Stumbling into God’s Realm I

“Tik…tok…tik…tok” the sound of the analog clock on the wall could be heard throughout the quiet apartment. There was a gentle afternoon shower as droplets of water splashed and trinkled down the windows. Nonetheless, Clarissa was still immersed on what was on her computer screen. Having just recently graduated from her high school, she now awaits to start her university course which she had accepted a few months prior. Looking through the details of the numerous modules in her curriculum for hours had caused her eyelids to turn heavy as she struggled to stay awake. Clarissa decided it’s time for a break as she stretched her arms and body.

“Time really flies…Though it was nothing eventful, my high school life had finally ended it seems.” Thought Clarissa to herself. She didn’t speak to others much due to her shy personality and was never close to any of her peers.

Just then, her phone started ringing.

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“Clarissa, it’s mom. Are you doing well over there? Oh and also, the workers will be coming over tomorrow to install the glass door for your balcony.”

Clarissa’s parents had rented the apartment as it was located closer to her university. The place was renovated weeks before she moved in and the glass door at the balcony was the last piece of furniture that they had ordered.

“Alright mom. The apartment is really cosy and comfortable. I like it!”

“Good to hear that you like it. Mum and Dad will try to visit you often so don’t feel too lonely. Do take care of yourself and don’t stay up too late!”

Only allowed on

“OK. Love you, mom” said Clarissa before ending the call and continued on with her work.

The workers arrived the next day and the glass door was installed without a hitch. She tidied up her home after the workers had left and all other admin matters were settled. After everything was done, Clarissa finally relaxed on the chair next to her desk as she gazed at the view of the town from her balcony.  A cool breeze blew through the open glass door and caressed her cheeks.

“Well, let’s hope that my time in college would be more eventful. Time to continue to prepare for my orientation.”

Slapping her cheeks, she reluctantly got up from her seat to close the newly installed balcony door. Just then, the glass started to emit a golden ripple through the glass when it came into contact with her fingers. Alarmed, she tried to pull her arm back immediately but a certain force seemed to be pulling her into the glass…

Lunging into the unknown, Clarissa stumbled unsteadily before falling to the ground. Groaning in pain, she found herself in a place that was definitely not a part of her apartment. There was a silhouette of a person in the distance. He was dressed comfortably in a T-shirt and shorts. As Clarissa slowly picked herself up and dusted her knees, she surveyed her surroundings to realize that the man was the only person here. Hence, she approached him with caution.

“ E-Excuse me sir, but may I k-know where this place is?” Her mind was bursting with questions but being naturally reserved, she averted his gazes as she fumbled over her words.

“Oh? I don’t get visitors here too often. Could you possibly be the promised one?”

“Promised one? I-I’m sorry but I think you have mistaken me for someone else. I was just in my room a second ago but…” Clarissa’s cheeks started to flush red in embarrassment as she waved her arms frantically, trying to explain her situation to him.

“Calm down, child.” Smiled the man gently, humoured by her animated actions. “For starters, my name is Issuhcus. How would you like me to address you?”

“It’s Clarissa. Clarissa Renderheim.”

“A pleasure to meet you Clarissa. Continuing where I left off, you would need a certain similarity in spiritual energy quality to mine in order to activate the dimension door from your world to this place. Hence, I assumed you could only be the promised one. Come, give me your hand and I’ll assess your spiritual energy.”

Clarissa hesitated a little before gently placed her hand on top of Issuhcus’ palm. He then closed his eyes and seemed to be in deep thought. After a few seconds, Clarissa was surprised to see her hand glowing with a golden aura as traces of her spiritual energy swirled around her hand.

“ … This trace of  clear and familiar flow of energy…hmm. I’m slightly sensing the flow of Alphagenesis in you.” mumbled Issuhcus, his eyes still firmly shut.


“Oh, pardon my ambiguity, young one. Allow me to explain myself. My name is Issuhcus Chivesker. I am the deity of Creation from a dimension different from yours. However, I fled from my own world after a fierce battle and created this space that links my dimension to yours and many others. Us deities possess a special authority over a crucial element in our world. Being the deity of creation, my authority is Alphagenesis, which controls the basis of self-regeneration of living beings and creation of non-living objects. These doors you see here are portals to other dimensions created by the elevated potential of Alphagenesis with my dragon’s warping powers. “

Issuhcus then paused for a while after noticing the frowns on Clarissa’s face.

“Haha, I guess it’s too much information for you to take in at this moment. C’mon, let’s step out of this glass house and have a breather outside.” Issuhcus walked towards the exit of the house as he signalled her over.

— New chapter is coming soon —
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