13 – Classmates (2)

As the others in the class awoke, Rukaru took his attention over to two specific people he’d gotten along with. One named Myorai who was less athletic than the one named Tsuchino who he’d known for being one of the more athletic dudes. The former was trying to wake up the latter.

Seeing so, Toukai used [Evaluation] on the guy who was still sleeping. All that was different was that he did have some construct, but it was still partial.

Giving it some thought, “for now, let him sleep. Just let him wake up on his own.” This was the decision Toukai thought of that was best.

“Eh, really?” Myorai looked at the sleeping guy, and he looked to the two who woke up earlier, Rukaru and Reshidou. “Why not wake us up? It looks uncomfortable. Let’s at least put him on a chair.” He complained to the two.

“Oh, yeah.” Rukaru agreed with being careless, but he did have his reasons, “well, it didn’t exactly make sense to wake everyone up. We thought it was dangerous.”

“For one thing, you guys didn’t get so uncomfortable as to wake up by yourselves.” Reshidou said.

“Still not the best look, though.” Myorai replied. By the point of saying that, they had seated the sleeper. “Alrighty, then. So, what’s up?” he asked, and so they brought him up to speed as Ayami and Hanefu demonstrated the way of magic they were given.

The ability to shape something into something else so quickly was recognized as something magical. Of course, Reshidou took the opportunity to lift something as if with just a gesture of his hand, to demonstrate to Myorai.

The attention of others, who were with few options, focused on these displays of magic.

Then came the time to go outside to try cooking in the world they were newly in.

“Reshidou.” Shohi called for a step in the process to be carried out. And with Reshidou, the feathers were all swiftly plucked off, with the added display of having them move in sync, to coalesce into a pile.

“It’s my turn.” Shohi said, proceeding to heat up the large dead bird. “Mine’s not as showy. Huh.”

“So, are we supposed to eat this?” (Myorai)

“Yeah. Nothing else to do.” (Rukaru)

“We’ve decided to wait on the thing to start moving, so we can maybe go places after.” (Reshidou)

“The thing?” (Myorai)

“The thing in the middle of the classroom, looking like it’s made of dirt. That thing. Shohi said that it’s probably what got us to this place. It could maybe move us somewhere fast. Sorazu tried his limit with teleportation. Apparently he has a limit in range. He thinks he has a limit. When he does teleport so far away, there’s not much of an added cost…? He teleported himself far and back.” Reshidou explained.

“Sorazu can teleport himself?” Myorai had seen Sorazu teleport the large wooden plate. “Could you lift yourself with yours?” He asked Reshidou.

“I sure tried that. I can. I’d say I can fly for about a minute. Just about a minute, though”, Reshidou showed an awkward expression, “before having to land back down. Still, it’s a good feeling. Well, I mainly just tried hovering a little above the ground. I haven’t tried flying so high up, yet.”

Myorai took his time to prepare a question, “how did you guys get the powers?” He had his hopes up.

“Well, we just kind of got them.” Reshidou was uncertain.

Myorai looked towards Rukaru, who then spoke in agreement, “Yeah.”

“Oh. Do you think I could get my own powers?” Myorai asked, and added in, “this honestly feels like a dream.” He inspected himself, and closely observed the existence of the two guys he’d known of.

“I’d agree with that feeling. But if that were true, we should’ve been awake by now.” Reshidou replied. “We actually spent the whole night awake. If we do go to sleep, I’d prefer it if we’ve got something to lie down on. Hanefu could make that happen.”

At that, the three turned towards where the mentioned two girls were.

Though shortly after, their attention moved to how a wall appeared in-front of Sorazu, who wanted to try building with his powers after seeing the girls’ ability to create.

Shortly after that, Eitou had tried out his ability to affect perception. And in such, an example was made for a consequence of unknowingly using what would be weapons and interacting with their effects.

“So, Eitou can create traps. Huh.” Hazuki said. Hazuki, along with Eitou, would usually be seen talking with Shohi, and Sorazu in the classroom.

On Sorazu, although there wasn’t much of an indication of injury, flowing blood or an open wound, the shocked or pained expression he had was good enough to convey that what happened wasn’t so good.

“Along with his ability to apply a corrosive energy, he’s quite the deadly type.” Hazuki finished his remark. “The invisibility can make it like a trap?” He questioned.

“I can’t even detect it too. It’s weird. Quite strong, that invisibility.” Sorazu said.

“Can I see you go invisible?” Myorai spoke, looking at Eitou.

“Uh… Sure.” So, he disappeared from sight. “I’m invisible, right?” He wanted to confirm with the others. He saw as his hands a bluish composition much like the wall of dirt when he had turned it invisible.

“He actually did it.” Myorai expressed in astonishment. “[Status Open].” He tried saying the words, but nothing of relevance appeared.

“Where are you right now?” Hazuki asked the invisible guy.

“I’m right here.” Eitou said, but even that was turned normally imperceptible.

There were shortcomings and complications to the ability to make invisible, though the deity’s construct was quick and autonomous that even if anything else was wanted, it was made before else anyway.

If it was physical matter that it manipulated, it had to spend energy at a constant rate to both maintain its modification, and check a bunch of things.

If the imperceivable matter were to sink into the ground because physics was nullified, it would be undesirable for energy consumption and for if it were a living being, especially their self.

But gravity was nullified as well, so it more so only had to simulate staying relative to everything else as usual.

After making himself visible again, he checked his status.

They didn’t get to hear a word from him before that, during his invisibility.

“Man, you could be a real pervert with that power.” (Myorai)

“I’m surprised your mind went there.” (Reshidou)

“Wouldn’t you?” (Myorai)

“A dangerous person indeed.” (Hazuki)

“Okay. So, what about you, Hazuki?” Reshidou asked the last person in Shohi’s group who was yet to tell of his abilities.

“Me?” Hazuki uttered, and started talking, “well, I got [Chemistry]. It’s mostly information-related stuff. I can do stuff with it, but it’s a little complicated.”

“And you’re holding…?” Rukaru asked Hazuki, who was holding what looked like a crystal, with a smooth shape.

“Apparently, I can control what things are. What it does, and what it needs to do something. Mainly, it’s about the arrangement of the stuff that makes it up.” What Hazuki held was grass where a specific type of element were all moved to its surface. “For example, let me see…” He went quiet, to do what he then talks of, “it’s not much, but it looks like a dagger, doesn’t it? It’s tough as well.”

“So, your power is like Hanefu’s?” Myorai asked.

Hazuki gave it some thought, and replied, “yeah. You can think about it like that. But…” He looked for an apparent difference, “nevermind. Yeah, it’s pretty similar. I don’t think there’s too big a difference between what she and I can do.”

“Huh. If I got powers, I’d like it to be like what you”, Reshidou, “have.” Myorai said.

“Eh, well, it’s been matching up that our powers are based on what we like to do most. I’m guessing your chubby body might have something to do with it. Something about eating food, maybe?” Reshidou responded.

“Oh? Well…” Myorai started thinking of what he could have. A bouncy body that’s hard to destroy; a body that can stretch to grab a hold of things; the ability to make foods.

“He might be the strongest. You guys thinking what I’m thinking he’ll get?” Hazuki said in a quiet voice to the two others with him. And, the two nodded.

“If he does, do you think we’d get the others?” (Eitou)

“It’ll be difficult then, since neither four of us have it.” (Sorazu)

“You and Shohi are specialists in the elements, no?” (Eitou)

“Eh… if our attacks can just be swallowed up, then it’s still hard.” (Sorazu)

“You’re pretty much an assassin, Eitou, you could kill anyone of us if you catch us off guard.” (Hazuki)

“Yeah…” Eitou felt awkward, he’d like to be trusted a bit. “I actually could do that”, he agreed that it was possible.

“Hmm, we’ll just have to see then.” Hazuki said. “Tsuchino is still asleep. Sleeping might be connected to gaining abilities.”

Myorai heard that last part. “Really? Should I try sleeping, then?”

“Eh…” Reshidou gave it some thought. Rukaru’s expression would fit with a question mark.

“I think it’s because Tsuchino is not naturally asleep?” (Reshidou)

“Toukai said to let him sleep. She probably knows why.” (Rukaru)

“Can she predict others’ powers?” (Myorai)

“Predict?” Hazuki asked. They looked to one another. “Can she?” Eitou echoed what Myorai asked.

“She can tell what we have now. I don’t think she is able to do that.” Hazuki answered. “Isn’t it good enough to see what we have now?” He had heard of Toukai’s abilities from Shohi. “But if she had that, she might as well have future vision.”

— New chapter is coming soon —

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4 years ago

Ty ^_^

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