Chapter 1, Mother

Elena Iceborn, the first and only queen of the current king was a prideful and beautiful lady. However she didn’t quite fit the mold for most noble ladies, where many loved their fancy dresses and jewelry, the most she’d put on was a free-flowing dress. Her tall and imposing demeanor was heightened from the fact that she was well… ripped. She was almost twice the size of her husband. Requille was fit but when they stood side by side he seemed skinny. That queen was currently holding a block of ice to her son’s head as he sat in the library with tears in his eyes. She had a fearsome gaze in her eyes that pierced through El as she seemed to stare into his soul. Maria, one of the few maids following her, silently and swiftly brought a chair to let the queen sit with her son.

“Now didn’t we tell you that we would be letting you use magic later today. Why are you so impatient? Not only that but to run off into the library ALONE to test it.”

“I-I’m sorry ma but I-”

“No, I will not hear it, this is the exact same thing you did when practicing before, at least back then it was just moving mana. However, these are real spells, dangerous spells. Even the weakest of all spells can hold potential.”

With a downtrodden look, the prince solemnly said, “I understand….”

“ I don’t think you do, knowing that you have your fathers brain you’re probably going to try and sneak away again.”

‘HOW’D SHE KNOW.’, El thought.



“Get a maid to follow my son here, make sure they know healing magic in case he does end up hurting himself. I don’t have time today otherwise I’d oversee him myself.”

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Saying so Elena rose from her chair and began to walk towards the front of the library.

“Also, help him get his books, he might hurt himself trying to sneak them out.”

Only allowed on

As she was leaving you could see a faint smile on her face. She had to be strict with him, cause god knows his father isn’t. However, that drive they had for magic was what she loved the most about both of them.

A maid walked up to El as he was nursing his head, “Prince Ellius, my name is Ianna, I will be serving you today. ”.

“Um, hello c-could you bring with you the basic spellbook and a frost attribute spellbook. I want to read inside my room if I can.”

“Well of course, but won’t you need more space?”

“I won’t be using any big spells.”

While moving towards the front of the library the maid quickly followed him with the two books he had wished for. While the castle was big, most of the living and utility rooms were in the back while the front was mainly to accept guests. Making the walk to the prince’s room quite quickly. Opening the door one could see the giant room in all its glory. It was almost as big as a master bedroom with a walk-in closet and bath on the right side of the room. While to the left one could see a desk facing the wall and next to it a couch and bed. All of which were white and blue in color. 

“Can you move the couch to the wall, please? Thank you!”

Standing on the gray rug in the center of his room El quietly opened the book and started reading the spell, basic enhancement.

‘Don’t want a repeat of what happened earlier so let’s go with a low-risk spell.’

Thinking so, he waved his hands in the air to write the runes while speaking the short chant.

“Fortify my body and grant upon me the strength of the beast! Enhancement!”

Immediately he could feel the change, while he didn’t put in too much mana, what he did put in felt to be coursing through his veins. Which he found odd but quickly came to a conclusion. Mana is always within our bodies however since it isn’t activated we simply never feel it. Quickly grabbing his little journal on his desk he wrote this down, while he had access to any book on such research, he thought writing down his own findings would help his intuition on such experiments and findings later on.

Ianna seemed to remember something when peeking at the clock, “I wish to remind you that you have a lesson with your tutor at 2. It’s currently 1:20.”

“I’ll be there…”

Even though he said it in such a lackluster tone he did enjoy learning, it was just that his tutor was a bit eccentric. His tutor was a royal mage under his father, the 3rd stage lightning warlock En. Most warlocks were bloodthirsty spell casters that lived on the front lines. However En, due to his advanced age at 417, had been retired for a number of years.


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