Chapter 289 Crime

When Su Mian came to the evening self-study class, Zhang Yan Jie felt a wave of panic.

Why was Su Mian all safe and sound? Could it be that Lao Wu had not succeeded or that over a dozen people could not stop her?

Zhang Yan Jie was restless and wanted to talk to Sun Ying, but in the past few days, Sun Ying had been possessed by who knew what and had devoted herself to studying. She would not even accompany her to the bathroom.

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Moreover, as soon as she mentioned something related to Su Mian, Sun Ying would stare at her inexplicably.

What did Sun Ying mean, could it be that she did not want Su Mian to be taken away now? She did not hate Su Mian?

Zhang Yan Jie felt that there must be some misunderstanding between her and Sun Ying. When she found the opportunity, she would have to explain to her well.

Two days later on Tuesday morning, Su Mian was in class when Lao Qian brought two policemen from the police station to find Su Mian.

Su Mian was also dazed.

Something big was happening in the class.

“What crime did Su Mian commit?”

“Heavens, this is a crime!”

“That’s right, even people from the police station came, it definitely can’t be good!”

The classmates talked all at once, saying anything and everything.

In this era, people had a weak legal concept and had decided that no good people would go to the police station.

Wei Min was worried about Su Mian so was determined to follow, but the policemen from the police station refused to let her go, “Student, you should go back to class. We are just looking for Su Mian to find out about a situation.”

Wei Min watched on as Su Mian was taken away and felt anxious. It would be great if her brother was by her side. He would definitely have a way to handle this.

Su Mian did not know what was going on until she arrived at the police station.

Lao Wu and one other person who had been bitten by Wen Wen had died this morning.

Karma! Evil people deserved retribution. She inwardly praised Wen Wen greatly.

Wen Wen revealed his nine tails triumphantly. At that time, it had been urgent and he had changed into a big white dog at first thought.

Autopsy results showed that Lao Wu and the other person had died of rabies.

In the morning, Zhang Xiao Feng had gone to the police station to report the case. The matter involved the lives of two people so of course he would be afraid of being dragged into it.

The group of gangsters who assaulted her that night had all been brought in, along with the uncle and aunty of the bun shop at the school gate.

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“Student, please tell us what had happened that night.” Lao Qian gestured at Su Mian. This girl was indeed pretty. It was no wonder their old captain was worried and these gangsters kept thinking about her.

Su Mian recounted the situation that night. Of course, she said that when she was surrounded by the gangsters, she did not know who’s family’s big white dog had saved her.

“You’re lying, that dog is obviously yours, otherwise how come it didn’t bite you?” One gangster insisted that the dog was Su Mian’s.

“It didn’t bite the uncle and aunty either, the big white dog obviously only bit the bad people! Policemen, you have to make the right decision. I’m a poor student living at school and I don’t have spare money to take care of a dog. Besides, the school doesn’t allow pets. If you don’t believe me, you can go to the school and ask. How can I take care of a dog when it’s already a problem to feed myself? Moreover, policemen, it was these gangsters who stopped me on the side of the road that night. If it weren’t for the big white dog and the aunty coming out, they would definitely have gotten me. You have to investigate it well. The public security around our school has been destroyed by these people.” When Su Mian thought of how these gangsters pinned the blame on her without a second thought, she naturally returned it. 

“You’re talking nonsense. Policemen, two of our brothers were bitten to death by this girl’s dog.”

Lao Qian had long heard of these gangsters running rampant in the streets, but there had been no evidence.

“Policemen, I can testify.” The aunty stood up bravely. She had long been unable to withstand these gangsters.

- my thoughts:
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