
There is a legend that has been famously written down in books and has been told to every child there is. It is a tale, in which, everyone must come to learn and take inspiration from. A story, in which, if it did not exist, the world would have befallen into an eternal chaos.

It is a story of a woman.

A woman, whose hair has the color of both brown and red, which ends reach down her back and has a soft gradient of imperial red. Her bright and intimidating eyes, which is similar to the color of a deep pink azalea, could make everyone tremble in great fear. Her tall height, which can tower most fully-grown men, matches her strong and dominating yet enticing facial features.

Countless of enemies have endeavored in breaking her will and spirit but each one of them ended up failing miserably.

None has ever stopped her resilience and courage.

Be it worlds dying.

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Heavens weeping.

Dreams being crushed.

Souls being reaped.

She will always stand in the middle of catastrophe, with her head held high despite the presence of hopelessness while laughing at the face of death.

She will lead people towards an overwhelming victory.

For she is the people’s light within the dark abyss.

The people’s savior.

The guardian.

She is, and will always be…

The Greatest Empress.

- my thoughts:
I didn't realize that I still haven't published the prologue here since it takes days for this novel to get approved but here it is!!
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