Training (1)

The first month of physical training was an absolute nightmare.

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Even though I was physically far stronger compared to my previous life, under heightened Gravity, it was no different from torture.

I have started with simple exercises, such as push-ups, squats, crunches, and running. I was never for physical things, in past I actively and successfully avoided as possible, but now, in this life, I wanted to have every advantage in a fight.

My thirst for power was infinite. For me, the physical path was just another way to gain more power. Fortunately, Architect constructed the best body training method possible, based on my own library, and things I have bought from the Celestial Court of the Jade Emperor.

I called it proudly, [Devil Outer Body Tempering Method]. Based on my plan, after gaining initial physical condition, I can train in the [Devil Outer Body Tempering Method] according to the Architect. I also, had him create a simplified version of it, called [Devil Outer Body Tempering Method] and ordered commanders of my legions to train soldiers in it.

In the Great War, It would save countless lives of my soldiers, and the strength of the Gremory Legions would be stronger compared to other Pillar Houses. I planned to do the same thing, for the Bael Clan, to have the support of Zekram Bael later in my plans.

Back to the topic of [Devil Outer Body Tempering Method]. It allowed one to reach Pinnacle of Middle-Class in physical attributes, with the usage of Demonic Energy in training and training under extreme high gravity, also with addition some supplements. Mainly some rare herbs and pills.

In addition, I also started training in martial arts, so I can defend myself when it came to hand-to-hand combat, though I hope it would not.

After one month of simple exercises, I noticed that my physical strength has gone higher, especially the strength and agility of my body. Unfortunately, the Vitality remained the same, though the Architect explained to me, that the Vitality of the body was the hardest to rise.

Apparently, even most of the Ultimate-Class devils, I have seen had Vitality only around 40 to 50 points. Even for devils, it was extremely hard to rise.

[Now, you can start using the Devil Outer Body Tempering Method. The first step is using your Demonic Energy to strengthen your Bones and Muscles. Start from Bones and let them absorb as much as possible. Though I must warn you, the process would take several months to achieve and would be extremely painful.]

“Like meditation the and cultivation stuff from Celestial Court?”

I asked Architect. Cultivation wasn’t something foreign in this world, as basically entire factions depended on it, especially the Celestial Court of the Jade Emperor, where Immortals and Celestials resided.

From what I know, it was the only faction that took humans from Earth, not from the Immortal Region of Three Realms. Though from what I heard, humans of Earth have a low talent for Cultivation, most of them are able to reach only Nascent Soul which is around the same as High-Class of us Devils.

But, the other Three Realm of Celestial Court were powerful, extremely. Though they are reclusive, they were actually the most powerful faction in Draconic Deus Universe currently. Even one of their Armies would be able to wipe out Devil Race with ease.

That was the reason, why I have decided to raise our racial strength, of course only after I have gained control of the devil race, after the Civil War, when I planned to dispose of every enemy or a potential traitor.

I started channeling the Demonic Energy in my body exactly as [Devil Outer Body Tempering Method] instructed me to do and infusing it into my bones.

‘Damm, that hurts like hell. Fortunately, I used magic seal, so my screams won’t wake up the entire castle.’

The Architect was underestimating the pain the process was bringing.

And thus the time was flying, and week after week, went by as I was in secluded training. For devils, as long as we had magic to passively absorb, there was no need to eat food often, so I didn’t have a problem to spent several months in seclusion.

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Now after 2 months, I almost didn’t feel any pain as I was continuously infusing an enormous amount of Demonic Energy into my bones, making them far denser and far more durable, compared to before.

[Congratulations. The process is done. Now the second part is to repeat the same thing with your muscles. Be careful, as it is extremely easy to tear them apart if you are not careful with your control over the Demonic Energy.]

“Good to know. Also, how much higher is my physique after finishing the Bone Refinement part of the [Devil Outer Body Tempering Method]?”

[Physical strength increased by 16 points, and Vitality increased by 5 points, and Agility increased by 9 points. Altogether, with finishing the pre-training and first part of the Devil Outer Body Tempering Method, your body has officially entered the Middle-Class. I think, congratulations.]

Truth be told, I was feeling fantastic. Far stronger and even healthier than I was when I transmigrated. My physique also became more attractive, due to all that training, as I became a bit taller and more handsome I think.

“I will go take a good bath. I need to rest for at least one whole week, before going to complete the second phase of the [Devil Outer Body Tempering Method].”

I muttered as I exited the training room, where I was spending the previous two months. I really needed a bath, as my clothes were all sweaty from the training and I was dirty and sweaty from not seeing water for two months.

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