Chapter 286 Quality assurance

Heh, Su Mian knew that although her youngest uncle did not speak much, his words were always on point when he did speak.

Seeing that Su Mian sat next to her few aunts, her uncle also pulled a chair over and sat down. Su Mian would be talking for a long while.

Su Mian did not beat around the bush and spoke directly, “We have a lot of problems with the supermarket and I’ll give a summary. Hear me out, and if there’s anything wrong, let’s talk about it.”

The aunts had long felt hopeless about this supermarket so now that Su Mian wanted to help them analyse the problem, they naturally did not object.

“Firstly, I think there’s not enough publicity. Nobody understands what a supermarket is and doesn’t know what our supermarket does. Right now, they don’t even dare to come in. Secondly, the vegetables, fruits, and pork are not fresh so customers are unwilling to buy them. Things that aren’t sold become a backlog of unsellable goods, so a vicious cycle is formed. Thirdly, in terms of prices, we don’t have an advantage compared to the vegetable market. Fourth, the advantages of the supermarket have not been fully utilised.”

Youngest Aunt took out a notebook and wrote them down one by one, “So many problems? How can we fix it?” Youngest Aunt was the most worried about the supermarket’s business situation. After all, she had no other source of income.

Eldest Aunt patted her thigh, “Su Mian, you’ve found the problems, so from now on, just tell us what we need to do!” Since it had already come to this, she did not believe that it could get any worse!

The others all thought the same.

Su Mian saw that her aunts and uncles were all waiting for her to bring out the methods, so she was not humble, “In a while, let’s put some fresh and cheap vegetables outside the door to let people know what we’re selling. There are also daily necessities that are about to expire, which we’ll put on discount. On one hand, this will let everyone know that we have special offers and on the other hand, the accumulated inventory will be cleaned out regularly. We will continue this in the future. Daily necessities have a shelf life so those with a few months left will all be discounted.”

“Furthermore, we’ll throw away all the unfresh vegetables, fruits, and pork in the supermarkt and re-import new ones. In the future, we must also have quality assurance and not sell stale items. After 7pm, the vegetables and fruits will be put on discount for the day.”

“Then you can carry out some promotional activities for the holidays. In fact, to put it bluntly, it’ll still be about discounts. The opening hours of the supermarket should also be clear. It would be best to write it clearly in big words and stick it outside, the time business starts, the time it ends, to make it convenient for the customers.”

After Su Mian finished speaking, no one spoke for a long time.

In the end, it was the youngest aunt who rubbed her hands together and said with a chuckle, “That, Su Mian, it’s a pity to throw away so many vegetables. How about we try to sell them for another two days?”

Su Mian knew that they could not bear wasting those vegetables. “Youngest aunt, I know that those vegetables also cost money, but you know too that the vegetables at the vegetable market are fresh and new every morning and there is a lot of variety. Let me ask you, the prices are almost the same so why wouldn’t people go to the vegetable market to buy it? Would they want to buy your bad vegetables? When I stood at the entrance for so long just now, I found that the main problem was that our vegetables were not fresh. For good business, fresh vegetables must be guaranteed.”

“I agree with what Su Mian said. We will discount the vegetables that were not sold during the day. It’s possible in the future that someone will come just to buy the discounted vegetables!” Second Aunt’s mind turned fast.

They acted without delay. At noon, the supermarket was comprehensively rectified according to what Su Mian had said. Two rows of stands had been set up outside the door.

The aunts also got rid of their pride and began to shout loudly, “Fresh vegetables, fresh vegetables, free gifts when you buy groceries, this is a rare opportunity, those walking and passing by should come and take a look!”

Hearing the noise, pedestrians gathered around gradually. In the beginning, not many people bought things and most of them were assessing the situation. After a while, there were more and more people and Su Mian launched a buy one get one free event.

Any customer who bought vegetables were able to choose a daily necessity to take away with them. Su Mian put out the daily chemical products in the stalls.

After the first person bought something and found that it was real, it became out of control.

- my thoughts:
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