Chapter 144 Can You?

Su Mian was speechless. In her previous life, she didn’t notice that Wei Zhen Hui was such a gangster. When she was just about to push Wei Zhen Hui away, he lay down by her side with her in one of his arms.

“My wife, don’t move, I’ll tell you a serious matter.”

Su mian just couldn’t believe that they could talk about serious matters in such a position.

She turned her head but in fact she saw him put on a serious look, it seemed that she thought too much, “Tell me about it.”

“There is a courtyard behind the hospital. It is the former residence of a prince. I will take you around after breakfast.”

Su Mian knew about this courtyard, as she had been there in her previous life. The courtyard occupied a large area, it could be divided into a front yard and a back yard. It was told that it was built by some renowned person from the south at that time.

Su Mian was worried about Wei Zhen Hui’s condition, “Can you?”

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Did this girl know what she was talking about? Even if he was injured at the moment, as long as he wanted, he could always do anything to her. If he was really irritated and annoyed, he could even prove to her right now!

Losing their chastity was a small matter, but his dignity was a big issue!

Wei Zhen Hui really wanted to choke her to death. Wei Zhen Hui’s dark eyes sank suddenly, and he got up and once again placed his body on Su Mian, “Why don’t you try it now?”

Only allowed on

Su Mian, “……”

“I don’t want to!” Su Mian only realized what he was talking about.

She was just worried about his condition. The courtyard covered a large area. She was afraid that he would not be able to tolerate that as he had only just rested for a few days.

Su Mian pushed him away angrily and this time Wei Zhen Hui did not tease her. The two of them packed up, and the first team leader brought in the breakfast.

When the team leader heard that the battalion commander and his wife were going to the courtyard for a stroll, he was so excited, “Battalion commander, sister-in-law, do have your meals first, and I will come back later.”

A few of them all hid in the instructor’s room next door to eavesdrop. The five of them hung on the wall like lizards until one o’clock in the morning, but they never heard any sound.

Could it be that their captain was just unable to?

The room was quite warm and sufficiently heated, and the area was already small to begin with, now that five big men were squeezed in it, the room was quite suffocating. Wu Feng couldn’t stand the heat in the middle of the night, so he opened all the windows and told all of them to write him a reflection after the night.

What was there to reflect on?

Besides being warm, it was suffocating as well. Wu Feng and the first team leader were still considered good as they had beds. The other three were just sleeping on the floor. The first team leader forgot about this last night and he almost tripped when he was on his way to the toilet.

It was total silence last night. Just that in the morning, there was a scream, but that was it.

They speculated that the battalion commander must have had Su Mian already…

Therefore, when Wei Zhen Hui and Su Mian went out for a stroll after breakfast, the five of them tailed them. Wei Zhen Hui was just recovering from his severe injuries, the two of them walked real slow.

Wei Zhen Hui held Su Mian’s hand, and the two walked slowly, as if they hadn’t seen the five of them. Wei Zhen Hui was currently having some complex feelings. His heart was fully filled, and as he looked at his wife, he felt as if the whole world was all in his eyes.

Wei Zhen Hui hugged Su Mian in his arms. The Jinchuang ointment Su Mian gave him was very effective, otherwise he would need another half month just to be able to get off the bed. His wife was really full of secrets.

“By the way, the main components of the body armor have been analyzed, and it is estimated that they can be produced in large quantities after half a year, Su Mian, thank you!”

Su Mian’s eyes lit up; obviously she didn’t expect it to be so fast, “Really? That’s great.”

Could it not be fast? Several senior officers attached importance to and looked into this research project a lot. They even transferred a few experts in this field from overseas back to China for this. Those experts were unhappy at first as they were doubtful about what difficulties could possibly be faced in the country, but once they saw the body armor, they were just stunned.

- my thoughts:
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