Chapter 1 – Aeon and Eleftheria

Large flames have danced and scattered within the large area of the Primdian Kingdom as knights in their heavy, platinum armors clashed their blades and spears against their glorious purple counterparts. The deafening clanging sounds of the blades and armors colliding were too ear crushing for an ordinary villager, but not to the ones within the battlefield. The battle cries from each sides has sounded and pierced through the golden heavens, which rays of sunshine, has rained down upon them. The pools of blood have painted the vast and open field as the stenches lingered in the air.

It is one great of a war. The fact that there were too many dead bodies lying on every part of the field tells just how intense the battle is. Vicious swinging of the blades can be seen from left to right and back. There was no hint of friendly faces nor camaraderie between warriors within the same side as some were jeering towards their opponents. Some were gritting their teeth tightly enough as they use their shields to block and push every impact of giant knuckles from larger knights, some knights from the back lines, who seemed to mages, healers and tacticians, were delivering support as the frontlines continued to clash aggressively like it is the last day of their lives.

An ogre from the purple helmets, roared as it slammed its large fist against a platinum helmet, greatly crushing its whole body into nothing but mashed remains of blood and small chunks of guts.

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One platinum helmet suddenly sprung up towards the ogre and thrusted its sword against the creature’s forehead, allowing blood to gush out like a fountain as it yelped in pain upon impact and fell on its knees before its body followed.

Leaders of both sides, have their own side in the battlefield as they allowed their sharp blades to collide with each other, creating sparks with each impacts made.

The platinum-plated armors seemed to be lessening, slowly being overwhelmed by the purple-plated ones.

“Ahh, the Primdians are losing! I put my whole bet on them!” Shouted one man in disappointment as he watches the battle through his television screen together with other customers ranging from residents and knights alike.

The war happening in the screen looked brutal yet they were too composed to even panic. Although, some were showing hints of nervousness with their legs bouncing across the floor, one would meekly and gently bite his fingernails out of anticipation.

“Oi, Ivories! Better stomp those Primdians! We are winning this one!” One woman shouted.

“Come on, Primdians! What the hell are you doing?!” One man followed.

Two women, whose eyes were focused on the screen as well, exchanged glances with frowns on their faces.

Only allowed on

“Aren’t the Primdians one of those big-timed kingdoms? Their power levels are incomparable with other ones. So, why are they losing this time?” Asked one woman, whose hair is short and slightly wavy, with the color of honey yellow. Her slate-colored orbs focused on the other lady with a long, maroon-colored hair, which has a soft gradient of imperial red on each ends.

The woman grabbed her cup of tea and took a sip before answering the question, “There are many reasons why; possibly, they lost their key players, or they lost the motivation to fight. Perhaps, there is an anomaly between the players within the same kingdom. Or—” She halted midway and closed her deep pink-colored orbs, allowing another round of sharp and loud yelps of pain to occur from the screen, making the first woman look back at what’s happening.

“Yes!! Go Primdians!” The man, who was disappointed earlier, shouted as he saw that the silver-plated armors suddenly overwhelmed the purple heads by letting a large number of knights from Primdian Kingdom attack from behind their opponents. It easily became a one-sided battle as the silver-plated knights swung their spears, axes and swords against their enemies, piercing their way and lessening their opponent’s numbers instantly.

“—it could be a strategy of theirs.” The pink-haired finished her sentence while her friend formed an ‘o’ shape with her mouth while her eyes sparkled in amazement,

“Whoaaa, you know your thing, Emp!” The honey-haired said as she looked back at her friend, “Oh, I just remembered that you will be having your test as a knight today, right? I’ll be cheering for you!”

“Please, don’t make me remember that, Eleftheria.” The maroon-haired chuckled.

“Aw come on, you have a gift! You can form a lot of battle strategies even when on the fly! That’s Aeon Gertrude Reigns for you!” Eleftheria said with a sheepish grin.

Aeon just smiled at her companion, “Alright, I can’t win against you in terms of compliments. However, don’t you also forget that you are in the same boat with me.”

Eleftheria froze and her grin dropped upon realizing it before she groaned and bowed down her head abruptly, hitting her forehead on the table in the process, “Please don’t remind me, Emp. The assessment was already tough. Honestly, why do we have to suffer like this? Can’t they understand that we need some rest too!?”

“You’re exaggerating..” Aeon said.

“Am not, I was just stating facts! Those goons really think that we are weak! Like come on, there are strong females that could overwhelm the battlefield you know.”

“But don’t you see the opportunity here? The harsher the training is, the stronger we get. I believe their discriminations are just going to help us improve ourselves.”

Aeon is wise. It was more than enough to stand up against other commanders as long as she knows that she will win. Though her maturity was displayed often, she still has a lot to learn to hone her skills as a good tactician. She knows that wisdom alone is not enough to overcome large obstacles. Why, she has only self-taught her current talents just by observing the war games ever since her childhood.

While she fights a battle, which she knows she will win, she has yet to learn to fight a losing one. It will be a challenge for her in the near future. But that just gives her the motivation to fully dedicate her life in this side of the world. With all the jobs available for a woman like her, being a knight is the least recommendation people wanted her to give. Same goes to Eleftheria.

“Well, I guess we are lucky enough to get in at least! Those bastards from the High Council will know that even women can lead the army to victory! Right, Emp!?”

A sigh escaped Aeon’s lips. Despite being together with Eleftheria for as far as she could remember, she still has yet to get used to her attitude. Especially during a match.

“And the winner for the semi-finals of Warzone is the Primdian Kingdom! Their tactics sure are superb and hard to predict! Everyone was a good actor! We will get to see more of them in the final match with the kingdom, whose defenses are known to be impenetrable! Will they be able to break through the nation’s toughest fortress?! Or will they fall like the rest!? Stay tuned for the next broadcast!” The feminine announcer shouted from the television screen while it showed the silver-plated knights jumping and cheering with joy as they raised their blades and spears up in the skies.

“Let’s go. We need to prepare for the test.” Aeon said as she stood up and went on ahead to leave the tavern.

“A-Ahh, wait! Emp!” Eleftheria said as she quickly got up and chased after the woman.

Some of the people who have heard their conversation, exchanged glances before snickering, seeming to have found other people to toy with.

Few moments passed by, Aeon and Eleftheria finally reached the entrance of their destination:

The Moonfire Kingdom.

The tall, white gate was accompanied with dark walls, which seemed to stretch farther to the point they couldn’t see the end of it from where they are. The designs of the walls resembled the starry skies during the night, adding to that are constellations, which are glimmering even in broad daylight.

Eleftheria’s eyes were sparkling as she looked around, “Uwaaaa, this kingdom is really fancy! I heard that the walls tend to glow brightly at night! It is as if you are one with the night skies itself! I wonder what kind of magic were they using here? It looks advanced!”

“Don’t forget that those stars and constellations on the walls tend to move during the night as well.” Aeon smiled at her friend’s admiration.

“Really?! I want to stay overnight here just to see it at least!”

Aeon just scoffed in delight before she looked up at the gate, her smile dropping and with a thought in her mind:

‘It’s time.’

- my thoughts:
Heeey guys! Hope you liked this first chapter! Actually this one is already published on Tapas! This story will be in its light version so there will be parts of this whole story that will be excluded, which primarily focuses on graphic violence and fully detailed stuff. If you want to read the dark and actual full version of this light novel then stay tuned! I will upload it in my Patreon!
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