Chapter 143 You Sleep In the Bed 

Su Mian felt so ashamed that even her granny could feel the same. She was just too ashamed to see Wei Zhen Hui again.

She used to think that she was courageous and brave enough. She just didn’t expect that her bravery and courage was still less than one-thousandth of Wei Zhen Hui even though she had re-lived for another lifetime.

It was all because of Wei Zhen Hui! If he was to take a bath, then just take the bath, but he couldn’t even hold the soap right and dropped it, which caused her to think he was the one who fell.

When Wei Zhen Hui came out, Su Mian was still rolling in the bed.

His wife was just too cute.

When Su Mian knew that Wei Zhen had come out, she began to feel awkward again. She sat up and turned her back to him.

Wei Zhen Hui knew that the joke he made just now was a bit overboard, “Wife, let’s sleep!”

“You sleep in the bed, I will make do on the chair for one night!” Su Mian sat down neatly on the chair, her face flushed, it was unknown if it was because she was shy or being covered by the blanket .

Wei Zhen Hui knew she was uncomfortable and didn’t force it, so he picked up the book and read it for a while.

Su Mian spent her whole morning travelling. She had never felt tired at all before but it was unknown why, she fell asleep leaning over on the side of the bed.

Wei Zhen Hui put down the book and carefully carried her onto the bed.

His wife was so thin that she didn’t even weigh fifty kilogram.

Wei Zhen Hui crawled into the bed again, supporting Su Mian on his uninjured arm.

Su Mian was really tired, and she didn’t even realise that she was being held in someone’s arms.

She rolled over, found a comfortable position in Wei Zhen Hui’s arms, and went back to sleep.

Early the next morning, Su Mian opened her eyes and saw a pair of firm eyes looking at her, not more than an inch away. Wei Zhen Hui’s arm was also around her waist.

Seeing that she was awake, Wei Zhen Hui used his big and strong hands to gently squeeze her waist.


Su Mian shouted, and only then did she realize that she slept together with Wei Zhen Hui last night!

It was all over, it was so shameful that she couldn’t face anyone! Su Mian flushed with shame, pulled up the blanket and covered her head. She didn’t want to see Wei Zhen Hui for now.

Wei Zhen Hui was slightly surprised, he obviously didn’t expect Su Mian to react that much. His wife was just too sensitive and indeed required some training!

Wei Zhen Hui carefully pulled the blanket away. It was just for a while, his wife’s small face was flushed red, her big eyes were clear, pure and distinct, but she didn’t look at him, she was still embarrassed!

Wei Zhen Hui grabbed her little head, without saying a word he bowed his head and gave her a kiss. He just had to get his wife used to being with him. Wu Feng was just staying next door. As she shouted earlier, Wu Feng would definitely tease him for a few days. Wouldn’t he be at a big loss if he really didn’t do anything?

Only allowed on

Su Mian watched in astonishment as Wei Zhen Hui’s handsome face came from far to near, from big to even bigger.

Su Mian was angry and annoyed. She wanted to push him away, but was worried about touching his wounds, so she could only resist by sobbing.

Wei Zhen Hui’s body was obviously stiff, but the action on his lips went further and became more presumptuous. He originally wanted to punish his wife for a bit, but he didn’t expect that now he felt even more uncomfortable.

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Su Mian’s body also softened and melted, and in the end she was totally enjoying the moment.

It was unknown when half of Wei Zhen Hui’s body was on her.

“Um…your wound…” Su Mian took the opportunity to breathe, but Wei Zhen Hui grabbed her back after a while.

Wei Zhen Hui caressed her lips with his in a very good mood, “Don’t worry, I will follow the doctor’s advice and will not do strenuous exercises on you!”

Once Su Mian heard that, she reacted as if a cat was stomped on its tail, and pushed him away, “What more strenuous exercise do you want to do?”

“You want?”

“You are the one that wants it!”

“Yes, I want it, will you give it?”

“Give you a brain, I want to get up!”

Su Mian got up and got out of bed, as the sound of Wei Zhen Hui’s cheerful laugh came from behind, Su Mian turned her head over and rolled her eyes on him.

It was just that she was brought back to the bed and once again held down under his body before her feet even hit the ground.

- my thoughts:
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