Diary of Samuel Johnson

Diary of Samuel Johnson

Entry 141

We have been riding for the past four days towards yet another village untouched by modern man. This village is said to be somewhere close to our current location. We have been blindly searching for this village since no one wanted to guide us. Superstition has prevented people from passing through this forest. The only people known to go into this forest are witch doctors. People only considered guiding us to the village if we went around the forest.

However that would take a month, compared to going straight through the forest which would take a week and a couple of days. In the end we managed to get a hand drawn map. Though it did not show what the inside of the forest looks like. It showed the direction of the village and the land marks to follow after leaving the forest.

Entry 142

Today we came across a human size pole with an animal skull on top, wrapped with some animal skin. Both of which I could not Identify. We did not know what the pole represented but it was likely a representation of a pagan god. So we splashed the pole with holy water, as we prayed then removed the pole and burnt it. By the time we were done the sun had already set, so we decided to make camp at a nearby clearing. This area was strangely barren not even grass grew in it. However that made it suitable for us to make camp.

After setting camp John cooked the last of our dried meat, making some beef stew. I had smelled the meat before he started cooking and it smelled slightly rotten. So I advised everyone not to eat it, however this was the last meat we will have the chance of eating for possibly the next few months. So the was a temptation most could not resist. After all it is very likely the village we are heading to will not be able to get enough meat to trade with us let alone feed its inhabitants.

Some listened to me while some ate; those of us who did not eat the meat ate the dried rations we brought along. Smelling the aroma coming from the pot I almost caved in and ate the meat but I managed to maintain my resolve. Late that night, those who ate meat had stomach pains and a bad case of diarrhea. They kept getting up out the night to relieve themselves. They could not risk using an area with tall grass to relieve themselves because of snakes, so they used a clearing close to the camp which just happened to be the area the pole used to be.

Entry 143

This morning some of the people in the troop were in no condition to continue the journey, so we decided to delay our departure. By now no one had diarrhea but it is possibly because there is nothing left in their stomachs. All they ate today was porridge; we could not feed them solid food. Even those who did not feel like eating were force fed porridge.

Entry 144

Due to most of the sick regaining strength we managed to continue moving, however we had to stop a few times to allow those who are still weak to rest. If we are to take anything form this it is be careful of what you eat.

Entry 145

It is official all of those who ate the meat have recovered. We continued the journey but at this point we realized we were lost. The trees pretty much looked the same, for all we know we could be walking in circles.

Entry 146

It may be hard to believe but today we came across a man passing through the forest just like us. He says his name is Thabo and he agreed to guide us out of the forest. I wanted to ask him why he is not afraid of the forest like the rest of the natives. But after seeing him catch a snake that had gotten close to camp with his bare hands and setting it free far from camp I realize there is not much that can scare him.

Entry 147

After traveling with Thabo for the past two days I have come to appreciate his company. He is well versed in the local legends and myths, so his camp fire stories have become a hit amongst the members of the troop.

Entry 148

While riding earlier today I described the pole with an animal skull that we came across to Thabo, and asked him what it was. It turns out it was a grave indicator. Remembering what the troop used that area for shame over took me.

Entry 149

Just as our water was about to run out we came across a creek and were able to replenish it. It looks like the lord is still on our side. Even Thabo managed to show off his hunting ability by catching six rabbits. It was my first time eating rabbit so the delicious taste took me by surprise. It turns out Thabo is an excellent cook; we should have involved him in cooking sooner.

Entry 150

Today Thabo assured me we are close to reaching our destination. This came as a relief as some of the Troops’ stomachs have begun to hurt. We are not sure of the cause but it’s likely the water.

Entry 151

More people have begun having stomach pains some even have diarrhea. I myself have started to feel pain in my stomach. Thabo seems to be the only one unaffected by this. Perhaps growing up drinking unclean water helped him build a tolerance.

Entry 152

Things have gotten bad since my last entry, yesterday two men passed away. As they experienced diarrhea the men became weaker and weaker until they died. We did not manage to bury the bodies because we could not delay our journey since more people needed treatment all we did was cover them with leaves. We wanted to bring the bodies along so we can give them a proper burial, but we need all the able bodies to help with the seriously ill. Even I have been experiencing diarrhea but I am still strong enough to continue on without help. Now all of us are sick except Thabo. If I had not seen Thabo eat and drink the same things we did I would have suspected him of poisoning us. Due to all those who are seriously sick our journey has become slow. Sometimes when it gets bad we even have to stop for a while.

Entry 153

Today three more people died, we did not even stop to cover the bodies we just kept going. We ran out of toilet paper and people started to use whatever they can. My diary even got stolen and I found it behind a tree with some of its pages missing. After this I began to fear for the holy books. If someone is brazen enough to use my diary as toilet paper what is to say they won’t do the same with the holy books.

Entry 154

More people died today, I did not bother to go check on the bodies since at this point it is obvious we will be joining them soon. As I write this I can barely hold the pen. I forced down some porridge hoping I will have enough energy to move tomorrow. Thabo has assured me that we will reach our destination tomorrow.

Entry 155

I usually do my diary entries at night but I just thought of using this time during the brake to right down my thoughts. After all I am feeling weaker and weaker, I might not make it. This morning we left those who were too weak to continue behind, if we make it we plan to send someone back for them.

Entry 156

I don’t know what to make of this, along the way Thabo disappeared. It’s hard to fathom how someone leading a group from the front can disappear without anyone noticing. I myself only noticed he disappeared when we went around a group of trees and found myself standing in a clearing littered with human feces. We were back! Most of this forest looks the same but this place is different. Even without the human size pole with the animal skull on top this place was easy to identify.

We were too tired to continue moving so we decided to set up camp here.

Entry 157

More people died last night, now john and I are the only once left but we both don’t have the energy to keep moving. I now realize this is all Thabo’s doing, but why would he do such a thing. After looking through the things we brought with us I realized all of the things that came from Thabo disappeared as if they never existed, as if he never existed. I am starting to wonder if he was a hallucination or something else. Is this a punishment for us unwittingly desecrating the grave? If it is we were wrong, and I am sorry.

— New chapter is coming soon —

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5 years ago

Thanks. A red packet and free bacon for everyone!

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