Unwanted visitor

Abner slowly opened his eyes as his spiritual energy around him started to disperse. In his hands was a sturdy red crimson halberd. Smolderash was rather unique with a spike of a spear and a wide blade below it. As Abner gave the weapon a swing, he realised that the halberd was much sturdier and lighter than he had assumed. He also noticed a faint heat to be radiating from Smolderash as he started to notice that his hands were warm after holding on to it.  

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“What’s the matter, young lad? You seem to be troubled by something.” Blahaze could see the confused look on Abner’s face.

“Oh, it’s just my spiritual weapon…it’s not as heavy as I think it should be”

“Haha, this is often what most people with larger spiritual weapons will say when they materialize for the first time. This is why spiritual weapons are much superior to normal weapons since they are much durable and lighter. They are actually your condensed spiritual energy and hence, will also disappear when the user loses consciousness.”

Blahaze started to explain to Abner some fact about spiritual weapons.

“You mentioned that Smolderash was emitting some sort of heat? Well, it’s probably because the weapon is imbued with a fire element. Some spiritual weapons have elemental properties in them. For instance, your sister’s Zillburst will probably feel cold to touch since it has ice properties in it”

Abner then walked towards his sister at the other end of the cavern who seemed to be pretty exhausted after trying to master a specific dragon art.

“Great Eiya, I think you finally nailed it this time!”

*Huff* “Thanks Frintric”

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“Wow, looking real good Eiya.” said Abner as he approached her with refreshments and a towel.

 Well, I really can’t thank you dragons enough, but I think we should be heading back to our dimension for now. I’m still worried about dad…”

“Ah sure, to return to your dimension, u would either need to form a contract with a dragon or enter the portal in the capital city. We could give you diretions there. Let’s get Blahaze. “ The three of them approached Blahaze who seemed to be standing at the entrance of the cavern.

“What’s wrong Blahaze?”

“Hush all of you, I just heard movements at the entrance. Maybe the other dragons have found out about this place?”

There were bushes, wild hanging plants and small trees at the entrance with many boulders and rocks covering the pathway. After observing for a while, they noticed a certain movement in the vegetation. Abner, Eiya and the dragons got ready for combat as they started to anticipate the enemy. Soon, a familiar figure emerged from the bushes.

“So this is where you sneaky kids have been hiding all this time.” The man that they only knew as “Landon” from the unknown enemies appeared from the vegetation with a menacing smirk on his face.

“How are you here?” thought Abner to himself but he was too taken aback by Landon’s appearance to even speak.

His sister on the other hand, immediately reacted to the situation, materializing Zillburst to attack Landon with an ice blast. The attack exploded near Landon, covering the whole area in a faint mist.

“Not bad, Largin’s disciple.”  Landon was seen equipped with a pair of golden knuckles that were emitting a sort of static as the mist cleared.

Abner’s eyes widened as he immediately recognised the knuckles that Landon was holding. As mentioned by his father, the weapon was indeed Gigashock, previously uncle Jeph’s spiritual weapon. For some unexplained reason, Abner had already sensed that there would be more nasty surprises to come from Landon.

“Dragon laceration!” shouted Eiya as she tried to attack Landon once again.

“So you think that you’re the only ones that can perform dragon arts? Dragon arts: Dragon laceration!” Grinned Landon as he intercepted Eiya’s attack with his own dragon arts.

Unlike her brother, Eiya was completely focused on the fight. After the encounter at the grand hall, she had already assumed that the enemy could pull off any type of attacks and was well prepared to face any attacks that he threw at her.

Frintric and Blahaze attacked Landon with breaths of fire and ice, trying to finish the fight quickly.

“Combo arts: Dragon Crash!” Just as it seemed it was over, Landon ran straight towards the attack, discharging a condensed blast of electric spiritual energy as he punched the breaths. Even the dragons were surprised by Landon’s actions as his attack swallowed their breaths and crashed into them.

“Impossible! He even knows complex dragon arts strong enough to overpower us!” Blahaze warned Abner and Eiya as he tried to get back to his feet.

Looking at the heavily wounded dragons, Eiya tried to take control of the battle as she tried to take on Landon.

“Dragon Sweep!” She swung Zillburst in a circular motion after channelling it with her spiritual energy, launching a crescent shaped ice formation at Landon. However, Landon smashed the ice with ease with his electrified knuckles. He rushed forward only to be stopped in his tracks again when he realized that Eiya had followed up with another attack.

“Dragon Charge!”  yelled Landon as he tried to clear a way to escape Eiya’s pummeling ice attacks. He tried to attack Eiya with a jab from gigashock but Eiya managed to dodge the attack, launching another dragon laceration in return. However, after a few exchange of attacks, Eiya started to wear out after being exhausted from the training she previously had. Landon was perceptive to notice the fatigued Eiya and finally found an opening for an attack. He laughed hysterically as he proceeded to rush towards Eiya

However, just as he was about to deal the finishing blow, he noticed a burning sensation at his back. Before he could turn around to look, he was blown away by a sudden impact from behind.

“You seem to have forgotten about my brother” said Eiya. Abner had snapped out from his shock and had started to assist Eiya.

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