Chapter 2, A walk

The princesses’ guards were considered the best of the best. A group of 2nd and 3rd-grade warriors, all talents in their own right. Many being holders of unique gifts and some with the ability to contend with those of a higher stage.  Which made Aivas’s ability to sneak away from such people mind-boggling.

At least for normal peopleā€¦ If one actually knew how these few acted and were trained, they could easily see through them. The commander was one such person, being the person who hired them and all. As well, with how often this happened, he could see a pattern cropping up.

ā€œThese idiots are too loyalā€¦ā€

If the princess asked them to beg like a dog, they would beg with their heads to the ground, spin around three times, and ask for a treat. Plus with how crafty Aiva was at timesā€¦ It was easy for her to simply ask them to guard the front of her room and in their vigilance to protect the hallway, they wouldnā€™t feel her sliding out the window. A common tactic for her, he thought.

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Grasping the fidgeting man in full armor, he dragged him along, as he made his way around the castle. The man tried to resist but pushing against the commander was like trying to move a mountain. One step after another and one bump after another the knight was dragged.

Soon Armin was walking along the many gardens and groves that littered the castle grounds. Although Alos had made it abundantly clear to not use walls when he could, he did still enjoy his peace and quiet and so did his wife. So in an effort to bring this wish to light, the grounds were littered with 10 ft tall hedges. The maze-like but beautifully tended gardens gave a sense of serenity and mystery to those who entered. 

They passed many people as they walked, mainly gardeners and guards on patrol. The birds singing and leaves rustling graced the ears of the commander. Just stepping into this hedge gave him goosebumps as he remembered the ā€˜good timesā€™. He wanted nothing more than to simply take a seat on one of many stone benches that were spread along the wide walkway, however, he continued. 

Only allowed on

After 30 minutes of walking the knight was getting sore. His behind could only take so much as he was dragged and by now the path became uneven and rocky. Telltale signs of unuse, few had ventured this far in, and he wondered as to where they were going. The deeper they went along this maze the darker it got, taking many turns haphazardly, and the fewer beings they encountered. The path became more and more untamed and cluttered. Slowly small things started to litter the area as they continued and the more fantastical the hedge became. Flowers bloomed and the naturally growing maze became more colorful. Small trees popping up here and there and the occasional brown root gave contrast to the very green surroundings.

Another, maybe 10 minutes the knight felt, passed and the maze changed once again. Becoming quieter than when they first came in. No birds singing, no insects chirping, and even trees seemed to come to a still. Amongst the plants were small decorative fountains, benches to sit on, open squares to ponder in, and hidden amongst the corners were little statues. Many of which referenced the tales of old and creatures long forgotten. 

ā€˜Oh, there is the little lizard, I remember Aiva loved this statue and honestly she probably still does. Although it does look a bit grotesque compared to the others in here. There was no need to show it hunting a fairyā€¦  Always thought she had a weird taste for a girlā€¦ā€™ Sweeping his fiery eyes forward on the path he kept his pace.

The knight at this point had long since resigned himself to his fate. At least this wasnā€™t as bad of a punishment compared to what the commander usually did, if not a little bit humiliating. He had noticed the looks the guards and gardeners gave him on the way. Kind of hard not to when they saluted in respect while trying not to burst into laughter.

Word is going to spread within days and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Everyone would know of his shame. Although there wasnā€™t really much he could do about it. He was the one to lose the princess todayā€¦ 

Suddenly he felt the commander slow down. He had felt the twisting and winding path they had taken. It was anything but normal and as he looked around he found himself in an unfamiliar area. The normally bright day was obstructed by the heavy foliage from the trees above them. They were still in the groves but in a section that a very select few had ever found.

 Shaken from his thoughts he wondered what the commander was looking at. In Front of them was nothing but another wall as they had walked into a dead-end, one of many in the great maze. However, he had no time to ask as he was promptly thrown through the leaves. 

He flailed from the unexpected movement as he tried to prepare himself for impact. Only to pass through smoothly, not feeling even one leaf nor branch, flying forward further than he expected. Instead, he collided with a wide-eyed princess.

ā€” New chapter is coming soon ā€”
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