Chapter 4.1: The True Miss (4)

The history class representative was a boy. Lifting the homework past Qiao Xiyin, he saw the Oxford English dictionary on her desk. He suddenly felt respect for Qiao Xiyin.

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To be able to bypass one hundred places to get into Class 0 indeed needs solid hard work. Let alone, this was a pure and sweet-looking girl. 

This body’s face and name was the same as Qiao Xiyin’s. But the original owner never really scared about her own looks in the past seventeen years, so it turned yellow and scrawny, leaving only the remaining dainty features from her bone structure.

But, Qiao Xiyin was very confident that she could recover half of her beauty in a short amount of time. The Heaven-favored son was still at her home. What else would she use the luck for? 

Later, Qiao Xiyin followed a set pattern and dealt with the other subject’s representatives. Actually, in the third year, not turning in homework wasn’t that big of a deal. But in Class 0, the requirements for every student were a little higher and stricter. The list of those who didn’t turn in homework would only consist of those with the highest grades.

Everyone has different learning habits. Whether one finishes the teacher’s assignment is not that important. Because of this, the language arts and government teacher never examined the list.

The first class was always language arts. Qiao Xiyin successfully made up the geography homework and turned it in. Geography was a subject she needed to focus on since she didn’t know a single thing on this world’s map. After she flipped through more maps, she’ll be able to do most of the things she needed to know.

As expected, doing homework at school was way more efficient than at home. After making up geography homework, Qiao Xiyin continued her reading of the dictionary. Based on her current reading speed, she didn’t know how long it’ll take to memorize words so that she’ll be able to have a foundation in the language.

During the first and second class, some drizzle blew in from outside the window, wetting the ground. Because of this, the large class block ended with the sounds of joy. Everyone was either catching up on sleep, doing practice problems, or putting on music at the podium with their computer.

So, the third year could be like this. Qiao Xiyin grasped her head looking through the English book. The Chang Shilin next to her was already gone with a friend to who knows where. The two sat near the window, a spot easy to call others. Pulling open the window, Chang Shilin was too lazy to walk around, and directly jumped out of the window into the hallway.

There were people knocking on the window again. The window shades were pulled shut and the light in the class turned on since the students on that side felt that having the shades up lacked security. Every once in a while patrolling teachers could look in the class.

Qiao Xiyin pulled open the shades. Outside the window stood a girl that Qiao Xiyin had a vague impression of. It was the language arts class representative, “Qiao Xiyin, Old Li called you to the office.”

Only allowed on

Old Li was their language arts teacher’s nickname. Coincidentally, he was also the teacher in charge of the class.

Qiao Xiyin nodded her head in thanks. The girl hesitated a moment before comforting, “Don’t be too nervous. He probably called you for a casual conversation since you just came to our class.”

“I understand,” Qiao Xiyin smiled, “Thank you.”

The class representative then left the window to find her friends. In the meantime, one could still hear “The new classmate is too gentle” types of words.

Ah, gentle.

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