12 – Starter Issues (3): Comfort

They felt strange when they took in where they were.

Unlike the few others who were able to have things happen supernaturally, they couldn’t do as much to entertain and distract themselves, save for the ones who had some offline apps on their phone, but it didn’t help with how the battery would drain.

And so, the most viable option for them was just to chat. Subjects of shock factor were a great attention catcher, so the topic of the corpses of the quadrupedal creatures, and the winged creatures were raised.

Although it may look as if the classroom had dropped from the sky, formed a crater, and radially knocked these creatures out in the midst of their movement, it wasn’t the case, but the students initially believed it to be a likely occurrence, up until it was brought up how these things were cut in half, or there being holes in them.  

As they looked more, they saw most of them died rather brutally. Flesh, blood, fat, and meat scattered into their own chunks.

Going away from such matters, some students spread out as an individual or as some small group to try and see more of where they were.

The distance they were willing to go from the classroom very quickly lessened as they saw not a real change in the distance. It was a seemingly endless expanse of grassland around them.

So, there were those who chose to be listeners to chatter, or focused on something else.

“This is crazy.” Ayami expressed what she felt. After most of the other students had left the classroom was when her disbelief gave way.

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“Doesn’t seem like I have what you two can do, though.” Seiko, who would be seen fitting in well with Ayami and Hanefu, spoke with complicated feelings.

“Right. It’s not exactly something we’d have… Right?” Ayami said. In curiousity, her eyes moved to the floor.

“Was that yours?” Seiko asked, looking towards Ayami, upon seeing the formation of a sharp spike.

“It feels like it.” After saying so, Ayami didn’t let such a hazard just stay there.

After a short pause, “cool”, Seiko straightened her expression.

“You can relax. I don’t think…” Hanefu wanted to say something comforting, but she turned towards Ayami, “you’d hurt us, right?” Hanefu asked, her ability did not appear capable of happening as quickly as Ayami’s did.

“Huh?” Ayami was not in-tune. “Oh.” She realized what she could do. “No. Of course not. I won’t.” She said.

“Hmm…” Hanefu’s intonation additionally animatedly showed her doubt. “Well, whatever.” There wasn’t much she could do about it.

“Well, if you’re thinking I’m dangerous, you should look at them.” Ayami diverted.

“You’re right about that.” Hanefu agreed. “Teleportation”, she began listing, starting from Sorazu who was the first she’d seen the powers of other than Ayami’s. “Fire and ice”, she had heard Shohi and the people he was close with talk to each other, “and there’s even poison among one of them.”

At that last statement, she turned quiet. It was enough for a list on the hardly predictable dangers.

“I wonder what power the class prez has.” Seiko questioned. The classroom president, Toukai, hadn’t said much about it.

“I think it’s the power to see what powers other people have?” Hanefu thought of how immediately she was called out by Ayami in having her construct. “Should we go ask?”

“Yeah. Let’s.” Ayami lead, and the trio entered into the outside where most of everyone already was. “Class prez.” She called.

“What power do you have?” Hanefu cut in.

“My power?” Toukai replied, “they’re not as strong as everyone else’s. I can just know where someone is, look into what they have, and memorize what is around me.”

“Oh?” The three took her into chatting. So, such conversations passed.

Shortly then, Sorazu took some attention by making what looked to be a wall in-front of himself.

“What’s this for?” Eitou, a person of good familiarity with him, asked.

“I was thinking I could make some kind of make-shift shelter.” He answered. “However, this is my limit, huh.”

It was his limit for how much mana he had upon attempting to cast the effect. In trying to expand the selection area he was visualizing to designate material for teleportation, he had felt some kind of tug from a strongly present but indiscernible direction. A feeling of resistance. Conforming to that, he saw that the wall of dirt before him costed all of his mana.

“So, I can know my limit through that…” He muttered. “(What would happen if I teleport more?)”

He tried it with having pushed past that limit, ignoring the feeling of resistance, but upon applying it, not much happened. Still though, for his mana would regenerate quickly, his construct was able to apply itself accordingly on a small volume of space.

The deity had quite the experience of trying to keep itself itself in the spiritual plane, after all. The reason for them being called to this place was for them to be allies with a significant amount of mana.

In the next moment, the wall of dirt was made invisible.

“Did you do that?” Sorazu asked.

“Yeah.” Eitou answered.

A layer of mana had covered it. With the concept of making light go through the covered object as if it weren’t there, it was made invisible.

Different from Sorazu’s [Spatial Aptitude], which could achieve the same effect but with less efficiency, this contained the functions of making even energies imperceptible. In its essence, it focused on how things acknowledged the presence of others.

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Sorazu tried with his ability to see what’s in the space. “I’m countered, huh. I can’t see it.” It was as if he hadn’t teleported anything there in the first place.

The effect wasn’t exactly built to just simply absorb, as that would lead to the perception of by nothing being there, there was something there.

“Heh~” Eitou felt a sense of pride. He was satisfied.

“Your fascination of assassins paid off, huh. Yikes.” Hazuki, another one in their social group, said. It would be difficult to fight against anything invisible.

Sorazu placed his hand to where the wall of dirt was. His hand phased through, and it was thoroughly invisible, to his sense of touch, and to the usual law of friction. “This is…” He turned speechless.

However, as he was doing this, the mana in supply for the effect, being on its own and away from the caster’s soul, and thus had no regenerating supply of power, was being drained. As such, it became unable to continue.

Without the magical energy to keep it in a spiritualized form, to be more so as energy than physical matter. What was composing the wall converted itself back into their physical state.

Fortunately, there were the standard measures. That was sensed, and his soul was able to acknowledge it. Whatever mana he had regenerated was sent into an outward burst to push it away while it was still yet to materialize.   

Their mana was well-developed, but their stamina was relatively weak such that it so easily got knocked away in that burst of energy as well, so Sorazu felt his hand go numb.

In the next moment, the wall came back into normal visibility, with a hole as if it got punched through.

Sorazu’s expression took the attention of both Eitou and Hazuki.

“You okay?” The one responsible for having turned it invisible asked.

“I think you really might be quite dangerous.” Hazuki said.

“We’re both new to magic.” Eitou felt a bit guilty, “sorry about that, Sorazu.”

“Uh… It’s fine.” Sorazu didn’t feel any pain, but it was certainly a shock.

He saw himself at fault as well for putting something where another thing was. If he completely had no mana, that would’ve been disastrous for his hand.

“What happened?”

That question popped up in those who were observing. Rukaru also came over, and was the one they answered in asking it.

“Let’s just say… something went wrong.” Eitou answered.

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