chapter 56 – execution

In a dark, gloomy room, a Werfur female was staring at the mirror. Her reflection was filled with rage and hatred.

This Werfur was none other than Wailin, the former council member of the Werfur Base – Anderium.

Because of her unscrupulous behavior and rude words towards the human named Epsilon, the Anderium Base leader first issued her a warning and then stripped her of her status as a council member when she failed to abide by it.

The disciplinary action intensified her anger towards the human race, and especially towards Epsilon, festering with time.

How could the leader of their race, sign a Golden Document with the human mage and because of him, demote her. This remained an unacceptable grievance with her.

Wailin never liked humans due to several instances of both the past and present. If caught by the humans, the best ending one may get was instant death.

Otherwise, they would be used as magic slaves, sex slaves, slaves in general, or just playthings for the rich human-mage kids.

They would be played with and hunted like farm animals.

Wailin’s mind was filled with these negative thoughts when there was a knock on her door. Soon after, her trusted maid and spy entered the room.

The maid lowered her head a little when she looked at Wailin and started talking. She informed Wailin about the feud that happened between the Werfur students and Epsilon at the Werfur Anderium Magic School Main Testing Grounds.

Wailin listened intently, without missing a single detail. A sinister idea formed in her mind, and she immediately called Wariv, Wednel’s father, and her old friend.

She portrayed Epsilon as the ‘bad guy’ who tried to hurt his son and his friends.

She believed that after listening to how his son was humiliated, Wariv would use his power to challenge the agreement made under the Golden Document. Once that happened, Epsilon would lose his protection. Rabial and his connections would not be good enough to save him then.

Wailin held this long grudge against Epsilon not only because she lost her position at the council. But in her mind, she was taking revenge on humans in general by trying to destroy Epsilon. As convoluted as it seemed, no one could stop her.

Wailin told Wariv what happened in the courtyard. She told a one-sided, half factual story, placing the complete blame on Epsilon.

Wariv heard her and without thinking it through, in the heat of the moment, he went to Wednel to understand what happened between him and the human with the Golden Document.

Wednel, who was embarrassed due to the events that happened in the courtyard, narrated a similar half-true story like Wailin. Accusing Epsilon, he said that the human mage created problems with the students and then targeted him specifically.

Wariv had some doubts after hearing Wailin’s story. But once Wednel seconded nearly the same account, he stormed out of his house to find the leader of the Anderium Base.

In a big courtyard, a brownish Werfur was sitting on a table, viewing the forest. This was Warin, the leader of the Werfur Base – Anderium. This courtyard was his playground.

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While Warin was still gazing at the forest, one of the maids entered the courtyard and informed.

“Lord Warin, Council Member Wariv wants to speak to you. He says it is about an important matter.”

Warin nodded and smiled as he ordered.

“Let him in.”

With Warin’s order, Wariv entered the courtyard and walked towards him. As he got closer, he bowed with respect and started talking.

“Leader, I am sorry to bother you but please hear me out.”

Warin nodded as he looked at Wariv’s eyes and waited without saying anything. Receiving the signal that he could continue, Wariv registered his complaint.

“Lord Warin, the Golden Document bearing human mage, Epsilon, attacked my son and his friends unprovoked. My son was not harmed too much but he was demeaned, and his mind is deeply hurt.”

Warin did not react and simply nodded. Three seconds later, he shook his hand and a peculiar magical screen manifested in front of them. Warin then started talking.

“Who was the first person to speak to you about this matter?”

The tone of the question surprised Wariv but he answered anyway.

“It was Wailin, my leader.”

Warin laughed gently and asked another question.

“We all know I forcibly discharged Wailin from the council member position because she was disrespectful towards the human mage Epsilon, right?”

Wariv gulped and nodded. At this time, Warin voiced his thoughts.

“Just after I took her position, suddenly our Golden Document carrier human mage decides to attack your son and friends without being provoked, just because he wants to?

“Do you not think this matter is rather suspect?”

Wariv sighed deeply, and his eyes turned slightly red. His years of experience finally rang an alarm bell in his head. He was angry at Wailin and his son Wednel. He hated Wailin because she baited him to punish the human mage and he was angry with his son because he misused his fatherly affection to manipulate him into talking to their leader. He, a council member who understood political mind games, was completely duped, and in front of his leader.

Once he figured this, Wariv wanted to rush back to his house and think things through. However, Warin was not finished yet. He stopped him and with a gesture of his hands, an image of the courtyard manifested on the screen that he had conjured earlier.

Wariv watched the events unfold one by one. Nick’s (Epsilon) words and his son’s behavior, including the attacks his son used against the Golden Document carrier just because he wanted to show off to his friends and the Werfur girl behind him, were all on display.

A speechless Wariv with a lowered head walked towards his room. He also could not forget the words he heard before he left Warin’s courtyard.

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“Execution Order for Werfur Wailin – Past Council Member is initiated. She is too unstable and did not heed my order thrice. She tried to use trickery to blame a Golden Document carrier and cheated a council member.”

These words sounded the death knell on Wailin’ life.

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