Chapter 34: I Know A Secret

Su Mian truly admired Zhang Yan Jie’s mysterious logic, “You like Li Ya Jun, but he doesn’t like you back, and that becomes my fault? You pushed down Li Ya Jun and was noticed by someone else, that’s also my fault? Then let me ask you this, you started a rumor about me seducing a teacher, how should I ask you to pay for that?”

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“You knew?”

“Of course I knew!” In her past life, Su Mian was too cowardly and endured everything. In the end, she could not endure the rumors and slander and dropped out of school. In the end, she enlisted into the army.

Every year-end, there would be a commendation in the health division. There would only be one person that would get nominated and promoted. This rumor was also pulled out at that time. Su Mian did not think much of it then, but now, it should have been something that Su Hong had reported. After all, because of that incident, Su Hong became nominated in the end.

“Then why did you endure it?”

“Because I know a secret,” Su Mian pretended to cast a glance towards Zhang Yan Jie.

Zhang Yan Jie retreated a step as she went on guard. She originally planned to cover her stomach, but she immediately put her hands down as she was afraid Su Mian would notice.

Su Mian only probed things out. According to her speculation the past few weeks, Zhang Yan Jie’s abdomen had been swelling. By her small movement this time, it confirmed her guess, “The one who seduced the biology teacher was you, right? The child in your stomach should also be his!”

“You are talking nonsense. I did not seduce him. He was the one who compelled me to do it in order for him to agree to slander you!”

“So you finally admit that you framed me?”

“So what if I admitted, who would believe you? Right now, everyone believed that you had seduced the biology teacher!”

Su Mian looked at Wei Min and Li Ya Jun walking over from behind Zhang Yan Jie, and she smiled.

“You still dare to smile at this time!” Zhang Yan Jie was almost driven mad by Su Mian, “If it was not because of you, how could I have been r*ped by him? If it was not because of you, how could I be detested by Li Ya Jun? Su Mian, it’s your fault. It’s all because of you. Today, I will kill you!”

Zhang Yan Jie quickly took out a sharp long knife from her pocket and launched herself at Su Mian.

Su Mian moved her feet and ducked to the side, easily dodging Zhang Yan Jie’s attack without breaking a sweat. She had chased rabbits for a whole month, making her body quite agile.

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At this time, Li Ya Jun led some teenagers to run towards Zhang Yan Jie and quickly pinned her down. They also took away the knife in her hand.

Zhang Yan Jie was now pinned to the ground. When she saw Li Ya Jun, she quickly panicked, “Li Ya Jun, let me explain. What I just said was not real! Su Mian, it’s Su Mian. She’s the one who seduced the biology teacher!”

Wei Min walked over and slapped Zhang Yan Jie, “Stop talking rubbish! I never imagined that you would be so malicious. You truly paid the price for trying to frame Su Mian. It serves you right to be r*ped by the biology teacher. For a person like you, being r*ped a hundred times wouldn’t be enough!”

At night, the whole truth of Zhang Yan Jie framing Su Mian had finally been revealed. The public opinion finally leaned towards Su Mian. The entire village had been praising her benevolence and righteousness. They praised how she did not even say anything after being wronged and criticized Zhang Yan Jie’s viciousness. Who told Zhang Yan Jie to try to gain an advantage only to end up being worse off?

In the end, Zhang Yan Jie’s parents made her have an abortion. When she returned, she had lost a lot of weight and became spiritless. She would occasionally stand at the doorway and hide back inside the house whenever someone passed by.

Because of their daughter’s matter, the number of people who bought their family’s tofu decreased. The father could not do anything about it. Every day he came out, people would stare at him with a peculiar gaze. In just a few days, he brought his wife and daughter and moved houses.

As the twelfth lunar month started, every single family became busier. Su Mian followed He Qin to sweep the tombs, sweep the rooms, tidy up the house, and prepared new year goods.

Su Jiang Hai and Su Jin Long also became busier. Su Mian had also drawn a few Mediterranean dining tables for them, increasing their sales.

On this day, Su Mian had entered the tower space. Da Hua and Xiao Hua did not wait upon her like usual. When she entered the medicine tower, she saw that they were both sleeping.

She went to the second level to read for two hours and came back down to see them, but they were still sleeping. Su Mian finally went over to Da Hua and touched her forehead.

Oh no! She has a fever!

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