That seems”, Reshidou smiled wryly, “a little unnecessary.”

And so, Thud! Rukaru took himself to the blackboard. “Everyone wake up”, he said. Thud! He forced his hand to the blackboard a bunch of times in quick succession, making some noise.

Gradually, several classmates woke up one after another.

Though there were people next to each other, none of them had piled up on top of the other. They had managed to prevent having that happen. The classroom was large enough to let them have some space apart.

“Where are we?” This was the question that all of them wanted to know the answer of when they saw what was outside.

“Everyone, listen.” Ayami took their attention. “According to Shohi and Sorazu, we are in another world. That, we are in a magical one.”

“Another world?” Another classmate repeated, “what do you mean, class president?”

Toukai glanced over to the one who asked. Akemi. She was one of the more diligent students.

Using [Evaluation], Akemi had both constructs and partial constructs empty, but Toukai could still see everything else in the status window as normal. She had seen earlier on that the other students who had woken up in the middle of the night had complete constructs.

At the time, no one else who remained asleep appeared to have had complete constructs.

However, she did observe that it appeared as though people were gradually acquiring completed constructs. She had seen someone have at least something listed in partial constructs. Monitoring the person, she’d seen what was listed come into the constructs list.

Back to Akemi’s question. “I think it’s best if you just go ahead and see something you usually don’t. Open your status by saying open status.” Toukai answered for everyone to hear, and thus the words were uttered by them.

“Nothing showed up for me.” This was the consensus among the majority of the students.

“Really?” Shohi was surprised, and so he could only look towards Toukai for some truth.

“Well, in your sleep, I have evaluated you guys. I’ll just say that most of you don’t have constructs yet, so that may be why.”

“What’s a construct?” The question was asked.

“It’s like a skill”, Shohi took the opportunity to explain, “like in a game, you can do magical stuff when you have it. That’s the easiest way to explain it.”

The students took their time to understand the information provided. As for the magic, the majority didn’t seem to have access to it just yet, so they put that aside.

Firstly, it took a while for them to process where they were, and after that, more concerns came to light when they thought of what they habitually did. Most did not voice out such concerns, but they did share the sentiment, and only a few had to say them.

“How should we bathe?” This was the first thing to do in the morning among other things to do with what a bathroom would usually contain, like taking care of dental hygine, or digestive cleansing.

“What should we eat?” This was important for their bodily health, along with what to drink.

“What should we do?” Being in an unusual place to be, doing something to entertain one’s self was important in passing the time. This was a necessity for sanity.

“Where should we sleep?” The classroom has this sorted, but some found it a little strange. At least, there was no bedding. It was the most comforting activity in terms of the mind.

“Right”, Toukai agreed that there were problems, “however, we have access to magic now. Apparently.” She brought up what she would rely on. “If we have anyone with something like Water Aptitude or Creation Magic. We’ll have our problems sorted.”

“Ayami, Hanefu, please come here.” She called for two girls who she’d seen possess the most utility. “You each have the [Modelling], and [Factory] constructs. Yes?”

“Uh… Yeah…?” The two were confused, but they could still go with the flow well enough.

“So, what’re we to do?” They asked upon arriving near the desk where Toukai stood herself beside.

“There’s the description in your constructs.” Toukai directed them to where the reasoning stemmed for this act she wanted done. “Try imagining this desk bending around, or have it do some crazy stuff, or something.”

Ayami showed a skeptical expression as a matter of course. But, “sure”, she chose to follow. With her hand pressed on top of it, the edges bent into a shape that it was as though the desk was going to spiral around her hand.

“Uhuh…” There wasn’t much energy from her reaction, but what she felt of it, she did express. She pulled her hand back after a good few seconds of it slowly, quietly moving as if it were squirming.

“Okay, that’s good.” Toukai said, and then looked to the next girl, Hanefu. “Go ahead.”

“I guess I’m going to do the same?” After saying so, Hanefu put her hand on the desk. Her eyes then moved in surprise. She saw a visual window pop up, containing some text for her to read.

Looking towards Toukai who didn’t seem to show a reaction, and then towards Ayami who she had followed after in this trying-out of magical capabilities. “What does all these mean?” She asked.

She thought of Ayami, a significant person in her circle of people to talk with in the classroom, as a very vocal person.

It was strange that there wasn’t a question that she voiced out, if she too saw what Hanefu saw.

“What is it?” Toukai asked. The descriptions that the constructs could convey were still limited. She only saw the basic description, since she had no prior knowledge of such matters for her [Evaluation] to add into the intepretation.

And, in Hanefu’s case, it was a very summarized description that had no specific example of what it would do.

“I’m seeing some box that has some stuff in it. It is a lot like in video games, I guess.” Since it was the most recent explanation she got, that was what she went with.

It looked futuristic with its holographic aesthetic, a bit unlike what she was familiar with in what she would go for when it came to the artstyle, in video games.

“Uh-huh. Okay. Can you do anything with it?” Toukai pushed forward with the description from Hanefu.

“I don’t know.” Hanefu tried making the desk twist around like with how Ayami did it, but for it was not happening as quickly, “all it’s showing me is wood, and metal”, she gave up mimicking Ayami, and just read out some of the text she saw.

“[Factory]. You can assemble stuff.” Toukai tried inferring more from what she could read. It was a very brief description, and it was quite similar to the description for Ayami’s [Modelling].

“From the name, I guess you’re like a walking factory?” With those words, Toukai felt a bit hopeful. “Try creating something.”

“A walking factory, huh…” Hanefu showed a complicated expression.

It was interesting, but, “yeah, that is a bit strange.” Ayami spoke in playful jest, though she did have her share of experiencing quite the oddity.

“Okay. Creating stuff.” Hanefu put her hands up. If anything were to be brought into existence because of her, she was thinking it’d come from her hands, like a magician pulling out a wand, cane, or cards.

A few too many seconds passed. “Nothing…?” Hanefu turned her head from hand to hand. Nothing magically appeared.

“You probably need materials to create something. You saw something when you had your hand on the table, right? It’s probably what you can make stuff out of. So, try that again.” Shohi reasoned.

“Okay.” She put her hand back on the desk. “(To make something with this…)” She thought of what she’d like created.

She looked at the materials: wood, and metal. After giving it some thought, she decided to just look around.

“I don’t know what to make.” There wasn’t anything that she could think of that was interesting with the materials being limited to wood and metal.

“How about making a sword for Rukaru”, Sorazu gave an idea.

“How about a bow for Reshidou?” Rukaru heard, and so he added.

“Weapons are good.” Shohi was in agreement.

“I don’t know if I need the bow.” Reshidou was uncertain. The bow needed quite a bunch of stuff.

“Well, we could just give it a try.” Rukaru wanted to see it created anyway.

So, Hanefu gave creating weapons a try.

For her, two visual windows appeared. “(Oh?)”

One of the two new windows was a prompt, asking her for confirmation if she wanted to create a sword. The other one was more informative and attached to the former, telling her of the composition that would be taken from the source, amount and percentage.

“(Yes.)” She instructed, and the construct automatically took an interpretation of what a sword was from her mind. The magical energy to assemble the physical materials were sent.

The wooden top of the desk began shrinking inwardly. The metallic legs of it, being the farthest from the point of contact, had the highest priority for processing. Points of access to the material were accordingly set to low priority as to keep things connected.

Finding it most suitable, her other hand was designated for the output point.

The handle was made quickest since it was the base and the safe-to-touch end of the object. It was practically already within her grasp, so she subsequently held onto it, and the construct’s mechanisms for keeping the thing being made in place was shortly deactivated.

Finishing the process, the blade itself was made in quite a speed. The weapon as a whole was finished in an instant.

Because of how quickly it happened though, she had to voice out a little displeasure. Her hand had to stay attached to the material, so she was dragged lower as the desk shrank in height.

Though [Factory] wasn’t provided with paint or a way to do coloring, it was still possible to modify the resulting colors by manipulating how much of each element was where, for as much as while it wasn’t detrimental to the strength of the result.

The handle was in black, while the blade was of a silver color.

“A katana. Huh.” Rukaru voiced his surprise. He was going to wield such a thing. He had only really ever swung up to the extent of a practice, wooden sword.

“Well, that’s interesting, at least.” Shohi spoke. For him, and Sorazu, a katana wouldn’t exactly be what they’d have in mind for a blade that would be wielded. At least, they were more exposed to western themes in terms of fantasy. The difference between a knight and a samurai.

“How about making something like darts for me, instead.” Reshidou was next for getting a weapon created, so he spoke about not really needing a bow. He wanted more to try out his [Kinetic Aptitude].

Arrows would need a tough head for penetration, and feathers on its tail for stability, and with a bow not seeming necessary with how he could just launch things magically, he didn’t really see it fitting to have it.

So, Hanefu agreed with doing so. “(Create metallic dart?)” “(Create wooden dart?)”

Along with such prompts was an indicator for the quantity it was set to produce.

Wooden darts were made, and metallic darts were created.

“Well, that’s that. We can create weapons. Nice.” Shohi commented.

Since they could create stuff this easily and quickly, there was now a solution for problems regarding what stuff they had, as long as they had the materials.

“It looks like you can still make quite a bit.” Toukai said. “We’ll have to use up quite a lot to make some kind of pot to cook it in.”

“It?” Ayami, the socially closest person to Hanefu, the one who would make stuff, was curious about what Toukai wanted them to eat.

“That.” She pointed with her eyes.

Ayami turned to where she gazed. “Oh.”

Just closeby, outside the window was the body of a creature in its later stage of death, a bit before the start of decomposition. As an organism, it was dead, but it was mostly business as usual on the cellular level.

“Okay, so then, how would we go about making a pot? We’d need to get all of the metal from the desks, and chairs.” Toukai said.

“Hold on”, Shohi objected, “we don’t actually need a pot.” As the one who would do the cooking, he had given it some thought.

“Oh?” Toukai started reconsidering. If a pot was to be used, it would need water or oil. “(I was stuck thinking about the modern way of cooking things…) Got it. So, instead: plates. Instead of a pot, we’d need a big plate to put that on, right?”

“Yeah, it’ll get dirty if we just leave it on the ground. Also, we don’t need it to be made of metal. To save a lot of mana, I’d be cooking it slowly without creating a fire.” Shohi explained. “It’ll be like how I kept you guys warm, but hotter, to cook the meat.”

“Oh. All right.” Toukai understood.

Hanefu looked at the it that Toukai had pointed out for cooking, and she got the idea for how large the plate needed to be.

In a moment that Hanefu became just silent, Shohi understood, and got them to arrange the desks to be side by side. With having given the magic they had access to some thought, it was clear that for now, the normal way of doing things, manual labor, was a bunch more efficient in energy than mana, so they did so where applicable.

Materials together, the construct was able to select them as a whole. The construct could reach other materials through the ground or air, but it wasn’t exactly suited for spreading the mana to do so. As per the interpreter of the will, it was being restricted to the being’s recognition of what was to be targeted.

So, a big plate was made, and Sorazu teleported it outside as it couldn’t fit through the doors.

When they went out, there was already a bunch of other classmates there as well, and that the remaining students only left the classroom after they with their supernatural abilities exited.

“Drain the blood.” Shohi gave the go for the next step, to thoroughly kill the animal, to remove the blood that would complicate taste and texture.

“Right.” Sorazu acknowledged. With his [Spatial Aptitude], his construct sensed the presence of everything within the space, specifically those at the cellular level, and as per his intent, it picked up on the space between the solid hull of cells, and the fluid plasma.

For what he sees, there wasn’t anything special, but just an exactly black-and-white version of normal eyesight. Dependening on the scale to carry out his intention, he saw the white either for a grid pattern, or being in the full shape of the collective matter.

There were the solids with their composition being packed, and the liquids with a less dense composition. The sensory parts of the [Spatial Aptitude] construct understood the difference with how much space was in-between.

He searched for key areas where there was a hollow space for blood to be within, like in the chambers of a heart, and thus spatial connections were opened up.

Pouring in and out, a stream of blood flowed down to the ground. After a while, it trickled into just droplets, and so stopped completely. “Okay, done.” Sorazu said.

- my thoughts:
This story is a bit difficult to write... There's going to be a lot of delays while I try to work out details.

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6 years ago

Indeed …sweet 😆😍

6 years ago

So fluffy…lol

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