Chapter 224 Okay

When Rui Rui heard this, she smiled so much that her eyes turned into crescents. This was the first time she had smiled from the heart in this month. If her illness could be cured, her mother would not have to secretly wipe her tears every night and her father would not be downcast all day, and her brother would dare to snatch toys away from her like before.

The family of four would be able to be as happy as before and that felt good. Thinking of this, Rui Rui threw herself directly into Su Mian’s arms.

As Su Mian hugged Rui Rui, Wu Yu Mei and Xu Gang were outside. Seeing Su Mian carrying Rui Rui out, they quickly took their daughter.

The early intensive treatment of leukemia had severe side effects. To put it bluntly, it was fighting poison with poison and it was necessary to take traditional Chinese medicine to assist in treatment. In addition, the patient’s immunity was low and her living environment and daily needs were extremely demanding.

Su Mian lowered her voice and explained carefully to Wu Yu Mei. She told her some daily precautions. Su Mian had taken leave to come out this time. In the early stages, Rui Rui’s condition would need to be reviewed every two weeks. In order to facilitate her coming out, she set Rui Rui’s review time for early Saturday morning.

Su Mian also explained the leukemia treatment plan in detail to Wu Yu Mei. Firstly, it gave her confidence that she could be cured, and secondly, the leukemia treatment cycle was long and the child would have symptoms such as vomiting and nausea during the treatment, so it would prepare them.

When Wu Yu Mei heard that there was possible treatment, she gave a thousand thanks. Although Rui Rui was only seven years old, she was more obedient and sensible than other children her age and was more beloved than her brother. She was her mother’s little baby. Wu Yu Mei’s love for her had long surpassed everything.

If Rui Rui could be cured, let alone three years of treatment, she would even exchange her own life.

Su Mian took out a bunch of medicines for treatment and told Wu Yu Mei the dosage and precautions.

Next to her, Rui Rui blinked her big eyes, “Mother, I will eat these as snacks in the future. If I forget to eat them, you have to remind me, okay?”

Wu Yu Mei could not control her tears any longer and they fell down instantly. Rui Rui was so young and she already knew had to comfort her. “Rui Rui is good, Mother will not forget.”

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Dean Li could not watch anymore and turned around. After so many years of medical experience, he had never seen such a sensible and smart child like Rui Rui!

Watching Wu Yu Mei’s family leave, Su Mian’s mood was very low. The adverse reactions of leukemia were very strong and she wondered, would Rui Rui be able to withstand it?

Dean Li was very curious and insisted on making Su Mian explain the pathology and treatment principles for leukemia.

Su Mian was not stingy and she took out her handwritten notes on the information about leukemia that she had found in the tower space. It would be great if Dean Li was interested in leukemia so that Dean Li could treat Rui Rui after she went to university.

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Moreover, if there were cases like this again, with Rui Rui’s treatment case, the county hospital would have a way to deal with it.

Dean Li was actually thinking the same way. Su Mian’s medical skills were obvious to all. How could he let go of this great god so easily? Taking advantage of her having time, he humbly asked for more advice.

When she left the hospital, it was already past 5pm in the afternoon. Dean Li had wanted Su Mian to stay for dinner, but no matter what he said, Su Mian had not agreed. She had taken a day off and would have to rush back to study at night.

Su Mian had been busy all day and fell asleep on the bus. The conductor lady saw Su Mian dressed as a student so when they reached Bai County high school, she called it out several times but Su Mian did not wake up.

The lady was amused and squeezed her way towards Su Mian from the bus door then shook her a few times. This student was really tired, falling asleep in the bus in broad daylight, “Student, we have arrived at Bai County high school, is this your stop?”

- my thoughts:
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