Roderick sets in West 10

Gonzalez, who was once annoyed for missing a dose of caffeine, found himself in a very odd situation along with his associates. In a sudden, they were in the desert near to Time Tower
Everyone stood confused in the moonlight, wondering what on earth had made them appear in the middle of desert. 
“This is not our escape route.” One of them questioned.
“Forget about the route. How did we even come here?” Gonzalez snapped and glanced at Time Tower.
“This is where I had vowed never to come again.” Gonzalez walked few steps, “But time, itself, has brought me here.”
“Someone tampered time and breached the agreement. Must be bloody cops.” One of them grinded his teeth.
“Now I realize why I was spilling the coffee.” Cook said.
My repeating dreams….Gonzalez understood.
“Now I understand why I am here. I sensed someone was here playing with time. Then told every one of you to come with me.” Gonzalez said.
“Come for what?”
“To destroy the tower.” 
“This happened because of you. Every bit of blame goes on your filthy head and also on your filthy filthy robotic arms.” Roderick yelled at the Sheriff below.
“People here had vowed to never use it.” Sheriff answered.
“Why did you even tell me about it then?”
“I wanted to assure you for your own good. If you had come with me, then perhaps we would have killed Gonzalez by this point.” Sheriff spoke.
“Do you think I was joking when I had told you my problem? And as far as your vows go, I don’t care. I am not even of this dimension.”
This is why I did not want to bring you here.”
A bullet flew towards Roderick. It went by whistling in his ear. 
You damn Sheriff. He cursed Sheriff.
“Gonzalez!” Sheriff roared. Only then Roderick realized Sheriff wasn’t shooting him. But Roderick wasn’t going to listen to him. 
“Shoot the man on tower!” Gonzalez screamed from top of dune. 
“Get down, Roderick!” Sheriff commanded and aimed his robotic arms at the dune. Gonzalez’s men were so far from them, he could hear the symphony of gunshots. 
Panicked, Roderick rewinded the time by two seconds and moved out of the way. The bullets missed him and hit the walls of the tower. But Gonzalez wasn’t done. 
There came another row of bullets.
With Second hand in his clutch, he again rewinded the time and managed to not get hurt by the bullets. 
“Leave this freak, destroy the clock!” he heard Gonzalez yell.

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