Chapter 47 – Tesla – Electric Domain Shield

Nick saw hordes of mages, including the warriors and several others who were on mounts or used spells to increase their speed coming straight at him. The grounds of the otherwise silent Anderium Forest were vibrating as a stampede of more than 400 individuals ran in one direction.

Nick smiled and created 10 Sonic Bullets and randomly set targets. He shot at the enemy, and the Sonic Bullets exploded the heads of 10 more mages, bringing the total count down from 425 to 415. This was still a lot of power.

“I must first find a place to hide and defend.”

Nick climbed down from the tree, making a move even before his feet actually touched the ground. He did not run just using his physical capability. His speed was faster now, as his body was on par with Prive Level Warriors. But he boosted this with magical energy to run even faster towards the mountains, without looking back. The red-light energy encased him in the darkness, making him look like a tiny sun on the run. No matter how much distance he put between himself and his pursuers, the forest creatures could see him without any problem.

His target destination was the Anderium South Mountains. The mountain range was close to him, and it had many caves. Nick believed that if he could enter a cave, he could build a defensive shield at the entrance. Using advanced knowledge and magic, he wanted to create a protective barrier.

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By this time, he had enough of an idea, and time, to create an escape spell.

Ten minutes later, Nick reached the Anderium South Mountains and looked for a cave that was big enough for him to enter and small enough to set up a magical shield that his enemies could not break easily. Also, it would not consume too much magical energy to set up the barrier. Anderium South Mountains are pretty close to Underbroom Cave not more than 15 km. From these south mountains one can go to village-areas, where the most of human villages are stationed.

He soon found the ideal place, but he realized that the distance between him and his enemies was down to 2 KM considering they had mounts and means to increase their speed. This meant he had only one minute to build his defense.

Nick entered the cave without thinking, turned his back to the cave’s entrance, and started thinking.

Pumped with the adrenalin rush from the chase, his mind was working at its fullest. Also, he was not scared of being killed. If push comes to shove, he could still use the pen Void Hunter Rat gave him.

Nick thought a little and started creating an energy shield. To create the shield, he imagined an electrical current energy shield that could burn any hostile force that entered the cave. The idea fermenting in his mind was to create an electro-magical shield.

Creating a shield that specialized in endurance, against more than 400 mages, was not the best idea. The collective power of 400 mages was enough to break the shield that would be created at this current level.

“The shield should be invisible. It would not be easy for any mage to understand the shield has even been set up.”

Nick thought and started creating the shield by adding imagination and knowledge.

‘Electrical Domain Shield.’


‘Imagine a Tesla-Coil’

‘Imagine the electrical currents create an invisible web and connect with each other.’

‘Knowledge 1’


‘Electricity is the flow of electrical power or charge. The energy sources we use to make electricity can be renewable or non-renewable, but electricity itself is neither renewable nor non-renewable. Electricity is a basic part of nature, and it is one of our most widely used forms of energy.’

‘Knowledge 2’

‘Alternating Current’

‘Alternating current (AC) is an electric current that periodically reverses direction and changes its magnitude continuously with time in contrast to direct current (DC) which flows only in one direction. Audio and radio signals carried on electrical wires are also examples of alternating current.’

‘Rule 1’ (Electrical Domain Shield can use ‘Sunlight’ as energy to refill the magical energy itself)

‘Rule 2’ (If Tesla Coil, the source of ‘Electrical Domain Shield’ is broken, the shield will lose its effects. Tesla Bobine can be hidden five meters underground and do not need any manual work to activate the spell)

As Nick completed the spell, he took a deep breath and used his magical energy. Within seven seconds, a black-colored tesla coil manifested in his hands. Nick used his magical energy to dig up a hole, and then hid the tesla coil in it.

He gulped as he heard sounds coming from outside. The attackers had already neared the cave.

He immediately got up, backed away from the entrance, and whispered.

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“Electrical Domain Shield, Activate!”

The coil charged up and activated as the spell was cast. It formed an electro-magical shield that could stop people and other creatures from entering. The shield could also contain magical attacks and would not be breached unless a being, higher than a Provec Level, attacked with pure force.

People such as Elic and other Provec Level mages could not stop it by force unless they found the tesla coil and destroyed it. But that too was not possible as Nick hid the tesla coil in the hole that was protected by the shield itself.

There was much that could be used to cheat the rules and adding rules to spells was easy too. Without additional rules, Nick could never create a spell such as this because, in the end, his magical power was not sufficient. Everyone could see and understand this.

The mage groups reached the mountainside by now and scanned the caves lining up the mountain. Soon enough, they spotted a cave radiating dim red energy. Elic and other leaders had caught up by now as well. With their magical power and level, it was easy to tail the other members.

An eager, young mage ran towards the cave entrance to attack the enemy but just as he tried to step inside, a lightning flash struck the young man and electrocuted him.

The only remaining proof that someone was there a moment ago, was ashes.

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