Forced Contract

“Tch, Beginner’s luck” Landon rubbed some blood off a scratch on his cheek with the back of his hand. He took a few steps back, only to find Eiya about to launch another attack from behind.

“The same trick won’t work twice! Dragon Coat!” A strong scale like armour created from Landon’s spiritual energy soon formed at his back, sheltering him from Eiya’s ruthless attacks. Before he could rest easy Landon was forced to parry a fiery attack from Abner from the front. As Abner worked to push Landon back, He suddenly caught a sly grin on Landon’s face.

“It’s best that you two step back, hehe. Dragon arts: Dragon reversal!” As soon as Landon uttered those words, Landon’s body started to envelope in a bright light. Abner and Eiya were immediately hit by an unknown force expelled from Landon’s body. The dragon arts that Landon had used seemed to have reflected their attacks back at them.

Abner backed off to a safe distance near an injured Blahaze, grasping Somlderash while anticipating another attack from Landon.

“He’s a dangerous opponent.” said Blahaze in a weak voice.

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“Judging from the complex dragon arts techniques he’s using, he had somehow already formed a contract with a strong dragon partner. He also seems to be a seasoned fighter from his body movements to make matters worse.”

Suddenly, Abner heard a piercing scream from Eiya in the distance. He had realized he had made a grave mistake. Landon had left Abner alone to attack his sister. He clenched his fist and started to charge towards Landon.

“Wait Abner! We can’t afford you to fall too.”

“But we need to do something! I can’t let him get away after he harmed Eiya!”

 “Please, try to quell your anger. We need to think how we can be able to face him at an equal footing. .”

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“I-I…” Abner started to panic as he tried to think of any other possible actions he could do in this dire situation. Just as he was about to be overwhelmed by his imagination, Abner closed his eyes and tried to control his breathing. He knew that acting rashly would not be beneficial in this situation. To save everyone, he needed to calm himself down and make wise decisions.

Abner exhaled slowly as he opened his eyes again.

“Are you still able to move your body Blahaze?”

“A few wounds but I can still manage”

“Okay, would you like to form a forced dragon contract with me? We might stand a chance against him with you as my contracted dragon at least.”

“That is really risky!! The failure rate is high, and you’ll die if it fails.” warned Blahaze.

“Hehe, we don’t have much options left. I’ll try my best to make sure that the contract is a success. But if it were to fail, I need you and Frintric to escape with Eiya to some place near the capital. I believe that Eiya can still make it to the capital by herself somehow.”

“Stop worrying about others. Are there any other solutions where we can all escape safely with no sacrifices?”

“Well, we’re running out of time. It’s now or never. But I’ll promise that we’ll try to escape this ordeal together.” said Abner as he tried to force a smile.

Blahaze soon struggled to his feet while taking a stance. The majestic dragon let out a burst of smoke from its nostrils as it started to charge towards Abner. As Blahaze approached towards him, he slowly turned into a massive form of energy and pierced into Abner’s right chest. The young lad yelled in agony as he tried to grasp onto his chest in agonizing pain. Eventually, the pain became too great for Abner to handle as he started to slowly lose consciousness…

The commotion caused Landon to turn around and stopped him from attacking Eiya. He soon realized what Abner had done and started to laugh hysterically.

“Oh, I’m sorry little miss, but it seems your brother had just committed suicide with a forced contract. Hahaha-”

“No, brother!” Eiya started to tear up as she writhed with injuries on the ground.

“Any last words before you join your brother?”

Just as Landon was about to continue, a scorching blast grazed past his left arm. Landon’s eyes widened as he swiftly turned around again.

“…How did you…”

The sight behind Landon left him in bewilderment as he saw a severely injured Abner standing behind him in the distance. Blood was gushing out of Abner’s right chest where Blahaze had impaled him and the forced contract seemed somewhat of a success. However, the contract seemed to have caused certain mutilations to Abner’s body. What seemed like Blahaze’s wings seem to be protruding out of his back. The wings seemed damaged with some bloodied feathers that seemed shredded. Also, certain structures that vaguely resembled swords formed on top of Abner’s hands. At first sight, Abner’s new appearance intimidated Landon a little as he starts his counterattack…

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