Chapter 104 Marrying 

“Xiao Mian, you’re back, I shall leave.”

Su Mian sent Su Hong back to the house and went to the tower space again. There had been a lot of things outside these days, and the time she spent in the tower space was getting shorter and shorter. Tonight she still had to prepare more medicinal materials for Wei Zhen Hui.

She received another two hundred kindness points for giving the villagers’ medical examination today.

On the second day, before dawn, everyone in the Su family got up. Wei Min ran over to help early in the morning.

Only allowed on

Su Mian’s youngest uncle led old Mistress Su into the hall.

The husbands of the three aunts also arrived along with their children, and it was even more lively than New Year when they all got together.

Old Mistress Su sat at the front of the bed with a kind face, Su Mian’s eldest aunt inserted a hairpin into her head full of silver hair curled at the back of her head.

Knowing that Su Mian was going to be engaged to Wei Zhen Hui, old Mistress Su went all the way to Su Mian’s house and specifically told Su Jiang Hai that Su Mian’s marriage would turn out well, as soldiers were reliable.

Several uncles set off the firecrackers in the yard. It went off in a pair, then it went one after another, and the whole yard was illuminated brightly.

The six children of the aunts ran around the adults inside out of the house, with candied haws held in their hands. Those were made by Su Jiang Hai yesterday. There were so many children and there was nothing else to coax children with in the countryside.

Su Jiang Hai and Su Jiang Bo were catching the roosters in the coop to be used later while escorting the car. The children followed behind the adults and watched the fun.

A little rooster, with red-brown feathers, and its tail proudly raised was stubborn. As they didn’t catch it properly, it spread its wings and flew around the yard. At times, it flew up to the roof, and at times, it landed on the windowsill.

This amused the children who were standing at the gate watching the show. They couldn’t help but applaud in joy.

When the little rooster actually flew over, each and everyone of them was so scared that they threw away their candied haws, and howled while running towards the house.

He Qin and a few aunts tidied up the house, discussing what to prepare for escorting the car later.

Wei Min was busy combing Su Mian’s hair.

Wei Min had a pair of skillful hands. She combed Su Mian a unique hairstyle easily. She braided a braid each on the left and right sides of her head, and finally put them together at the back of her head.

Su Mian looked in the mirror, and her eyes lit up, and she did feel like a bride after all.

A few children came in chattering, and when they saw Su Mian, they almost couldn’t recognise her. Soon the eldest daughter of her third aunt reacted, “Sister Su Mian, you are so beautiful! You are prettier than all the students in our class!”

Several others agreed.

“Sister Su Mian, marrying, wearing new clothes, not knowing shame…” The eldest aunt’s kid started saying, and several other children followed and shouted around Su Mian.

Su Mian didn’t think of anything at all initially, but she was a bit shy when she was harassed by the children.

Bai Yu Lan sat leisurely on the brick bed eating melon seeds, while Su Hong stood next to the bed, looking out the window and observing the movement in Su Mian’s house.

“Mother, will you go then?”

Bai Yu Lan spat out a melon seed shell, “Why not, can’t waste that fifty Yuan!”

At that time, an average person would spend two or three yuan whenever there was marriage, and if the relationship was good, it might go up to five yuan. The fifty yuan Bai Yu Lan spent was indeed a lot.

“Why isn’t there anything yet?” Su Hong looked outside anxiously, but all she could see was firecrackers exploding in the air, lighting the yard brightly.

“What’s the hurry? They will find out in a while. When the time comes, the whole village will see Su Mian as a joke. Until then, we will see how shameless she is to still go for the engagement!” Bai Yu Lan spat out another melon seed shell fiercely. Her son, Su Jin Biao, was still held in the police station. It was already good enough that she didn’t go over and make trouble there.

After Su Jiang Tao finished feeding the donkey, he came in from the outside and was stunned for a moment, “Why haven’t you two gone over?”

Su Hong glanced impatiently at the clock on the wall, “Father, it’s just seven o’clock now, and the pick-up is only at 9 o’clock, why are you going over so early!”

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