Chapter 278 Slander

As Su Mian walked out of the station while humming, she saw a big group of girls staring at her.

Su Mian didn’t expect them to still be here at this hour.

Among the crowd, the moment Sun Ying saw Su Mian, she and the other girls ran towards her angrily.

Why was Su Mian allowed to go in but they had to stand at least 10m away!

“Su Mian, you have to explain why you went in alone, as a girl, aren’t you afraid that people would gossip?”

Su Mian saw Sun Ying and remembered the conversation they had the other night about her feelings towards Wei Zhen Hui and felt uncomfortable. She raised her voice and said, “What gossip? Are you saying that the Liberation Army did something to me? Are you doubting their character? Do you know that slandering is against the law?”

“I…” Sun Ying didn’t expect Su Mian to be so clever with her words, she only wanted to know how she managed to get in, not to be accused of slandering.

Sun Ying was used to being served by others and could not stand being accused, but she did not dare talk back to Su Mian, since that would just confirm that she was slandering.

Su Mian saw that she was speechless and had no interest in continuing the conversation.  Sun Ying was a spoiled young miss and did not have a strong character. She was being used by Zhang Yan Jie. “As for why I was able to get in, that’s because I am capable. If you have the capability then you can go in too, no one can stop you!” Su Mian walked away angrily after saying that. 

The other girls didn’t believe her of course, it wasn’t true that no one could stop them, they almost wanted to fight the soldier at the entrance!


“First Team Leader, why did we suddenly withdraw?” Second Team Leader was baffled, the commanders were having a meeting, and after Su Mian came to visit, they had a few arguments and then they ordered the withdrawal.

First Team Leader swayed together with the moving truck, “Second Team Leader, if you could figure it out with that head of yours I’d be impressed!”

“What are you saying, your comrade is just asking a question, don’t make personal attacks.”

First Team Leader nodded helplessly, “Fine, listen carefully now, I shall tell you my analysis.”

A few soldiers beside them also came to listen. The mountain road was uneven so the truck was swaying from side to side. A few of their heads bumped together but they ignored the pain and listened to First Team Leader intently.

“Didn’t we discover the cigarette butts smoked by the Liu Brothers? But the day before we arrived it was raining.”

“So, why does it matter?” Second Team Leader asked.

First Team Leader sighed and continued, “The cigarette butts were soaked in rain water and it would be impossible to do a DNA comparison.”

“Maybe they only smoked them after we arrived?”

“The cigarette butts were at least 5-6 days old, what does that say?”

“What does it say?” Second Team Leader was still confused, “It meant they smoked it 5-6 days ago.”

“You dumbass, it meant that someone purposely placed the cigarette butts in the mountains to divert our attention.”

“So why aren’t we searching the mountains anymore?” Second Team Leader still didn’t understand.

First Team Leader felt like he was talking to a wall the whole day, if it weren’t for the fact there were many people around, he would have kicked him a few times. “The Liu Brothers are no longer in Bai County, perhaps they are not even in this province anymore. Third and Fourth Team Leader’s troops reported that from the interview with the civilians who live nearby, the two people who claimed to see them, saw them a few days ago when they were rushing down the mountains.”

- my thoughts:
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