Chapter 9 – Dominating Victory

“W-What? All hail the empress?” Estin swallowed her own saliva upon hearing that phrase. She couldn’t understand but she could feel chills running up and down that shook every fiber of her being. 

“I still couldn’t believe that she will fight against four thousands of knights, mixed with mages and tanks. Is.. is she really going to be okay? She can use magic, right?” Draco asked Eleftheria. 

“No, she can’t use magic actually. She’s still learning so she will stick into using nothing for now.” The sorceress answered. 

“Nothing? As in nothing but fists?” Halber added into the question. 

“Yeah, she usually uses her hands although she picks up weapons from enemies. You could say that she is just resourceful but she doesn’t really like carrying weapons.”

“W-Whoa.. well then..” Helfor looked at the battlefield.

“Let’s see how strong she is..” 

“Wha-!? One against four thousands!? That’s like killing yourself!” Gidas commented with widened eyes, along with Elvira and Tythus, who were also surprised at this turn of event. 

“That woman’s name is Aeon Gertrude Reigns, right? I can’t believe that it’s true..” Elvira spoke and Tythus followed, 

“The Empress of War.. To where war is, will she appear..”

“I-I mean, I know she is a legend but against four thousands? You got to be kidding me!” Gidas said. 

“Only one way to find out.” Elvira replied. 

Back in the battlefield, Irah hummed as she glared at Aeon. 

That fool.. does she really think she could just waltz into here all alone? I guess Moonfire Kingdom has given up. But that doesn’t mean we will let them raise the flag. 

“Take the chance! End her!” The general of the Mineria Kingdom commanded and the rows of enemies charged towards the maroon-haired tactician while letting out roars of war.

Aeon gritted her teeth tightly as she slapped the reigns onto the horse to encourage it to gallop towards them and as she reached one of them, she jumped up from the creature and flew towards a gigantic tank, whose size is three full bodies of adult men. 

The tank roared at her as it dragged its right arm back, which was holding a large sword tightly then swung it towards the tactician.

However, Aeon shifted her body up and dodged the blade, landing herself on the tank’s forehead before another tank came by and rose its sledgehammer.

Aeon narrowed her eyes as she jumped away before the hammer struck the tank’s head, crushing its head completely that its chunks flew towards all directions. Aeon’s clothes were stained with a large amount of blood but that didn’t distract her as she landed her feet and rushed towards another knight, who was holding a bastard sword.

The knight was about to drag its blade back but Aeon sent a knee attack on its face, slamming it down before grabbing the sword and began swinging it around her, cutting other Mineria Knights in halves upon impact.

Irah and Cynane’s eyes widened as they watched with their bodies stuck in place as if they were nailed there.

I never expected the Empress of War to be our opponent in this mock Warzone… So the rumors were true… Irah thought.

We have to surrender. The Empress of War isn’t someone to mess with. Cynane thought.

The mages all stepped up and aimed their glowing palms at Aeon, preparing to release blasts but the empress sprinted towards them, taking a bomb from a knight along the way then threw it towards them, allowing a large explosion to occur along with blood splattering like fountains and painting the ground. The shockwaves of the explosion sent the knights within the vicinity, including Aeon, flying back but the maroon-haired back-flipped and dug her feet into the ground to stop her advance before she used the force to throw herself towards another group of tanks.

The tanks all raised their weapons up in an attempt to squash her but Aeon swung her blade; slicing her way through the tanks’ stomachs while an explosive trail of blood spray and soak the ground and other knights and allowing their intestines to dangle out.

Afterwards, Aeon twirled once and gripped on the hilt of the sword tighter to the point that her arm muscle tightened and veins popped out—she then, threw the blade, which viciously spun around, cutting the large numbers of passing soldiers until the very last knight in its way. Other knights watched in awe as they slowly backed away from the empress, who was staring at the large path of blood she just created while the wind blew her cape and hair to the side.

The three judges just sat there with their jaws dropped and eyes widened.

So this is the Empress of War… Gidas thought and could feel the chill running down his spine.

“That’s only an ounce of her power.” Tythus muttered.

“Are you serious about that, Tythus? The book only showed us that she could fight armies all on her own but that theory? It’s too exaggerating.” Elvira replied.

Tythus narrowed her eyes,

“I’m serious..”

Aeon sooner turned her heels to look back at the other knights—blood is passing from the sides of her head down to her jaws, “There’s still many of you so I believe this war will end longer than I expected.” She then charged towards them to continue her rampage.

Estin kept shivering that she had to hug herself to ease it up, “Watching her gives me goosebumps… Is this normal?”

“Yeah. That’s normal.” Eleftheria replied.

“But Aeon couldn’t win against General Estin back then, right? How come she can move that way now?” Halber asked.

“Simply put, Emp can’t do one against one just yet due to her inability to adapt with the enemy. She couldn’t focus her attacks on a single person.” Eleftheria answered.

“But, you are stronger than her, right?”

“Naaah, actually, she’s stronger than me. If I was then I would have been crowned as the Empress of War instead.” The sorceress scratched her own head.

“I see…” Estin sighed and her sweats became innumerable as she watches with her eyes glimmering.

I should apologize.. I judged her that way.. She thought and furrowed her eyebrows upon realizing. To think that she was planning to send this woman away to another kingdom, which would mean death for them in the future Warzones. She clenched her fists tighter out of frustration towards herself but she was relieved at the same time because Aeon was that determined to prove her own worth.

Now that she did, Estin doesn’t know how to respond at all.

Aeon released a thunderous bellow as she grabbed a dead tank’s axe and swung the weapon around multiple soldiers nearby, splitting their bodies in halves before she spun around once and threw the axe towards another group, creating another large clearing. She sooner grabbed a sledgehammer and wielded it towards a petrified knight, slamming the face of the hammer and sending it towards Irah and Cynane in great speed.

Irah’s eyes widened and Cynane immediately pulled her away before the body landed and exploded into lumps.

A mage sooner aimed its palm at the empress from above as electrical flashes engulfed the palm.

Eleftheria grinned, “It’s over.”

Aeon glared up at the mage and raised the hammer up before the electricity made an impact with it. The voltages travelled from the weapon down to Aeon, herself and it spread like wildfire, shocking every single one of the Mineria Knights before a large explosion occurred within the enormous area of the battlefield.

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The explosion released sharp waves that it reached Eleftheria and the others, causing them to squat down to hold their positions and cover their faces with their arms. As soon as it subsided, they lifted their heads, seeing that the whole field was flooded with flames. There’s no Aeon to be found.

However, Eleftheria sensed the woman, smirking, “Guess this is our win.”

Aeon stood in front of Irah, Cynane and the general of the kingdom, who were sitting on the ground while the maroon-haired was staring down at them.

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“A-All.. hail the empress..” Irah commented.

The general clicked its tongue and attempted to charge, unsheathing its sword but Aeon moved to the side to dodge it and gave it a knee attack, causing it to cough and fall on its knees. The empress swiftly grabbed the blade and sliced through its neck, making its head to fall off and bounce towards the two.

“S-So the legends are true..” Cynane’s voice trembled.

“Hmm. We will battle again in the future. Make sure to invite more people.” Aeon said as she swung the blade, cutting off their throats and allowing blood to gush.

The judges remained shocked in their seats before Tythus snapped out of it and stood up,

“This..” Tythus then smiled and raised her palm,

“The winner of the Mock Warzone is the Moonfire Kingdom!! All were finished by a lone warrior, who is surprisingly, the Empress of War!”

- my thoughts:
AAAAAAAAA another update! Hope you guys liked it! Although there are missing parts in this chapter because the detailed ones are in the dark version of this light novel! Will set up my Patreon soon!
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