Zombie’s POV 3

A zombie stepped forward and chewed the man’s vocal cord. The zombie munched it while the man was alive. 
Seeing him enjoy the meat, other jealous zombies also joined the party. And worse, the man was still conscious.
Roderick watched the man lurch in pain and suffocation as blood spilled out from his neck. Realizing he was next made the fear within him turn worse.
But this time he was feeling terror in a different way.
He could not feel his heartbeat.
“Adam, this corpse almost got killed by an injured human.” One zombie pointed at Roderick to make fun of him.
Others laughed, but it did not sound like laughter.
“Don’t be a disgrace. Why did you take him here to eat? Eating alone is unacceptable.” Adam said, wiping blood from his mouth.
Zombies can think and speak? AND I AM A ZOMBIE?! Roderick fell speechless.
“How useful this disgrace can be?” a zombie questioned.
Adam walked towards Roderick, “It looks like you can get in mix of humans pretty well. I have a work for you.”
“Tell me what I have to do.” Roderick said automatically.
“Humans have captured some of our friends. Go and free them.” said Adam.
“What if they have killed your friends already?” Roderick asked.
“Our friends. And they are well alive. If humans wanted to kill them, then why would they take them along instead of killing them?”
“I wouldn’t be hoping much in this case.”
“I am hoping much on you, Roderick.”
Everyone seems to know my name. 
“Where are the kidnappers?” Roderick interrogated, “Tell me where they are.”
“They will come to you. Here.” Adam took out a mobile from his pocket which he had stolen from a human and pressed a button.
“Don’t go anywhere.” Adam said, then tossed the phone towards him, “Release the captives.”
Then they walked in every direction.
“One more thing.” Adam tuned at him, “Tell them you found this phone in New Jersey.”
Adam disappeared inside woods after saying so.

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