Chapter 8: Rihoku

Author Note: Final weekend  double chapter. Thank you for reading!

“What?!” I shot Shiki a deadly serious glare. That Nighthowl have just defeated three Three-fanged Vipers. How can I even match that?! Is he crazy?!

At that point, I shouldn’t even have been surprised. After all, those two devils threw me into that hellish training without any care about my being.

The two glowing blue dots within the mist inside Shiki’s helm stared at me without moving. I pleadingly looked at Bria, hoping for her to feel some sort of pity. However, what met my gaze was a look that stated, ‘Let’s get this over with.’

With that, I knew I had no other option but to fight that Nighthowl. I hardened my resolve, sighed, wielded my newly acquired black blade, looked at the growling Nighthowl, then turned back. 

“Shiki, can’t we find another monster? That Nighthowl just killed three Three-fanged Vipers. How am I a match to that?” I pleaded, my voice slightly quaking in fear.

“My liege, you are more than adequate to face such a foe. That Nighthowl is only of the eighth level, while you, my liege, is of the tenth,” Shiki explained matter of factly, his figure not even flinching.

I looked again at Bria, hoping for that thread of miracle. But this time around, she merely fiddled with her finger without paying any heed to me. 

I gave up. The Nighthowl had finished eating the two Three-fanged Viper it had killed. I sighed and drew Kiriwan again, and the Nighthowl bared its teeth as I slowly inched closer.

Our sights were locked. I stopped, looking for even the slightest hint of movement. The Nighthowl growled. It’s front paws were pulled back, ready to launch its huge black body.

It must be waiting for me to attack. I thought, eyes still fixed on the wolf. I gulped, and at that moment, the wolf striked at lightning speed. Fortunately, Shiki’s black whip trained me to dodge at the last second far too many times. Despite the wolf’s relative speed, it was slow compared to Shiki’s whipping. Adding my enhanced agility stat, I easily dodged the attack. I lifted Kiriwan and immediately swung it towards the wolf’s head, but the blade only managed to cut a few fur. 

I clicked my tongue, frustrated at my failed attack. The Nighthowl didn’t waste another second. As soon as its front paws hit the ground, it maneuvered and sprung into another attack. This time, its full set of sharp canines aimed for my neck. 

I immediately ducked after sensing the wolf’s intent. With one quick motion, I stabbed Kiriwan upwards. Another set of fur was cut, but a few crimson droplets dripped. I stood up and stepped backwards. I scanned the wolf for the amount of damage I made. I mostly hit the wolf’s thick fur, but I managed to give it a cut along its right front paw. The Nighthowl whimpered, but its difficulty even just to remain standing was evident. 

That was my opportunity to attack. I channeled my mana on my hand and made a wind blade. With a swift motion, I sent it flying towards the Nighthowl. Even though it was limping, it easily leapt to dodge my attack. 

The Wind Cutter was just a diversion. I didn’t wait nor hope for it to hit. As soon as I casted it, I ran towards the Nighthowl, Kiriwan in hand. With a quick motion, I slashed Kiriwan towards the Nighthowl that was still in mid air. The Nighthowl attempted to maneuver, but the injury disabled it to do so. Kiriwan hit the Nighthowl’s neck with a thud. It whimpered again, but I didn’t give it time to recover this time. I intentionally used the back of Kiriwan to ensure that the Nighthowl wouldn’t die. After that, I hacked at it one after another. A flurry of blunt strikes finally incapacitate the Nighthowl. Its body finally gave up.

Seeing the black body of my defeated foe, all the fatigue hit my body at once. My knees buckled and my body immediately slumped. 

“Good fight, my liege.” Shiki walked over. Bria was right behind him.

“Thanks,” I said, my voice hoarse from heavy breathing.

“You know the drill.” Bria threw two vials at me, not even bothering to explain anything. She then turned around and started walking. “Then, I’ll be going ahead of the two of you.”

I stared at the vial, then Shiki suddenly spoke in an inquisitive tone, a very rare occurrence. “Well, my liege. Are you not going to deal the final blow to that Nighthowl?”

To that, I simply smirked. I opened the vial with yellow liquid and chugged it. The other vial opened as easily with a satisfying thud when the cork was removed. I drank a quarter of it since I didn’t really sustain any damage, then splashed the remaining red liquid to the Nighthowl beside me. 

I knew that that was another way to apply the potion since Bria used the same thing to me when Shiki’s whip once found its way to my back and left a deep gash. Bria told me that directly applying the potion would allow the wound to immediately sip the healing effects. However, the potion’s area of efficacy was also limited.

An adequate amount of red liquid spotted the Nighthowl’s black coat of fur. Within a few seconds, the blood coming out of its leg wound closed completely. Plus, the seemingly battered Nighthowl’s breathing stabled. 

“What are you doing, my liege?” There wasn’t anger or irritation in Shiki’s voice. There was only confusion and curiosity.

“Since it was my very first live foe, I figured I would spare it out of respect,” I replied. I could feel my strength returning to me.

“Oh, I see. Then, let’s head back to our hut, my liege.”

“Very well.” I nodded and followed Shiki. But after walking a few meters, something soft rubbed on my thigh. It was ticklish so I looked to check what it was. To my surprise, a black coat was walking alongside me. I drew Kiriwan again, but Shiki stopped me.

“It seems that your foe took a liking to you, my liege.”

My brows furrowed, but I calmly replied, “Is that so? Then, I guess he gets to tag along.”


I slumped on the plump chair in the living room. Bria told me that the seemingly endless corridor was simply a spatial spell ought to trap intruders who didn’t know the correct path. Shiki used that to trick me into following him into an infinite set of corridors during our first day of training. Now, I had memorized the blueprint of the entire house. Actually, it was a pretty normal rustic house complete with a living room, bedrooms, kitchen, and comfort room. The eternal fire Bria casted on the chimney comfortably heated the entire room. Looking at Shiki’s stiff figure sitting on the sofa across me, I wondered if he could actually feel the fire’s heat.

“My liege, I must say that you’ve done well this past two weeks,” Shiki blurted out of the blue, snapping me out of my daydreams. “You have exponentially grown, but do be wary that the higher the level, the harder it is to level up. However, complacence is ne’r justifiable, my liege. Especially the flurry of attacks at the end of your fight earlier was borderline beating. It lacks both skill and technique.” 

I sighed. “Can’t you at least praise me for doing a good job without any criticisms. After all, I beat this tough boy.” I petted the Nighthowl’s head, and it wagged its tail in response. “See, even he thinks I did a good job.”

“No, my liege. Your performance was okay at best. It’s nowhere near praiseworthy.” Shiki stated matter of factly. By now, I was used to his blunt statements.

“Fine, fine. Anyway, what’s with Bria earlier? Is she mad at me or something?”

“Worry not, my liege. Bria hates fighting and would rather go to her lab to research. Her tagging along is already a surprise. Perhaps it’s because it was your first fight,” Shiki replied, no hint of movement on his frigid body. If I didn’t know better, I would assume that he was a speaking ornamental armor. 

As if on cue, Bria gleefully came in with a steaming pot of stew. “Well, your first victory calls for a celebration, Kaito!” Her eyes darted to the Nighthowl quietly lying beside my feet. “Oh my, why would you pick up a weak pet, Kaito?”

“Weak? He single handedly faced and killed Three-fanged Vipers, Bria.” I gave her a confused, but mocking glare. Our relationship had also somewhat developed to the point where I could joke with her. Of course, only during outside lectures, meaning only during these breaks.

“That may be true, but those Three-fanged Vipers are only around a month old. That Nighthowl is already around a year old. Of course, that’s also the reason it was roaming around the hatchery alone. Nighthowls move in packs, you know. He must have been shunned from his pack from being weak.” Bria shook his head in disappointment.

I looked at the slumbering Nighthowl. I couldn’t help but feel a bit of pity for it. His weakness, isolation, and desperation was something I was too familiar with. Perhaps, it’s also lucky just like I was for being summoned in this world. Resolute, I said, “Alright, then. You will be Rihoku. We’re taking him in, Bria, Shiki.” 

I intended that to sound cool, but I was dying of embarrassment from within. What the hell am I thinking? Why will I name my Nighthowl Rihoku? Calling him felt weird as damn!

Bria shrugged. “If that’s what you wish, then I have no qualms.”

“I have no objections as well, my liege,” Shiki replied in a monotone.


Another week passed. My routine was basically the same, training with Shiki in the morning and studying with Bria at night. Shiki’s training, however, had changed. Rihoku became both my sparring partner and my hunting partner. Shiki told me that Rihoku could be some kind of familiar or even a mount should he grow further. We’ve hunted different beasts and monsters, most of which around our level. Only recently had Shiki made us fight a level 17 Firehog, which we’ve barely defeated. 

Bria’s lessons had also upped. I finally mastered using Wind Cutter. Each use required five mana, so I did my best not to rely on it too much. Nevertheless, Bria thought it would be best to teach me other wind aspect skills. She taught me three augmentative skills: Wind Walk, Gale, and Leap. However, I could barely perform Wind Walk, which allowed me to quickly dash forward. As for the other two, well, I only knew them by theory.

Sitting inside the living room had become some sort of routine right after each hunt. That day’s prey was a pack of Nighthowls averaging level 13. I was initially worried that Rihoku would find it difficult to fight his own kin, but he proved otherwise. We made a quick work of that pack and immediately went home.

I had reached level 12, while Rihoku had leveled up to level 11. I summoned my character window. This time, no more needing to close my eyes nor focus.

Name: Kaito Title:
Age: 16
Level: 12
Race:   Human (Demon)
MP: 60
Strength: 25 + 34
Intelligence: 27 + 29
Agility: 24 + 32
Wisdom: 25

“You’ve done well getting stronger, my liege. It is time for us to head out.” 

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